Cooldown with the dilution refrigerator (November 2006)

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Starting of the 4.2 kelvin cooldown (31.01.2005)


Reassembling of the cryostat for a 4.2 kelvin run test off the beam (December 2004)

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Mounting of the dilution refrigerator (Leiden,NL November/December 2004)

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4.2 kelvin run, setup and preliminary results (June 2004)

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Cryostat failure (February 2004)

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New thermal links on 4 K flange and Pt1000 thermometers on 77 K flange (January 2004)

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77 kelvin party, cryogenic staff during the He cool down (17/18.12.2003)

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RAP radiation shields mounting for 4.2 K runs (28.11.2003)

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RAP signal at room temperature with 510 MeV electrons (25.07.2003)

RAP signal at room temperature with 510 MeV electrons (19.07.2003)

RAP run control ready (18.07.2003)

RAP Bar Suspension free, Cryostat closed (16.07.2003)

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RAP Bar Sound

RAP Bar installation (30.06.2003)

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RAP Suspension installation (27.06.2003)

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The suspension into the BTF experimental hall (23.06.2003)

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RAP Collaboration people

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The cryostat moved to the BTF experimental hall (18.06.2003)

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The MINIGRAIL cryostat: similar cryogenic setup of RAP experiment

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VMIC 3123 ADC acquisition running and writing on disk at 100 kHz (15.04.2003)