Template for report
(Character Times New Roman 12)
Proposal number of the experiment/s (BOLD):
(One proposal number per line)
(Leave two white lines)
Title of the experiment/s (BOLD).
Authors (with affiliation)(NORMAL), in the format:
Responsible N., Physics Department University Roma TRE,
User1 N1 Chemical Physics Department University Milano Bicocca,
(Leave two white lines)
Date of measurements at GILDA
(for example: 6 shifts from 26 of June to 28 of June 2007)
Comments on beam quality and/or on problems during experiments: (for example: Excellent, good, sufficient, unsatisfactory; no problem; problem with S/N ratio, problem with liquid nitrogen, problem with monochromator etc. )
(for example: 9 shifts from 21 of May to 24 of May 2006)
Comments on beam quality and/or on problems during experiments:
(Leave two white lines)
Beamtime on other beamlines/facilities on the same research
(for example: 9 shifts on BM29
12 shifts on SuperAco)
(Leave two white lines)
Introduction (BOLD).
Text of the introduction (NORMAL).
(Leave two white lines)
Experiment (BOLD).
Description of the experiment/s performed (NORMAL).
(Leave two white lines)
Results (BOLD).
Description of the results (NORMAL).
(Leave two white lines)
Future Perspectives (BOLD)
Describe if and how the research will continue (Normal)
(Leave two white lines)
References (BOLD).
List of numbered references (NORMAL), in the format
- Surname1 N., Surname2 N.,...., Phys. Rev. B35 2175-191 (2005);
(Leave two white lines)
Publications (BOLD).
List of numbered publications (NORMAL) in the format
- Surname1 N., Surname2 N.,....,
- Title
- Rev. B35 2175-191 (2005)
(Leave two white lines)
Conferences (BOLD).
List of oral/invited presentation at International Conferences (NORMAL).
(Leave two white lines)
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