New MC & Reconstruction software version (5.13)
To: finudagroup@lnf.infn.it
Subject: New MC & Reconstruction software version (5.13)
From: Germano Bonomi <bonomi@mail.cern.ch>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 09:32:17 +0100 (CET)
Keywords: CERN SpamKiller Note: -49 Charset: west-latin
Dear collaborators,
A new version of the FINUDA code has been released (fidamc513 and
fidarc513) and is available on the FINUDA web site (temporarily also from
http://nppbs3.ing.unibs.it/finuda). The new version contains a lot of
improvements, mainly:
- new geometry of the vertex region obtained from mechanical survey
This new geometry improves considerably the quality of the vertex
- Activation of the two helix algorithm for the K+K- reconstruction after
correction of the last bugs. The new algorithm works well and improves
the accuracy of the kaon momentum evaluation
- Treatment of ambiguities in hit assignment to tracks and improvements in
Tofone slab connection. Efficiency in track recognition has increased.
- P.R. and reconstruction of neutrons. Now, candidate neutrons are
recognized and displayed in the event display
- Moreover: Tofino CDF shifts evaluation, increase of the information
contained in the standard n-tuple, improvements in cosmic ray
reconstruction, and other minor changes that are described in detail in
the version documentation.
Regretfully, it was not possible, in this version, to consider to
inclusion of the new track P.R. proposed by the Japanese colleagues, due
to the considerable impact of this completely new procedure on the present
program structure and the urgent need to have a new version of the
program to make available so many improvements and allow for a new data
I plan to take it into account for the forthcoming new version of the code
which I suggest should include :
- New track P.R. strategy from external to internal hits (to be checked
for backward compatibility)
- K-nucleus background generation in the MC (some final test needed)
- mini-DST production in Zebra format and READDST procedure producing
paw n-tuples (ready)
- root DST production including noise information and possibly:
- detector alignment as result of alignment procedure performed
- information on detector efficiencies in the MC and track fitting
- correction of chamber and straw times for CDF shifts
- ...........................
Best regards Aldo Zenoni & Germano Bonomi
# Germano Bonomi #
# Dipartimento di Meccanica #
# Universita' di Brescia #
# Tel. +39 030 371 5798 #