Wednesday, December 10th 2003 - h. 15:00 Aula Touschek (ITP NSC KhIPT, Kharkov)
- Coherent
(CB) and channeling radiation (CR): history, validity conditions...
- The motion of relativistic
and positrons in periodical field of crystal atomic strings, dynamical
chaos phenomenon at channeling and scattering of the particles in
crystal, Levy flights in crystal.
- Influence of the motion types
on coherent radiation (CB at dynamical chaos conditions, ...), X-ray
coherent radiation, simulation of spectrum and polarization of coherent
radiation, radiation
by relativistic electrons and positrons in oriented crystals, theory
and Kharkov
experiment for 1 GeV electron energy, new experiment proposals on CB
CR at Frascati.
Additional questions (if it will be interesting): - Parametric X-ray in crystal (line width for electrons and positrons). - Radiation in pre-wave zone, influence of transfer target size on tranition radiation. - Coherent radiation at collisions of short bunches of relativistic particles. |