Thursday 23 March 2006 - h. 11:30
Auditorium B. Touschek
N. Kardashev
(ASC-LPI, Moscow)
The activity of the Astro Space Center (ASC) of the
P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute.
The ASC was formed for conducting fundamental researches in astrophysics (including cosmology, structure and evolution of astronomical objects, interstellar and interplanetary medium) and developing new ground and space astronomical systems to study the Universe in different ranges of electromagnetic spectrum. ASC has two radio (from cm to m ranges) observatories near Moscow and new high mounts observatory of mm range is under construction in Uzbekistan. ASC is the responsible organization (according to approved Russian Federal Space Program) in preparation of two big space astronomical missions: RadioAstron (Space-Earth radio interferometer in the range 1cm-1m at angular resolution up to 1micro seconds of arc) and Millimetron (space observatory and interferometer in range 10micrometer-2cm ). Some new results of astronomical observations (structure of extragalactic radio sources, pulsars, maser emission of star formation regions, turbulence of interstellar and interplanetary matters) and prospect of future programs will be presented.