Thursday, June 12th - h.
Aula Seminari (A34)
Jorge Zuluaga
Instituto de Fisica, Universidad
de Antioquia
Medellin - Colombia
Searching for Sub-eV Neutrino Masses
using Supernova Neutrinos
Compelling evidences in favor of neutrino masses were obtained during
the last few years by different oscillation neutrino experiments.
However, oscillation experiments can provide informations only on the
differences of neutrino mass squared. The problem of the determination of
the absolute values of neutrino masses is apparently among the most difficult
ones from the experimental point of view. One well known approach to this
problem is based on the study of the neutrino signalfrom a future Galactic
supernova. We present preliminary results of a new technique based on this
method, that is completely independent of
astrophysical assumptions and that, contrary to common belief, can reach
a sensitivity to the interesting mass range below 1 eV.