Friday, June 1st, h. 15,00 A-34 Seminar Room Prof. Stanley J. Brodsky SLAC, Stanford University Novel Effects in QCD
Abstract The quantum fluctuations of hadron wavefunctions as represented by the light-front Fock expansion leads to novel QCD phenomena such as color transparency, intrinsic heavy quark distributions, diffractive dissociation, and hidden-color components of nuclear wavefunctions. A new test of hidden color in deuteron photodisintegration is proposed. The origin of leading-twist phenomena such as the diffractive component of deep inelastic scattering, single-spin asymmetries, nuclear shadowing and antishadowing will also be discussed. Part of the anomalous NuTeV results for the weak mixing angle could be due to the non-universality of nuclear antishadowing for charged and neutral currents. The light-front Fock-state wavefunctions provide a frame-independent representation of hadrons in terms of their fundamental quark and gluon degrees of freedom. Nonperturbative methods for computing LFWFs in QCD will be briefly discussed, including AdS/QCD. The Fourier transform of the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering amplitude with respect to the skewness variable at fixed invariant momentum transfer provides a unique way to measure light-front wavefunctions and to visualize the structure of a hadron in the longitudinal coordinate space.