Thursday, January 22th, 2004- h. 15:00 Auditorium B.
Touschek INFN - Catania
The equation of state of nuclear matter is the fundamental
input to build models of neutron stars according to the Einstein's
general theory of
relativity. In fact, typical stellar properties like
masses, radii, rotational periods, damping times of nonradial
etc., strongly depend on the equation of state at densities
up to one order of magnitude larger than the saturation value.
Due to the large densities
attainable in the core,
in massive neutron stars a hadron-quark phase transition is
In my talk, I will discuss several equations of state both for nuclear matter (Brueckner-Hartree-Fock and relativistic mean field theories), and for quark matter (Nambu--Jona-Lasinio and the MIT Bag models). I will mainly discuss the effects of hyperonic matter and quark color superconductivity on neutron stars' structure. Finally, I will propose some observational signatures, related to stellar rotations and nonradial oscillations, which could indicate the presence of deconfined quark matter in neutron stars' core.