Monday, 28 June 2004 - h. 15:00 Auditorium B. Touschek
Experiment at FermiLab: an Overview (from nuclear physicist's
Abstract The recently-approved MINERvA Experiment at FermiLab is a high statistics, high resolution, neutrino and anti-neutrino - nucleon /nucleus scattering experiment. MINERvA will measure neutrino crosssections and probe nuclear effects essential to present and future neutrino oscillation experiments. Moreover, with the intense neutrino beam provided by the NuMI facility, the experiment will be able to address a wide variety of neutrino topics of interest to both the elementary particle physics and nuclear physics communities - including form factors, duality, and the EMC effect. An overview of the experiment will be provided, with some emphasis on measurements of interest to the nuclear physics community. |