[Fwd: Postdoc-Position at Florida State Univ.]
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 10:08:19 +0100 (MET)
From: Birgit Breetzke <bbahr@mail.desy.de>
Subject: Postdoc-Position at Florida State Univ.
To: zeus+zeuscp@desy.de
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I've just added the following ad to the ZEUS list of open jobs.
Best regards,
Birgit Breetzke
* Birgit Breetzke DESY *
* ZEUS Secretariat ZEUS/F1 *
* Phone: +49-40-8998-3680 Notkestr. 85 *
* Fax: +49-40-8998-3092 22607 Hamburg *
* Email: Birgit.Breetzke@desy.de Germany *
The High Energy Physics group at Florida State University has an immediate
opening for a postdoctoral research associate in experimental high energy
physics, to work with the D0 collaboration at the Fermilab Tevatron collider.
The research associate will be based at Fermilab and will be expected to work
on the upgrade of the experiment, concentrating on the design and
implementation of the Silicon Tracking Trigger, using advanced design
tools. He/she would also be expected to become actively involved in the
physics program, including studies of single top, SUSY, direct photons,
and Higgs physics.
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, list of publications and
the names of three references should be sent to:
Stephan L. Linn or to Horst D. Wahl
Physics Department, MS 4350
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4350
FAX 850-644-6735
Applications by e-mail, as well as enquiries regarding this position can be
directed to linn@scri.fsu.edu or wahl@hep.fsu.edu.
Florida State University is an equal opportunity employer with an affirmative
action program, and especially encourages applications from women and members
of minority groups.
| Horst D. Wahl wahl@hep.fsu.edu |
| Physics Department, MS 4350 Tel. 850-644-3509 or 6809 |
| Florida State University FAX 850-644-6735 |
| Tallahassee, FL 32306-4350 |