KLOE Internal Note

An updated version is available on VAXLNF::D19:[DAMATO.KLOE.NOTE]KLOENOTES.TXT
N. 01 JAN 1991
KLOE Collaboration
The KLOE Proposal
N. 02 JUL. 1991
P. Franzini
Specification for a Detector Assembly Hall and Proposed Solution
N. 03 DEC. 1991
A. Antonelli, C. Bloise, A. Calcaterra
An Introduction to GEANFI
N. 04 DEC. 1991
D. Babusci, M. Bassetti, M. Biagini, S. Guiducci, G. Matone, G.P. Murtas, A. Zallo
Fasibility of a tagging for gamma-gamma Physics at DAFNE
N. 05 DEC. 1991
F. Bossi, G. Capon
A Preliminary Study of kmu3 Rejection
N. 06 DEC. 1991
M. Anelli, A. Balla, P. Campana, G,Corradi, F.Murtas
Measurements on HPD
N. 07 DEC. 1991
M. Piccolo
A Possible Gas Mixture for the KLOE Tracking Chamber
N. 09 NOV. 1991
V. Bidoli, L. Cerrito and L. Paoluzi
First Project for the Digitizing and Readout of the KLOE Central Helium Tracking Detector
N. 10 DEC. 1991
S. Bianco
Overview of the KLOE EMCAL Tests at CERN (28/10 3/11 1991) and Very Preliminary Results on the Energy Resolution
N. 11 DEC. 1991
S. Miscetti
Preliminary Results on Timing Resolution of the KLOE EMCAL Prototype
N. 12 DEC. 1991
A. Calcaterra
KL -> pi0 pi0 pi0 Background to the KL -> pi0 pi0 Channel
N. 13 DEC. 1991
A. Farilla, G. Lanfranchi, V. Patera
Preliminary Results about Kmu3 Rejection via constraint fit
N. 14 DEC. 1991
C. Gatto
Full Kinematic fit to fi -> KL KS -> pi+pi- pi0pi0
N. 15 DEC. 1991
W. Kluge
Low Energy Kaon-Nucleon Interactions at DAFNE (Kaon-Nucleon sigma-Terms)
N. 16 JAN 1992
P. Franzini
Predicting the Statistical Accuracy of an Experiment
N. 17 JAN. 1992
J. Lee-Franzini, W. Kim, P.J. Franzini
(revised - 9 April) Radiative phi Decays: Experimental Problems
N. 18 FEB. 1992
G. Barbiellini, A. Martinis, R. Sangoi. F. Scuri
Light Transport in a Flexible Liquid Scintillator Fiber
N. 19 FEB. 1992
P. Franzini
Cluster Counting: Sampling Theorem, Pulse Shaping and all that
N. 20 FEB. 1992
P. Franzini
Some Consideration about the KLOE Trigger
N. 21 FEB. 1992
S. Weseler
Proposal for a Filtered Continuous Flow Read- Out System for the KLOE Experiment
N. 22 MAR. 1992
D. Babusci, S. Bellucci, M. Candusso, G. Giordano, G. Matone
Low Energy gamma-gamma Physics
N. 23 MAR. 1992
A. Antonelli, C. Bloise, A. Calcaterra
Geanfi Program - Version 1.2
N. 24 MAR. 1992
S. Bianco, R. Casaccia, F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar, L. Votano, A. Zallo
GEMS. An Electromagnetic Shower Library for KLOE
N. 25 MAR. 1992
A. Baldisseri, A. Boudard, B. Fabbro, M. Garcon, B. Mayer, J. Poitou
Investigation of eta (and pi0) Rare Decays
N. 26 MAR. 1992
M. Barone, S. Bertolucci, M. Cordelli, S. Miscetti, A. Parri
GUNPAK.DOC Minimal Documentation for the GUNPAK Package
N. 27 JAN. 1992
M. Barone, S. Bertolucci, M. Cordelli, P. Franzini, S. Miscetti, A. Parri
Preliminary Considerations on the Bunch Crossing Connection at KLOE
N. 28 APR. 1992
J. Lee-Franzini, W. Kim, P.J. Franzini
Backgrounds and Interference on the f0
N. 29 APR. 1992
G. Bencivenni, E. Carradori, G. Felici, F. Zecchinato
Cluster Counting in a Helium Based Gas Mixture
N. 30 MAY 1992
M.L. Ferrer, E. Pace, C. Stanescu
Performance evaluation of an FDDI interface using UDP protocol
N. 31 JUL. 1992
J. Lee-Franzini
Physics at DAFNE
N. 32 JUL. 1992
F. Anulli, R. Baldini-Ferroli, G. Capon and A. Zallo
Background to the process gammagamma-->pi0pi0 at DAPHNE
N. 33 AUG. 1992
X.L. Wang, A. Zallo _ in sospeso _
Test of the House2 Prototype at Ladon
N. 34 SEPT. 1992
V. Patera
Kmu3 form factors measurement with the KLOE detector
N. 35 OCT. 1992
M. Barone, A. Parri
Turbo GEANFI. A fast version of GEANFI
N. 36 OCT. 1992
S. Bianco, R. Casaccia, F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar, L. Votano, A. Zallo
GEMS Status report
N. 37 OCT. 1992
M.L. Ferrer, E. Pace, E. Pasqualucci
Event Builder protocol simulation, phase 1
N. 38 OCT 1992
E. Carradori
THESIS " La camera a deriva di KLOE: simulazioni e prime esperienze operative"
N. 39 OCT. 1992
F. Grancagnolo
Technical Proposal. Central Tracking Chamber
N. 40 OCT. 1992
B. Dulach
Proposta per la numerazione dei disegni
N. 41 JUN. 1992
A. Ceccarelli, B. Dulach
Kloe Technical note
N. 42 NOV. 1992
C. Bini, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo, A. Di Domenico F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi
Results of a preliminary test in a magnetic field of the photomultiplier tube Hamamatsu R2490-05
N. 43 DEC. 1992
C. Bini, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Ccosimo, A. Di Domenico, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi
Measurement of Light Yield and Attenuation Length in Scintillating Fribres
N. 44 DEC. 1992
M. Antonelli, F. Murtas
Preliminary Studies on Particle Identification using the KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
N. 45 DEC. 1992
S. Bertolucci, S. Miscetti
Results on Energy and Time response and resolution for the Barrel Emcal Prototype
N. 46 DEC. 1992
F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar
ARCO Prototype for KLOE end-wall electromagnetic calorimeter
N. 47 JAN. 1993
S. Bianco, F.L. Fabbri, M. Giardoni, M. Iannotti, L. Passamonti, V. Russo
First tests of CLAW prototype for the KLOE Endwall: preliminary results
N. 48 FEB. 1993
A. Andryakov
Charge track reconstruction and drift chamber optimization
N. 49 FEB. 1993
G. Capon
Preliminary study of K+->pi+pi0 reconstruction to monitor the performance of the e.m. calorimeter
N. 50 FEB. 1993
C. Bini, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi
Gain and photoelectron number dependence on the angle around the axis for Hamamatsu R3423-01 and R2490-05 photomultipliers in a magnetic field
N. 51 FEB. 1993
A. Andryakov, V. Patera
Kmu3 Rejection via Kinematica Cuts
N. 52 MAR. 1993
A. Antonelli, C. Bloise, N. Cavallo
GEANFI Handbook vers. 1.3.3
N. 53 MAR. 1993
G. Petrucci
A suggestion for minimizing the end plates deformation of cylindrical wire chambers
N. 54 APR. 1993
F. Bossi
Magnetic Field Calculations for the KLOE detector
N. 55 APR. 1993
A. Gaddi, S. Moccia
Mechanical Structure of the KLOE Drift Chamber
N. 56 MAY 1993
G. Barbiellini, A. Martinis, F. Scuri
Cathode response uniformity of the Hamamatsu R2490-05 mesh type phototube in magnetic field
N. 57 MAY 1993
E. Drago, A. Smilzo
Cosmic muon generator and its application to KLOE
N. 58 MAY 1993
L. Kurchaninov, A. Passeri, L. Tortora
Development of Hydrid Charge Converter for KLOE Calorimeter Front End
N. 59 JUN 1993
M. Anelli, M. Bertino, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini, R. Caloi, F. Cervelli, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo, A. Di Domenico, A. Ferrari, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi, G. Lanfranchi, A. Martinis, F. Murtas, F. Scuri, X.L. Wang.
Performance of 4 types of commercial blue scintilating fibers for the KLOE electromagnetic calorimeter
N. 60 JUN 1993
M. Anelli, M. Bertino, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini, R. Caloi, F. Cervelli, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo, A. Di Domenico, A. Ferrari, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi, G. Lanfranchi, A. Martinis, F. Murtas, F. Scuri, X.L. Wang.
Beam test of a Hamamatsu R2490-05 tube in a 2.8 kgauss magnetic field
N. 61 JUL 1993
M. Carboni, M.L. Ferrer, E. Pace, E. Pasqualucci, M. Pistoni
FDDI and Ethernet performances on several CISC and RISC machines.
N. 62 JUL 1993
S. Bertolucci, A. Farilla, S. Giovannella, R.Haidar, W. Kim, G. Lanfranchi, S. Miscetti, F.Murtas
The LADON test beam of EMCAL: A full report on the data analysis
N. 63 JUL 1993
Performance of a Pb-Scintillating Fibers Calorimeter Prototype for the KLOE Experiment
N. 64 JUL 1993
F. Bossi
Results of the LEAD/SCIFI Calorimeter Prototype of the KLOE Experiment
N. 65 SEPT 1993
F. Donno, F. Pelucchi
Evaluation of existing packages for an Offline/ Online software system at KLOE
N. 66 OCT 1993
M. Carletti, G. Felici, P. Locchi
Front-end chamber electronics status report
N. 67 OCT 1993
M. Cordelli, E. Spiriti
A proposal for the readout scheme of time and charge information from the KLOE electromagnetic calorimeter
N. 68 OCT 1993
E. Pasqualucci
A perceptron to distinguish muons and pions in the KLOE electromagneti calorimeter
N. 69 SEPT 1993
N. Cavallo, E. Drago, C. Gatto, M. Napolitano
The role of a Vertex Detector in the reconstruction of phi -> KL KS -> pi+pi-pi0pi0 events at KLOE
N. 70 NOV 1993
E. Drago, A. Smilzo
Energy release by small angle Bhabha events in EMC endcaps
N. 71 NOV 1993
S. Sarwar, S. Woelfle
The End-Cap Prototype of the KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
N. 72 NOV 1993
G. Barbiellini et al.
Performance of KLOE Calorimeter Modules with Different Types of Fibres
N. 73 NOV 1993
F. Donno, F. Pelucchi
Guidelines for Writing or Modifying KLOE Software Vs. 1.00
N. 74 NOV 1993
A. Gaddi, S. Moccia
Suspension and Assembly of the KLOE Central Electromagnetic Calorimeter
N. 75 NOV 1993
S. Miscetti
Performance of the Lead-Scintillating Fibers Calorimeter Prototypes for the KLOE Experiment
N. 76 DEC 1993
M. Carboni, H. Beker
Results of the evaluation of the HP real time CPU HP9000/742rt and the operating system HP-RT
N. 77 DEC 1993
P. Santantonio
A parametrization of the electron mobility in a helium based gas mixture
N. 78 DEC 1993
C. Bini
Measurement of photocathode uniformity and useful area for the fine mesh PMTs Hamamatsu R2490-05 (2 inches) and H5756 (1-1/8 inches) in a magnetic field
N. 79 DEC 1993
G. Bencivenni, A. Calcaterra, M. Carletti, R. de Sangro, G. Felici, G. Finocchiaro, M. Piccolo, P. Santantonio
The Prototype 0 of the KLOE Tracking Chamber
N. 81 DEC 1993
G. Barbiellini, A. Martinis, F. Scuri
A simulation study of the behaviour of fine mesh photomultipliers in magnetic field
N. 82 JAN 1994
R. Haydar
Study of K+ -> pi+pi0 with Geanfi
N. 83 JAN 1994
C. Bini, R. Caloi, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo, A. Di Domenico
Optimization Study of the KLOE Calorimeter Light Guides
N. 84 JAN 1994
A. Di Domenico
A Program for the Simulation of the Winston Cone Light Concentrator
N. 85 JAN 1994
M. Pollack
Energy Loss Measurements in Prototype 0.1
N. 86 JAN 1994
A. Gaddi, S. Moccia
Structural Analysis of the KLOE Magnet Yoke Endcaps
N. 87 JAN 1994
S. Moccia, A. Gaddi, A. Ceccarelli
Measurement of the Young Modulus of carbon fiber-epoxy sample
N. 88 JAN 1994
A. Aloisio, F. Cevenini, L. Merola, D. Della Volpe
Fast Redout System for KLOE.
N. 89 FEB 1994
F. Donno, F. Pelucchi
The ZTOY*Package. User's guide
N. 90 FEB 1994
L. Keeble, M. Anelli, G. Lanfranchi
Experimental Comparison of Timing Properties of Linear-Focussed and Mesh Photomultiplier tubes
N. 91 FEB 1994
F. Bossi
Magnetic field calculations for the KLOE detector; part II
N. 92 MAR 1994
G. Finocchiaro
A measurement of the spatial resolution in square drift cells via the stagger method [postscript]
N. 93 MAR 1994
G. Finocchiaro
A preliminary study of K0s -> pi l nu [postscript]
N. 94 MAR 1994
S. Wolfle
Energy Response and Resolution of the Barrel Prototype for the KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
N. 95 MAR 1994
A. Calcaterra
PSI test beam: study of efficiencies of prototypes 0.1 and 0.2 of the KLOE drift chamber
N. 96 MAR 1994
L. Keeble, G. Lanfranchi, M. Anelli
Measurement of gain versus high voltage and photocathode uniformity for Hamamatsu R2490-05 mesh photomultiplier tubes
N. 97 MAR 1994
R. de Sangro
Measurement of the space point resolution of the drift chamber prototypes [postscript]
N. 98 MAR 1994
P. De Simone
Cell response parametrization
N. 99 MAR 1994
F. Pelucchi
Database User's and Reference Manual [postscript]
N. 100 MAR 1994
M. Antonelli, F. Murtas
pi/mu Rejection using KLOE calorimeter [postscript]
N. 101 MAR 1994
S. Giovannella, S. Miscetti
Timing Resolution of the Barrel Prototype for the Electromagnetic Showers
N. 102 MAR 1994
Beam-gas Background Calculations for DAFNE
N. 103 MAR 1994
V. Patera
TRACK: a code for the simulation of the KLOE drif chamber
N. 104 MAR 1994
M. Carletti, G. Felici, P. Locchi
Tests on amplification and discrimination circuits for KLOE tracking chamber
N. 105 MAR 1994
A. Andryakov, P.De Simone, V. Patera, M. Pollack
MC Study of Drift Chamber performance
N. 106 MAR 1994
A. AndryaKov
In Preparation
N. 107 MAR 1994
G. Bencivenni, A. Ceccarelli, U. Denni, M.A.Frani
Wire and Feed-through study for the KLOE drift chamber.
N. 108 MAY 1994
G. Barbiellini, A. Martinis, F. Scuri
Status Report on the PMT's Mass Test for KLOE
N. 109 MAY 1994
L. Keeble, G. Lanfranchi, M. Anelli
Test of Mesh PM, Base and Pre-Amplifier for the KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
N. 110 JUN 1994
A. Antonelli et al.
Construction and performance of the lead- scintillating fiber calorimeter prototypes for the KLOE detectors Submitted to NIM.
N. 111 JUN 1994
In Preparation (MONTECARLO)
N. 112 AUG 1994
G. Alexander, F. Anulli, R. Baldini-Ferroli, A. Courau, I. Cohen, A. Moalem, G. Pancheri, L. Razdolskaja, P. Sergio, A. Zallo
The KLOE small angle tagging system at DAFNE
N. 113 AUG 1994
V. Bolognesi, F. Cervelli, A. Ferrari, M.Incagli
1993 Test Beam Results on Position Measurements
N. 114 SEPT. 1994
F. Grancagnolo, U.von Hagel, M. Primavera
Precise measurements of drift velocities in helium gas mixtures
N. 115 SEPT. 1994
A. Andryakov, A. Antonelli, C. Bini, G. Capon G. Cataldi, F. Donno, V. Elia, P. Gauzzi, E. Gorini, F. Grancagnolo, S. Miscetti, F. Pelucchi, M. Primavera, S. Spagnolo.
KLOE Metric (reference systems, numbering/ naming conventions, units) [postscript]
N. 116 SEPT. 1994
P. Franzini
Errors due to sample time fluctuation and pileup
N. 117 SEPT. 1994
P. Franzini
"On the use of voltage amplifiers as integrators for small voltage signals"
N. 118 SEPT. 1994
E. Drago, A. Smilzo
Energy Release by Small ANgle Bhabha Events in EMC Endcaps: 2
N. 119 SEPT. 1994
L. Keeble
Pions and Muons in the KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter - A Study Using PS4 Data
N. 120 SEPT. 1994
W. Grandegger, H. Beker, M.L. Ferrer
TCP performance test with I/O-multiplexing for the KLOE event builder system
N. 121 SEPT. 1994
E. Solodov - DRAFT -
How big is the nuclear interaction (regeneration) of KL?
N. 122 OCT. 1994
J. Lee-Franzini
The KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
N. 123 OCT. 1994
F. Pelucchi
KLOE Database server for test beam
N. 124 NOV. 1994
E. Pasqualucci, A. Bezenchek
An 'operator level' protocol for KLOE run control
N. 125 OCT. 1994
C. Bloise, E. Drago, A. Smilzo
Preliminary Bhabha event selection criteria
N. 126 NOV. 1994
KLOE Collaboration.
The KLOE data acquisition system
N. 127 NOV. 1994
A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, G. Finocchiaro
First results from a test in magnetic field of a prototype of the KLOE drift chamber [postscript]
N. 128 DEC 1994
A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, G. Finocchiaro
High Precision Limited Streamer Drift Tubes [postscript]
N. 129 NOV. 1994
The KLOE Chamber Group. The KLOE Collaboration.
Submissions to the Vienna Wire Chamber Conference '95
N. 130 DEC. 1994
A. Farilla
Resolution on neutral vertex and photon incidence angle for the decay KL -> pi0pi0, KS -> p+p-
N. 132 DEC. 1994
A. Ferrari, M. Incagli
KLOE EMCAL module 0 performances in measuring electron impact point
N. 133 JAN. 1995
H. Beker
Data Format of test stand and test beam data for the Calorimeter and an outlook on the final data format of KLOE
N. 134 JAN. 1995
S. Woelfle
Module Zero, Analysis of the 1994 Test Beam at PSI [postscript]
N. 135 JAN. 1995
S. Woelfle
Calibration Routines for the 1994 Calorimeter
N. 136 JAN. 1995
M. Anelli, C. Bini. R. Caloi, G. De Zorzi, G.Di Cosimo, A. Di Domenico, P. Gauzzi, A. Grammatico.
Damage induced by light irradiation on blue scintillating fibers
N. 137 MAR. 1995
A.Andryakov et al.
KLOE Data Structure (postscript)
N. 138 FEB. 1995
P. Campana
DAFNE Experiments and tests of Hadronic Physics
N. 139 MAR 1995
A. Antonelli
Hadronic Physics at DAFNE with the KLOE Detector
N. 140 MAR 1995
A. Calcaterra
The KLOE Drift Chamber
N. 141 MAR 1995
C. Avanzini et al.
Local autocalibration of drift tubes
N. 142 MAR 1995
R. de Sangro
High Precision Limited Streamer Drift Tubes (postscript)
N. 143 APR 1995
G.Bencivenni,L.Bucci,R. de Sangro,G.Finocchiaro,P.Valente.
Ageing test of the KLOE Drift Chamber Wires (postscript)
N. 144 FEB. 1995
S. Giovannella, S. Miscetti, F. Murtas, G.Venanzoni
The Online Monitoring for the PSI '94 Test Beam and the Cosmic Rays Stand (postscript)
N. 145 APR 1995
F. Grancagnolo
Full Scale prototype of the KLOE Drift Chamber
N. 146 APR 1995
C. Bloise
Symmetries in the Kaon System with the KLOE Experiment
N. 147 APR 1995
C. Bini, R. Caloi, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo, A. Di Domenico, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi
Performance of fine mesh photomultiplier tubes in a magnetic field up to 0.3 T
N. 148 MAY 1995
C.Avanzini et al.
The test of prototype 0.3 of the KLOE chamber in magnetic field. The measurement at the X7 beam of the CERN West Area. (postscript)
N. 149 LUG/95
G. Bencivenni etal.
An Automated Facility for Stringing the KLOE Chamber (postscript)
N. 150 SEP/95
F. Cervelli
N. 151 OCT/95
STATUS OF KLOE AT DAFNE (LP95) (postscript)
N. 152 OCT/95
N. 153 NOV/95
M. Primavera, S. Spagnolo
An Algorithm for reconstructing straight tracks in prototype 1 (postscript)

FM / 20 NOV 1995