KLOE Internal Note
An updated version is available on
- N. 01 JAN 1991
- KLOE Collaboration
- The KLOE Proposal
- N. 02 JUL. 1991
- P. Franzini
- Specification for a Detector Assembly Hall and
Proposed Solution
- N. 03 DEC. 1991
- A. Antonelli, C. Bloise, A. Calcaterra
- An Introduction to GEANFI
- N. 04 DEC. 1991
- D. Babusci, M. Bassetti, M. Biagini,
S. Guiducci, G. Matone, G.P. Murtas, A. Zallo
- Fasibility of a tagging for gamma-gamma Physics
- N. 05 DEC. 1991
- F. Bossi, G. Capon
- A Preliminary Study of kmu3 Rejection
- N. 06 DEC. 1991
- M. Anelli, A. Balla, P. Campana, G,Corradi, F.Murtas
- Measurements on HPD
- N. 07 DEC. 1991
- M. Piccolo
- A Possible Gas Mixture for the KLOE Tracking
- N. 09 NOV. 1991
- V. Bidoli, L. Cerrito and L. Paoluzi
- First Project for the Digitizing and Readout of
the KLOE Central Helium Tracking Detector
- N. 10 DEC. 1991
- S. Bianco
- Overview of the KLOE EMCAL Tests at CERN (28/10
3/11 1991) and Very Preliminary Results on the
Energy Resolution
- N. 11 DEC. 1991
- S. Miscetti
- Preliminary Results on Timing Resolution of the
KLOE EMCAL Prototype
- N. 12 DEC. 1991
- A. Calcaterra
- KL -> pi0 pi0 pi0 Background to the KL -> pi0
pi0 Channel
- N. 13 DEC. 1991
- A. Farilla, G. Lanfranchi, V. Patera
- Preliminary Results about Kmu3 Rejection via
constraint fit
- N. 14 DEC. 1991
- C. Gatto
- Full Kinematic fit to fi -> KL KS -> pi+pi-
- N. 15 DEC. 1991
- W. Kluge
- Low Energy Kaon-Nucleon Interactions at DAFNE
(Kaon-Nucleon sigma-Terms)
- N. 16 JAN 1992
- P. Franzini
- Predicting the Statistical Accuracy of an
- N. 17 JAN. 1992
- J. Lee-Franzini, W. Kim, P.J. Franzini
- (revised - 9 April)
Radiative phi Decays: Experimental Problems
- N. 18 FEB. 1992
- G. Barbiellini, A. Martinis, R. Sangoi. F. Scuri
- Light Transport in a Flexible Liquid
Scintillator Fiber
- N. 19 FEB. 1992
- P. Franzini
- Cluster Counting: Sampling Theorem, Pulse
Shaping and all that
- N. 20 FEB. 1992
- P. Franzini
- Some Consideration about the KLOE Trigger
- N. 21 FEB. 1992
- S. Weseler
- Proposal for a Filtered Continuous Flow Read-
Out System for the KLOE Experiment
- N. 22 MAR. 1992
- D. Babusci, S. Bellucci, M. Candusso,
G. Giordano, G. Matone
- Low Energy gamma-gamma Physics
- N. 23 MAR. 1992
- A. Antonelli, C. Bloise, A. Calcaterra
- Geanfi Program - Version 1.2
- N. 24 MAR. 1992
- S. Bianco, R. Casaccia, F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar,
L. Votano, A. Zallo
- GEMS. An Electromagnetic Shower Library for KLOE
- N. 25 MAR. 1992
- A. Baldisseri, A. Boudard, B. Fabbro, M. Garcon,
B. Mayer, J. Poitou
- Investigation of eta (and pi0) Rare Decays
- N. 26 MAR. 1992
- M. Barone, S. Bertolucci, M. Cordelli,
S. Miscetti, A. Parri
- GUNPAK.DOC Minimal Documentation for the GUNPAK
- N. 27 JAN. 1992
- M. Barone, S. Bertolucci, M. Cordelli,
P. Franzini, S. Miscetti, A. Parri
- Preliminary Considerations on the Bunch
Crossing Connection at KLOE
- N. 28 APR. 1992
- J. Lee-Franzini, W. Kim, P.J. Franzini
- Backgrounds and Interference on the f0
- N. 29 APR. 1992
- G. Bencivenni, E. Carradori, G. Felici, F. Zecchinato
- Cluster Counting in a Helium Based Gas Mixture
- N. 30 MAY 1992
- M.L. Ferrer, E. Pace, C. Stanescu
- Performance evaluation of an FDDI interface
using UDP protocol
- N. 31 JUL. 1992
- J. Lee-Franzini
- Physics at DAFNE
- N. 32 JUL. 1992
- F. Anulli, R. Baldini-Ferroli, G. Capon and A. Zallo
- Background to the process gammagamma-->pi0pi0
- N. 33 AUG. 1992
- X.L. Wang, A. Zallo _ in sospeso _
- Test of the House2 Prototype at Ladon
- N. 34 SEPT. 1992
- V. Patera
- Kmu3 form factors measurement with the KLOE
- N. 35 OCT. 1992
- M. Barone, A. Parri
- Turbo GEANFI. A fast version of GEANFI
- N. 36 OCT. 1992
- S. Bianco, R. Casaccia, F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar,
L. Votano, A. Zallo
- GEMS Status report
- N. 37 OCT. 1992
- M.L. Ferrer, E. Pace, E. Pasqualucci
- Event Builder protocol simulation, phase 1
- N. 38 OCT 1992
- E. Carradori
- THESIS " La camera a deriva di KLOE: simulazioni
e prime esperienze operative"
- N. 39 OCT. 1992
- F. Grancagnolo
- Technical Proposal. Central Tracking Chamber
- N. 40 OCT. 1992
- B. Dulach
- Proposta per la numerazione dei disegni
- N. 41 JUN. 1992
- A. Ceccarelli, B. Dulach
- Kloe Technical note
- N. 42 NOV. 1992
- C. Bini, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo, A. Di Domenico
F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi
- Results of a preliminary test in a magnetic
field of the photomultiplier tube Hamamatsu
- N. 43 DEC. 1992
- C. Bini, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Ccosimo,
A. Di Domenico, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi
- Measurement of Light Yield and Attenuation
Length in Scintillating Fribres
- N. 44 DEC. 1992
- M. Antonelli, F. Murtas
- Preliminary Studies on Particle Identification
using the KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- N. 45 DEC. 1992
- S. Bertolucci, S. Miscetti
- Results on Energy and Time response and
resolution for the Barrel Emcal Prototype
- N. 46 DEC. 1992
- F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar
- ARCO Prototype for KLOE end-wall
electromagnetic calorimeter
- N. 47 JAN. 1993
- S. Bianco, F.L. Fabbri, M. Giardoni, M. Iannotti,
L. Passamonti, V. Russo
- First tests of CLAW prototype for the KLOE
Endwall: preliminary results
- N. 48 FEB. 1993
- A. Andryakov
- Charge track reconstruction and drift chamber
- N. 49 FEB. 1993
- G. Capon
- Preliminary study of K+->pi+pi0 reconstruction
to monitor the performance of the e.m.
- N. 50 FEB. 1993
- C. Bini, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo, F. Garufi,
P. Gauzzi
- Gain and photoelectron number dependence on the
angle around the axis for Hamamatsu R3423-01 and
R2490-05 photomultipliers in a magnetic field
- N. 51 FEB. 1993
- A. Andryakov, V. Patera
- Kmu3 Rejection via Kinematica Cuts
- N. 52 MAR. 1993
- A. Antonelli, C. Bloise, N. Cavallo
- GEANFI Handbook vers. 1.3.3
- N. 53 MAR. 1993
- G. Petrucci
- A suggestion for minimizing the end plates
deformation of cylindrical wire chambers
- N. 54 APR. 1993
- F. Bossi
- Magnetic Field Calculations for the KLOE
- N. 55 APR. 1993
- A. Gaddi, S. Moccia
- Mechanical Structure of the KLOE Drift Chamber
- N. 56 MAY 1993
- G. Barbiellini, A. Martinis, F. Scuri
- Cathode response uniformity of the Hamamatsu
R2490-05 mesh type phototube in magnetic field
- N. 57 MAY 1993
- E. Drago, A. Smilzo
- Cosmic muon generator and its application to KLOE
- N. 58 MAY 1993
- L. Kurchaninov, A. Passeri, L. Tortora
- Development of Hydrid Charge Converter for KLOE
Calorimeter Front End
- N. 59 JUN 1993
- M. Anelli, M. Bertino, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini,
R. Caloi, F. Cervelli, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo,
A. Di Domenico, A. Ferrari, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi,
G. Lanfranchi, A. Martinis, F. Murtas, F. Scuri,
X.L. Wang.
- Performance of 4 types of commercial blue
scintilating fibers for the KLOE electromagnetic
- N. 60 JUN 1993
- M. Anelli, M. Bertino, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini,
R. Caloi, F. Cervelli, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo,
A. Di Domenico, A. Ferrari, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi,
G. Lanfranchi, A. Martinis, F. Murtas, F. Scuri,
X.L. Wang.
- Beam test of a Hamamatsu R2490-05 tube in a 2.8
kgauss magnetic field
- N. 61 JUL 1993
- M. Carboni, M.L. Ferrer, E. Pace, E. Pasqualucci,
M. Pistoni
- FDDI and Ethernet performances on several CISC
and RISC machines.
- N. 62 JUL 1993
- S. Bertolucci, A. Farilla, S. Giovannella, R.Haidar,
W. Kim, G. Lanfranchi, S. Miscetti, F.Murtas
- The LADON test beam of EMCAL: A full report on
the data analysis
- N. 63 JUL 1993
- F.Murtas
- Performance of a Pb-Scintillating Fibers
Calorimeter Prototype for the KLOE Experiment
- N. 64 JUL 1993
- F. Bossi
- Results of the LEAD/SCIFI Calorimeter Prototype
of the KLOE Experiment
- N. 65 SEPT 1993
- F. Donno, F. Pelucchi
- Evaluation of existing packages for an Offline/
Online software system at KLOE
- N. 66 OCT 1993
- M. Carletti, G. Felici, P. Locchi
- Front-end chamber electronics status report
- N. 67 OCT 1993
- M. Cordelli, E. Spiriti
- A proposal for the readout scheme of time and
charge information from the KLOE electromagnetic
- N. 68 OCT 1993
- E. Pasqualucci
- A perceptron to distinguish muons and pions in
the KLOE electromagneti calorimeter
- N. 69 SEPT 1993
- N. Cavallo, E. Drago, C. Gatto, M. Napolitano
- The role of a Vertex Detector in the
reconstruction of phi -> KL KS -> pi+pi-pi0pi0
events at KLOE
- N. 70 NOV 1993
- E. Drago, A. Smilzo
- Energy release by small angle Bhabha events in
EMC endcaps
- N. 71 NOV 1993
- S. Sarwar, S. Woelfle
- The End-Cap Prototype of the KLOE
Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- N. 72 NOV 1993
- G. Barbiellini et al.
- Performance of KLOE Calorimeter Modules with
Different Types of Fibres
- N. 73 NOV 1993
- F. Donno, F. Pelucchi
- Guidelines for Writing or Modifying KLOE
Software Vs. 1.00
- N. 74 NOV 1993
- A. Gaddi, S. Moccia
- Suspension and Assembly of the KLOE Central
Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- N. 75 NOV 1993
- S. Miscetti
- Performance of the Lead-Scintillating Fibers
Calorimeter Prototypes for the KLOE Experiment
- N. 76 DEC 1993
- M. Carboni, H. Beker
- Results of the evaluation of the HP real time
CPU HP9000/742rt and the operating system HP-RT
- N. 77 DEC 1993
- P. Santantonio
- A parametrization of the electron mobility in a
helium based gas mixture
- N. 78 DEC 1993
- C. Bini
- Measurement of photocathode uniformity and
useful area for the fine mesh PMTs Hamamatsu
R2490-05 (2 inches) and H5756 (1-1/8 inches) in
a magnetic field
- N. 79 DEC 1993
- G. Bencivenni, A. Calcaterra, M. Carletti,
R. de Sangro, G. Felici, G. Finocchiaro,
M. Piccolo, P. Santantonio
- The Prototype 0 of the KLOE Tracking Chamber
- N. 81 DEC 1993
- G. Barbiellini, A. Martinis, F. Scuri
- A simulation study of the behaviour of fine
mesh photomultipliers in magnetic field
- N. 82 JAN 1994
- R. Haydar
- Study of K+ -> pi+pi0 with Geanfi
- N. 83 JAN 1994
- C. Bini, R. Caloi, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo,
A. Di Domenico
- Optimization Study of the KLOE Calorimeter
Light Guides
- N. 84 JAN 1994
- A. Di Domenico
- A Program for the Simulation of the Winston
Cone Light Concentrator
- N. 85 JAN 1994
- M. Pollack
- Energy Loss Measurements in Prototype 0.1
- N. 86 JAN 1994
- A. Gaddi, S. Moccia
- Structural Analysis of the KLOE Magnet Yoke
- N. 87 JAN 1994
- S. Moccia, A. Gaddi, A. Ceccarelli
- Measurement of the Young Modulus of carbon
fiber-epoxy sample
- N. 88 JAN 1994
- A. Aloisio, F. Cevenini, L. Merola, D. Della Volpe
- Fast Redout System for KLOE.
- N. 89 FEB 1994
- F. Donno, F. Pelucchi
- The ZTOY*Package. User's guide
- N. 90 FEB 1994
- L. Keeble, M. Anelli, G. Lanfranchi
- Experimental Comparison of Timing Properties of
Linear-Focussed and Mesh Photomultiplier tubes
- N. 91 FEB 1994
- F. Bossi
- Magnetic field calculations for the KLOE
detector; part II
- N. 92 MAR 1994
- G. Finocchiaro
- A measurement of the spatial resolution in
square drift cells via the stagger method
- N. 93 MAR 1994
- G. Finocchiaro
- A preliminary study of K0s -> pi l nu
- N. 94 MAR 1994
- S. Wolfle
- Energy Response and Resolution of the Barrel
Prototype for the KLOE Electromagnetic
- N. 95 MAR 1994
- A. Calcaterra
- PSI test beam: study of efficiencies of
prototypes 0.1 and 0.2 of the KLOE drift
- N. 96 MAR 1994
- L. Keeble, G. Lanfranchi, M. Anelli
- Measurement of gain versus high voltage and
photocathode uniformity for Hamamatsu R2490-05
mesh photomultiplier tubes
- N. 97 MAR 1994
- R. de Sangro
- Measurement of the space point resolution of
the drift chamber prototypes
- N. 98 MAR 1994
- P. De Simone
- Cell response parametrization
- N. 99 MAR 1994
- F. Pelucchi
- Database User's and Reference Manual
- N. 100 MAR 1994
- M. Antonelli, F. Murtas
- pi/mu Rejection using KLOE calorimeter
- N. 101 MAR 1994
- S. Giovannella, S. Miscetti
- Timing Resolution of the Barrel Prototype for
the Electromagnetic Showers
- N. 102 MAR 1994
- E.Gero
- Beam-gas Background Calculations for DAFNE
- N. 103 MAR 1994
- V. Patera
- TRACK: a code for the simulation of the KLOE
drif chamber
- N. 104 MAR 1994
- M. Carletti, G. Felici, P. Locchi
- Tests on amplification and discrimination
circuits for KLOE tracking chamber
- N. 105 MAR 1994
- A. Andryakov, P.De Simone, V. Patera, M. Pollack
- MC Study of Drift Chamber performance
- N. 106 MAR 1994
- A. AndryaKov
- In Preparation
- N. 107 MAR 1994
- G. Bencivenni, A. Ceccarelli, U. Denni, M.A.Frani
- Wire and Feed-through study for the KLOE drift
- N. 108 MAY 1994
- G. Barbiellini, A. Martinis, F. Scuri
- Status Report on the PMT's Mass Test for KLOE
- N. 109 MAY 1994
- L. Keeble, G. Lanfranchi, M. Anelli
- Test of Mesh PM, Base and Pre-Amplifier for the
KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- N. 110 JUN 1994
- A. Antonelli et al.
- Construction and performance of the lead-
scintillating fiber calorimeter prototypes
for the KLOE detectors
Submitted to NIM.
- N. 111 JUN 1994
- S.Miscetti
- In Preparation (MONTECARLO)
- N. 112 AUG 1994
- G. Alexander, F. Anulli, R. Baldini-Ferroli,
A. Courau, I. Cohen, A. Moalem, G. Pancheri,
L. Razdolskaja, P. Sergio, A. Zallo
- The KLOE small angle tagging system at DAFNE
- N. 113 AUG 1994
- V. Bolognesi, F. Cervelli, A. Ferrari, M.Incagli
- 1993 Test Beam Results on Position Measurements
- N. 114 SEPT. 1994
- F. Grancagnolo, U.von Hagel, M. Primavera
- Precise measurements of drift velocities in
helium gas mixtures
- N. 115 SEPT. 1994
- A. Andryakov, A. Antonelli, C. Bini, G. Capon
G. Cataldi, F. Donno, V. Elia, P. Gauzzi, E.
Gorini, F. Grancagnolo, S. Miscetti, F. Pelucchi,
M. Primavera, S. Spagnolo.
- KLOE Metric (reference systems, numbering/
naming conventions, units)
- N. 116 SEPT. 1994
- P. Franzini
- Errors due to sample time fluctuation and pileup
- N. 117 SEPT. 1994
- P. Franzini
- "On the use of voltage amplifiers as integrators
for small voltage signals"
- N. 118 SEPT. 1994
- E. Drago, A. Smilzo
- Energy Release by Small ANgle Bhabha Events
in EMC Endcaps: 2
- N. 119 SEPT. 1994
- L. Keeble
- Pions and Muons in the KLOE Electromagnetic
Calorimeter - A Study Using PS4 Data
- N. 120 SEPT. 1994
- W. Grandegger, H. Beker, M.L. Ferrer
- TCP performance test with I/O-multiplexing
for the KLOE event builder system
- N. 121 SEPT. 1994
- E. Solodov - DRAFT -
- How big is the nuclear interaction
(regeneration) of KL?
- N. 122 OCT. 1994
- J. Lee-Franzini
- The KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- N. 123 OCT. 1994
- F. Pelucchi
- KLOE Database server for test beam
- N. 124 NOV. 1994
- E. Pasqualucci, A. Bezenchek
- An 'operator level' protocol for KLOE run control
- N. 125 OCT. 1994
- C. Bloise, E. Drago, A. Smilzo
- Preliminary Bhabha event selection criteria
- N. 126 NOV. 1994
- KLOE Collaboration.
- The KLOE data acquisition system
- N. 127 NOV. 1994
- A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, G. Finocchiaro
- First results from a test in magnetic field
of a prototype of the KLOE drift chamber
- N. 128 DEC 1994
- A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, G. Finocchiaro
- High Precision Limited Streamer Drift Tubes
- N. 129 NOV. 1994
- The KLOE Chamber Group. The KLOE Collaboration.
- Submissions to the Vienna Wire Chamber Conference '95
- N. 130 DEC. 1994
- A. Farilla
- Resolution on neutral vertex and photon incidence
angle for the decay KL -> pi0pi0, KS -> p+p-
- N. 131 BARONE
- N. 132 DEC. 1994
- A. Ferrari, M. Incagli
- KLOE EMCAL module 0 performances in measuring
electron impact point
- N. 133 JAN. 1995
- H. Beker
- Data Format of test stand and test beam data
for the Calorimeter and an outlook on the final
data format of KLOE
- N. 134 JAN. 1995
- S. Woelfle
- Module Zero, Analysis of the 1994 Test Beam at PSI
- N. 135 JAN. 1995
- S. Woelfle
- Calibration Routines for the 1994 Calorimeter
- N. 136 JAN. 1995
- M. Anelli, C. Bini. R. Caloi, G. De Zorzi, G.Di Cosimo,
A. Di Domenico, P. Gauzzi, A. Grammatico.
- Damage induced by light irradiation on blue
scintillating fibers
- N. 137 MAR. 1995
- A.Andryakov et al.
- KLOE Data Structure
- N. 138 FEB. 1995
- P. Campana
- DAFNE Experiments and tests of Hadronic Physics
- N. 139 MAR 1995
- A. Antonelli
- Hadronic Physics at DAFNE with the KLOE Detector
- N. 140 MAR 1995
- A. Calcaterra
- The KLOE Drift Chamber
- N. 141 MAR 1995
- C. Avanzini et al.
- Local autocalibration of drift tubes
- N. 142 MAR 1995
- R. de Sangro
- High Precision Limited Streamer Drift Tubes
- N. 143 APR 1995
- G.Bencivenni,L.Bucci,R. de Sangro,G.Finocchiaro,P.Valente.
- Ageing test of the KLOE Drift Chamber Wires
- N. 144 FEB. 1995
- S. Giovannella, S. Miscetti, F. Murtas, G.Venanzoni
- The Online Monitoring for the PSI '94 Test
Beam and the Cosmic Rays Stand
- N. 145 APR 1995
- F. Grancagnolo
- Full Scale prototype of the KLOE Drift Chamber
- N. 146 APR 1995
- C. Bloise
- Symmetries in the Kaon System with the KLOE
- N. 147 APR 1995
- C. Bini, R. Caloi, G. De Zorzi, G. Di Cosimo,
A. Di Domenico, F. Garufi, P. Gauzzi
- Performance of fine mesh photomultiplier tubes
in a magnetic field up to 0.3 T
- N. 148 MAY 1995
- C.Avanzini et al.
- The test of prototype 0.3 of the KLOE chamber in magnetic field.
The measurement at the X7 beam of the CERN West Area.
- N. 149 LUG/95
- G. Bencivenni etal.
- An Automated Facility for Stringing the KLOE Chamber
- N. 150 SEP/95
- F. Cervelli
- STATUS OF DAFNE AND KLOE (Heavy Flavors 95)
- N. 151 OCT/95
- N. 152 OCT/95
- M. ANTONELLI etal.
- N. 153 NOV/95
- M. Primavera, S. Spagnolo
- An Algorithm for reconstructing straight
tracks in prototype 1
FM / 20 NOV 1995