Thursday, March 27th - h. 15:00
Auditorium B. Touschek
R. Barbieri
Scuola Normale Superiore e INFN,
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking:
where do we stand?
While the identity of their basic gauge nature can be considered
established, the physics underlying the different behavior of the photon
and of the intermediate weak bosons is still unknown. This goes under the
name of ElectroWeak Symmetry Breaking problem. Most likely, the so-called
Standard Model of the elementary particle interactions only offers an effective
phenomenological description of EWSB. The solution of this problem is
preliminary and central to any possible unified view of the interactions
among the elementary particles, including gravity. Experimentally, its
investigation is at the core of the program of the Large Hadron Collider,
under construction at CERN in Geneva.
I will review the present status of the EWSB problem and a recent proposal
to address it.