
No Subject

From:	SMTP%"Irmgard.Harm@desy.de" 19-APR-1999 11:49:36.04
Subj:	Distribution of List of Open Jobs

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 11:38:40 +0200 (MET DST)
From: "Irmgard.Harm@desy.de" <harm@desy.de>
Subject: Distribution of List of Open Jobs
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To: zeus+zeuscp@desy.de
Reply-to: Irmgard Harm <Irmgard.Harm@desy.de>
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Irmgard Harm                                     DESY  F01  Notkestr. 85
ZEUS Secretary                                   D-22603 Hamburg,  Germany
                                                 Tel.:  +49-40-8998-2347
                                                 Fax:   +49-40-8994-3092
                                                 Email: Irmgard.Harm@desy.de


This list of vacant positions is supplemented whenever a new offer is received.
It will be mailed to all contact persons of ZEUS and should be made public
within your group.  The list can also be found on the Web at the location:


Old ads will be deleted three months after reception.  Should you like to
submit an offer, please forward a straight ASCII file to the ZEUS secretary.



This ad was addec on April 19, 1999:

                        PENN STATE UNIVERSITY
                    Experimental High Energy Physics
                     Postdoctoral Appointee Position 
    The experimental high energy physics group at The Pennsylvania
State University has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral appointee 
with the group participating in the ZEUS experiment at HERA. The successful 
candidate will be expected to reside in Hamburg, Germany where she/he would 
participate in the maintenance of the ZEUS Uranium/Scintillator Calorimeter 
and in acquisition and analysis of data.

    The Penn State University group contributes to diverse efforts of the 
physics analysis of the ZEUS experiment, currently concentrating on 
studies of diffraction, hadronic final states and jet physics, but the 
successful candidate could choose to work on a topic of her/his choice.

    The appointment will normally be renewable annually for a maximum of
three years, subject to mutual satisfaction and the availability of funds 
under our NSF contract.  

    Candidates should have, or soon will have, a Ph.D. in experimental 
elementary particle physics and hardware and/or software experience. 
For additional information, please contact Jim Whitmore (814-863-3314 at 
Penn State, 49-40-8998-2009 at DESY or email to whitmore@mail.desy.de).

    Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae and arrange to 
have three letters of recommendation sent directly to:

Jim Whitmore
Department of Physics           or to:
104 Davey Lab                         
Penn State University                whitmore@mail.desy.de
University Park, PA 16802

Penn State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity
employer.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.


These ads were added on April 12, 1999:

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London.

Lectureship in High Energy Physics

Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer in High Energy Physics 
at the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London.

The group's active experimental programme embraces the ALEPH experiment at 
LEP, the ZEUS experiment at HERA, the BABAR experiment at SLAC, the CMS and 
LHC-B experiments at LHC and the UK Dark Matter Experiment. It has also 
recently joined the DO experiment at the Tevatron. Within the group there 
is a strong tradition of detector development and construction which has 
led to key activities in the above experiments. Further details of the 
group's programme may be found on:
It is anticipated that the starting date for this position will be October 
1st 1999 and that the appointee will initially take responsibility for the 
new DO activity.

Following a successful 3 year probationary period this will become a tenured 
teaching position. Salary will be in the range 16,655 - 29,048 pounds plus 
2,134 pounds London allowance.

Further information may be obtained from
Professor P J Dornan
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
Email:   P.Dornan@ic.ac.uk

to whom applications, comprising a curriculum vitae, a list of publications 
and the names and addresses of three referees should be sent, by 10 May 1999.

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London.

Research Associate Position in High Energy Physics

The Experimental High Energy Physics Group at the Blackett Laboratory has 
a vacancy for a Research Associate to work on the development of the DO 
detector at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory for use with the 
upgraded Tevatron Collider.
The Imperial College group has recently joined the DO Collaboration and
will take a leading role in the development of the third level trigger
system, a software trigger based on NT server technology. This is
required to exploit the addition of a solenoid and silicon tracking to
the detector and to cope with the much-increased luminosity. Candidates
should have a good software background and ideally will have some prior
experience of C++ programming in a large international collaboration. 

The DO experiment will access an entirely new energy regime and will
offer the opportunity to investigate a wide range of physics at the
forefront of knowledge. Data taking will start in the Spring of 2000. 
For further details, see

An appointment will be made as soon as possible and would be initially
for a period up to September 30th 2000. Salary, according to age, will
be in the range 17,293 - 24,919 pounds including 2,134 pounds London

Applications comprising a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and
the names and addresses of two referees should be sent as soon as
possible to: -
Professor Ian Butterworth
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
Email:   I.Butterworth@ic.ac.uk

Further information can be obtained from Dr Trevor Bacon at the above
address or via e-mail to T.Bacon@ic.ac.uk.

This ad was added on April 7, 1999:


The experimental high energy physics group at UMass/Amherst is seeking 
applications for a postdoctoral research associate position to start in 
the Summer of 1999. The group is currently active in both the SLD and 
BaBar projects at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and has an 
interest in the physics potential at a next generation e+e- linear 

We seek candidates who have a primary interest in exploiting 
the physics potential of the BaBar project. We are particularly 
interested in candidates with experience and expertise in the data 
analysis techniques and software systems used in high energy physics.

Familiarity with Unix operating systems and the C++ programming language 
is desirable. Review of applications will begin on May 1, 1999, and will 
continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates should send 
a curriculum vita and arrange to have three letters of recommendation 
sent to:

Prof. Stephane Willocq
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lederle Graduate Research Tower
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003

EMail: willocq@phast.umass.edu

For more information about our activities see

The University of Massachusetts is an Affirmative Action/Equal 
Opportunity employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

This ad was added on April 1, 1999:

The high energy physics group at 

                         CORNELL UNIVERSITY

has an opening for a Research Associate to work on the CLEO experiment 
at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR).  

Our research concentrates on the physics of the B meson,
with strong programs in charm, tau, and two-photon physics as well.  We are
now in the first phase of commissioning of a major detector upgrade, and
anticipate that the person filling this position will contribute to this
project. This is normally a three-year appointment with the possibility of
renewal beyond that, subject to mutual satisfaction and the availability
of funds under our NSF contract.  A PhD in experimental elementary
particle physics is required. Please send an application including
curriculum vitae and publications list and arrange for at least two
letters of recommendation to be sent to

Prof. Lawrence Gibbons
Newman Laboratory
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853

Cornell is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.


This ad was added on March 22, 1999:

                           York University
                    Experimental High Energy Physics
                      Postdoctoral Research Position 
        The experimental high energy physics group at York University in 
Toronto, Canada, has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research 
associate to participate in analysis of data from the ZEUS experiment at 
HERA. The successful candidate will primarily reside in Hamburg where he 
or she will participate in the maintenance of hardware components for which 
York University is responsible, and in all aspects of data taking. 
Applicants must have a recent Ph.D. in elementary particle physics, and 
demonstrated hardware and software experience. The York group is involved 
in various aspects of ZEUS physics analysis, and the increased luminosity 
has led to an emphasis on heavy quark physics. The successful candidate 
will be expected to interact closely with graduate students and other 
researchers. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, a curriculum 
vitae, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to:

Prof. S. Bhadra or Prof. S. Menary
Department of Physics & Astronomy
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3

Screening of candidates will begin immediately. Interested candidates are 
invited to learn more about our group at http://zandra.phys.yorku.ca or send 
email to either bhadra@yorku.ca or menary@yorku.ca.

York University strongly encourages applications by women and members of 
minority and aboriginal groups. 

This ad was added on March 4, 1999:

                   UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW



#15,735 - 23,651

REF 067/99

Two openings are available from summer/autumn 1999, initially for up to two
years, on the ZEUS and ATLAS experiments. In ZEUS the Glasgow group has
made major contributions to the analysis of deep inelastic scattering and
hard photoproduction. For ATLAS we are constructing part of the
semiconductor tracker system, using our in-house facilities and expertise.
The ATLAS post will involve periods working with the CDF experiment at

We are looking for outstanding applicants with experience in experimental
particle physics analysis or in related technology and who hold, or soon
will have, a Ph D. Both positions will involve working overseas.
Applications for either post, including CV, publications list, and the
names and addresses of two referees, should be sent by 16 April 1999 to
Prof. D H Saxon, Kelvin Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ,
Scotland, from whom further particulars are available. Telephone 0044 141
330 4673, E-mail: mailto:d.saxon@physics.gla.ac.uk

Further details: http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/raadvertfps.html

Prof D.H.Saxon,
Dept of Physics and Astronomy,           Tel: +44 141 330 4673
Kelvin Building, University of Glasgow,  Fax: +44 141 330 5299
Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK           email:d.saxon@physics.gla.ac.uk

This ad was added on February 26, 1999:


                  Global Technology and Services (GTS)


Innerhalb von GTS beschaeftigt sich die Abteilung "TEC-Emerging Technologies"
mit der Analyse aktueller Entwicklungen auf dem IT- und TK-Markt. Dieses
Taetigkeitsfeld umfasst zunaechst die Evaluierung und Pilotierung neuartiger
Technologien. Daran anschliessend erfolgt eine Beurteilung dieser 
Innovationen hinsichtlich der Eignung fuer die Bank. Hierbei werden neben 
technologischen Aspekten im gleichen Masse betriebswirtschaftliche und 
stratetische Gesichtspunkte beruecksichtigt.


- Abgeschlossenes Studium der Physik, Mathematik, Wirtschaftsinformatik
  oder Informatik

- Berufserfahrung bzw. Promotion

- Kenntnisse im Projektmanagement, EDV-Planung

- Ausgepraegte Faehigkeit zu analytischem und konzeptionellem Arbeiten,
  Kreativitaet, Darstellungs- und Ausdruckskraft, Teamfaehigkeit, Eigen-
  initiative, gutes Kommunikations- und Kontaktverhalten, Flexibilitaet

- Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse


Dr. Lutz Kolbe, Tel. 069 / 910 - 656 36


This ad was added on February 26, 1999:

DESY invites applications for the position of an

                         Experimental Physicist

The candidate is expected to take a leading role in the research program
of the ZEUS experiment at the HERA electron-proton collider, to
participate in and to coordinate physics analysis, and to participate in
the development and maintenance of detector components. The candidate
should also be highly qualified in the area of modern information
technologies and should take responsibility in the offline programming
and data management of the ZEUS experiment.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in physics, several years of experience
in experimental particle physics and should be active in research in
this field. They should have an established record in the analysis of
particle physics data and be able to coordinate and work in close
collaboration with physicists and technicians of the ZEUS experiment.

The appointment will be indefinite with a salary according to federal
tariffs (BAT Ib, IIa depending on experience and qualification).

Letters of application including a curriculum vitae, list of
publications and the names of three referees should be sent to:

DESY Personalabteilung, Notkestrasse 85, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany

by March 1st, 1999, Code number 3/99

Handicapped applicants will be given preference to other applicants with
the same qualification. Women are especially encouraged to apply for
this position.


This ad was added on February 23, 1999:

Sehr geehrter Herr Schmidt-Parzefall, sehr geehrter Herr Klanner,

ein Ex-Desyaner nannte Sie mir als Ansprechpartner bzgl
Stellenangeboten. Ich moechte damit Diplomanden und Doktoranden
erreichen, die demnaechst eine Anstellung ausserhalb der Forschung
suchen. Ich selbst habe 1995/96 meine Diplomarbeit bei Desy
angefertigt und kenne daher die entsprechenden Probleme bei der

Die Firma Talkline, bei der ich beschaeftigt bin, ist ein Unternehmen
der Telekommunikationsbranche und in den Geschaeftsfeldern Mobilfunk,
Festnetz und Internet sowohl in Deutschland als auch in einigen
anderen europaeischen Laendern taetig. Zur Zeit werden fuer den
Fachberich Abrechnung Akademiker mit EDV-Erfahrung, insbesondere in
den Bereichen SQL, UNIX, script-Programmierung (z.B. PERL oder
UNIX-shells), gesucht. Die Arbeit umfasst operative Taetigkeiten
ebenso wie einfache Programmentwicklung und die Zusammenarbeit mit
anderen Fachbereichen in Abrechnungsfragen. Wichtig sind vor allem
selbstaendiges Arbeiten und die Faehigkeit, Probleme schnell zu
erkennen und zu loesen.
Unser Team umfasst zur Zeit etwa 30 Personen, von denen die meisten um
die 30 Jahre alt sind. Es herrscht ein hervorragendes Betriebsklima
und neue Kollegen werden in den Bereichen eingearbeitet, die sie am
meisten interessieren - man kann sich seine zukuenftigen Aufgaben also
recht frei aussuchen.

Ich wuerde mich freuen, wenn Sie dieses Angebot den interessierten
Personen bei Desy zugaenglich machen wuerden, evtl in der
entsprechenden Newsgroup, oder per schwarzem Brett.
Bewerbungen sollten z.H. Herrn Thomas Reimann, Fachbereich
Abrechnung, mit Bezug auf meine Person gerichtet werden.

Ich danke Ihnen fuer Ihre Mithilfe!

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Carsten Eddelbuettel
Talkline GmbH
Fachbereich Abrechnung
Tel (+49)4121/415 416
Fax (+49)4121/414 860 oder -932
e-mail: eddelbuettel.carsten@talkline.de