Welcome to the home page of the Synchrotron Radiation Research group.

The PULS group performs research in the field of synchrotron radiation (SR).
Until the shut-down of ADONE the group operated one of the two SR laboratories in Frascati. For a summary of that activity click here.
Since then, the PULS group has been the coordinator of the GILDA project, an x-ray beamline now in operation at the ESRF in Grenoble.
Complementary to these more instrument-related activities members of the group also perform research, mainly in the fields of solid-state and surface physics, at a number of laboratories world-wide and in collaboration with many Universities and Research Institutes.
General: Scientific activities: Other Subjects:
Last update July 14 2008
INFN-LNF Gruppo PULS Via Enrico FERMI,40
CP 13 - 00044 Frascati ROMA ITALY
TEL +39 06 9403 1 FAX +39 06 9403 2304