Author/s: | J. Albert, G. P.Dubois-Felsmann, D. G. Hitlin, F. C. Porter, G. Bonneaud, S. Playfer, M. Biagini, P. Raimondi, A. Stocchi, France , S. Bettarini, G. Calderini, F. Forti, M. A. Giorgi, A. Lusiani, N. Neri, Superiore and INFN, I-56127 Pisa, Italy , L. Silvestrini, INFN, I-00185 Roma, Italy , M. Ciuchini, Y. Cai, S. Ecklund, D. W. G. S. Leith, A. Novokhatski, B. N.Ratcliff, A. Roodman, J. Seeman, M. Sullivan, U. Wienands, W. J. Wisniewski, D. B. MacFarlane, F. Martinez-Vidal, T. J. Gershon, M. Pierini |
Title: | SuperB: a Linear High-Luminosity B Factory | Report: | INFN / AE_05 / 8 |
Date: | 20-12-2005 |
PACS: | PACS: 12.15.Hh, 13.25.Hw, 13.35.Dx |
Pubblished on: | |
PDF File: | INFN-AE-05-8.pdf |
Url: | |
Abstract: | This paper is based on the outcome of the activity that has taken place during the recent workshop on ``\\SuperB\\ in Italy'' held in Frascati on November 11-12, 2005. The workshop was opened by a theoretical introduction of Marco Ciuchini and was structured in two working groups. One focused on the machine and the other on the detector and experimental issues. The present status on \\CP\\ is mainly based on the results achieved by \\babar\\ and \\Belle. Estabilishment of the indirect \\CP\\ violation in \\B\\ sector in 2001 and of the direct CP violation in 2004 thanks to the success of \\pep2\\ and KEKB \\epem\\ asymmetric $B$ Factories operating at the center of mass energy corresponding to the mass of the \\FourS. With the two $B$ Factories taking data, the Unitarity Triangle is now beginning to be overconstrained by improving the measurements of the sides and now also of the angles $\\alpha$, and $\\gamma$. We are also in presence of the very intriguing results about the measurements of \\stwob\\ in the time dependent analysis of decay channels via penguin loops, where $\\b \\to \\s\\sbar\\s$ and $\\b \\to \\s\\dbar\\d$. \\mtau\\ physics, in particular LFV search, as well as charm and ISR physics are important parts of the scientific program of a \\SuperB Factory. The physics case together with possible scenarios for the high luminosity \\SuperB Factory based on the concepts of the Linear Collider and the related experimental issues are discussed. |
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