KLOE IR Feb. 2003
Photos of KLOE and of the KLOE-DAFNE interaction
region (IR) taken in between Feb. and Mar. 2003 during the extraction of the IR.
Please click on icons to get the image file.
- 1_IR_extraction.jpg: yellow metal structure for the removal of the IR,
before the actual extraction operation.
- 2_IR_sideregulation.jpg: detail of the support structure; these will
be modified for the re-insertion of the IR and equipped with screws
for sideway alignment of the support structure.
- 3_bp_ammaccata.jpg: old ALBEMET beam pipe (BP) just after extraction of the
IR. The junction between the two semi-spheres shows sign of a small bump.
- 4_bp_zoom.jpg: zoomed view of previous photo.
- 5_qcal_bellows.jpg: details of the BP bellows and of the pipes and
other material on the face of QCAL.
- 6_qcal_bellows2.jpg: zoom of the above.
- DCcradle_alone.jpg: the carbon-fiber "cradle" which supports the IR in
the vertical direction in front of the KLOE Drift Chamber (DC). Photo
taken after the IR extraction.
- DCcradle-IR.jpg: the IR resting on the DC cradle after the opening of
the KLOE end-caps and before its extraction.
- DCcradle-IRinterface_alone.jpg: the half-flange which interfaces the DC
cradel and the IR.
- DCcradle-IRinterface_onabench.jpg: the IR after extraction sitting on a
bench and supported via the flange from the previous photo.
- DCcradlepuntone.jpg: front top view of the cradle.
- DCinnertubeinside.jpg: the inside of the inner DC tube. On the other side
the IR just extracted can be seen.
- topECAL1cade.jpg: front view of the top left ECAL barrel module at z>0; thismodule is vertically displaced wrt the top central module by O(1)cm
(this happened in 1998).
- topECAL2cade.jpg: front view of the top right ECAL barrel module at z>0;
this module is vertically displaced wrt the top central module by O(1)cm
(this happened in 1998).
- topECALbarrmod.jpg: after the ECAL displacement in 1998 the small caps
covering the Ti screws of the DC tensioning ring are very close to the
ECAL (~1/2 cm).
- topECALbarrmod2.jpg: another Ti screw cap.
- topECALpushedDC.jpg: yet another Ti screw cap, which was pushed by the
ECAL during its downward displacement in 1998, leaving its circular mark
on the ECAL 0.1mm Al cover.
KLOE IR May. 2003
Photos taken in May 2003 before the insertion of the IR.
Please click on icons to get the image file.
- 1_IR_screws_moved.jpg: old half-flange which was the interface
between the old IR and the DC cradle; the marks on the brass inserts are
due to the screws which were tightened in two different positions.
This happened for both IR sides, and gave a lenghtening of the IR by 1.5 cm.
- 2_IR_quads_atMEA.jpg: IR quadrupoles at the MEA building for assembly
into the IR.
- 3_steelsafetytube.jpg: Steel support tube mounted below the DC cradle for safety purposes.
- 4_steelsafetytube2.jpg: Front view of the steel support tube mounted below the DC cradle for safety purposes.
- 5_IR_kloe.jpg: KLOE IR on a bench during final assembly.
- 6_IR_kloe_2.jpg: KLOE IR on a bench during final assembly: zoomed view.
- 7_quad_layout.jpg: The new layout of the IR quadrupoles.
- 8_quad_layout_zoom.jpg: The new layout of the IR quadrupoles: zoom.
- 9_new_monitorquad.jpg: New monitoring quadrupole device replacing the old innermost quadrupole.
- 10_IR_vac_chamber.jpg: One of the two vacuum chambers which are to be connected to the 10 cm radius AlBemet sphere in the e+-e- interaction point (the vacuum decay chamber of the K_short.
KLOE IR Jul. 2003
Photos taken on July 4, 2003 at the closing of the KLOE end-caps after
the new DAFNE-KLOE IR had been installed.
Please click on icons to get the image file.
- 1_IR_fromabove1.jpg: View from above of the new IR. The shiny spots are
the optical survey targets located on the end face of the IR and of the DC
cradle supporting the IR (the cradle rests on the same feet of the
DC, which are in turn positioned on top of two ECAL barrel modules).
- 2_IR_fromabove2.jpg: Zoomed out view of the KLOE DC end plate, IR, DC cradle, legs
(and the left DC foot).
- 3_IR_frombelow1.jpg: IR view from below. On the far right one can see the Al box containing
the QCAL low voltage electronics.
- 4_IR_frombelow2.jpg: IR view from below. On the far right one can see the Al box containing
the QCAL low voltage electronics, zoomed view. Notice the joint sticking out from the cylindric
IR profile and the FEE QCAL aluminum box.
- 5_IR_ECAPclosedjpg.jpg: The first KLOE end-cap closed. Below the curve of the end-cap
calorimeter one can see the iron semi-disk which are positioned
in front of the IR, with a 5 mm clearance. On top of the IR there is
one more QCAL FEE box, with smaller Al boxes containing the PreAmps
of the QCAL photomultipliers.
- 6_IR_clearancebelow.jpg: KLOE end-cal iron semi-disks and IR: the bottom clearance is ~ 5 mm.
- 7_IR_clearanceside.jpg: KLOE end-cal iron semi-disks and IR: the bottom AND top clearance
is ~ 5 mm.
- 8_IR_clearancejoint.jpg: The position of the IR joint of photo 4_IR_frombelow2.jpg
wrt the iron semi-disk: the clearance is again ~ 5 mm.
- ECAP-BARR-DC_materialjpg.jpg: the region among barrel ecal, end-cap ecal
and DC, with all the accessory materials ...
- ECAP-DCabove_clearance.jpg: the top space between end-cap and DC..
- ECAP-DCdown_clearance.jpg: the bottom space between end-cap and DC.
- ECAP-legs_clearance.jpg: the clearance between the DC legs and the
and the end-cap ECAL.
- IR_QCALcablesabove.jpg: top QCAL cables and Al FEE box.
- IR_QCALcablesbelow.jpg: bottom QCAL cables and Al FEE box.