___________________________________________________ 2007____________________________________________________________
18. C. Curceanu on behalf of the AMADEUs
Collaboration, The AMADEUS project at
DAFNE, Proceedings to the XLV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear
Physics, Bormio (
___________________________________________________ 2006____________________________________________________________
17 C. Curceanu (Petrascu) on behalf on the SIDDHARTA/AMADEUS Collaborations, Precision measurements of kaonic atoms at DAΦNE and future perspectives, QNP06, International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Madrid, June 5th-10the 2006. ( click for zipped ps-file )
16. M. Cargnelli on behalf on the SIDDHARTA Collaborations, Kaonic hydrogen
(PSAS 2006),
15. C. Curceanu (Petrascu) on behalf on the SIDDHARTA/AMADEUS Collaborations, Precision measurements of kaonic atoms at DAΦNE and future perspectives, XLIV INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, January 29 - February 5, 2006, Bormio (Italy). ( click for zipped ps-file ).
___________________________________________________ 2005____________________________________________________________
C. Curceanu (Petrascu), Latest results from DEAR (Dafne Exotic Atom
Research), Workshop on Exotic Hadrons, ECT,
13. M. Cargnelli et al., Silicon drift detectors for hadronic atom
research - SIDDHARTA, EXA 05 - International Conference on Exotic Atoms and
related topics,
12. J. Zmeskal et al., Precision measurements with kaonic atoms: from DEAR to SIDDHARTA, EXA 05 - International Conference on Exotic Atoms and related topics, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 February, 2005.
11. J. Marton et al., Precision measurements with kaonic atoms, HadAtom05 Workshop on Hadronic Atoms, 15-16 February 2005, Univ. of Bern, Switzerland.
10. D. Sirghi, The physics of Kaonic Atoms at DAFNE, LNF Spring School in Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics, Frascati (Italy), May 16 - 20, 2005.
9. F. Sirghi, The SIDDHARTA
experiment at DAFNE,
8. J. Marton et al, Kaonic Atoms at DAFNE: DEAR and SIDDHARTA, STORI05 The 6th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings, Jülich - Bonn, Germany, May 23-26, 2005.
7. D. Sirghi and F. Sirghi, Kaonic atoms measured by DEAR experiment at DAFNE,
"Annual meeting of Bucharest University Physics Department, 2005",
6. C. Curceanu (Petrascu), The SIDDHARTA experiment, XCI Congresso Nazionale Societa' Italiana
di Fisica, Catania, 26 September - 1 October 2005.
5. J. Marton et al., Experimental
Studies of Exotic Atoms at DAFNE: recent results and perspectives, Particle
and Nuclei International Conference, PANIC05,
4. C. Curceanu and C. Guaraldo, AMADEUS - LOI for DAFNE2, Austrian-Japanese Workshop on "Antikaon Mediated Bound Systems - Doorway to Kaon Condensation in Neutron Stars", SNI Vienna, Austria, 21-22 December 2005.
___________________________________________________ 2004____________________________________________________________
3. C. Curceanu et al., Precision measurements on kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium: present and future, The 19th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 23-27, 2004.
2. M. Cargnelli on behalf of the SIDDHARTA Collaboration, THE SIDDHARTA PROJECT - EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF KAONIC DEUTERIUM AND HELIUM, Hadron Structure 2004, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 30 August - 3 September, 2004.
1. J. Marton et al., DEAR:
Results on Kaonic Hydrogen, Hadron
Structure 2004,