New version 5.10 of the FINUDA code
Dear Friends of FINUDA,
I have released the new version 5.10/00 of the FINUDA simulation and
reconstruction programs.
The new version represent a slight improvement of the production
version used for the recent full data production.
Below you may see the list of the main improvements and changes
introduced with the versions 5.09/00, 5.09/01, 5.10/00.
You will find the new versions on the web a.s.a.p.
Best regards Aldo Zenoni
*CMZ : 1.00/00 26/02/94 17.16.31 by A.Zenoni
*CMZ : 5.10/00 25/03/2004 12.32.01 by aldo zenoni
*-- Author : aldo zenoni 25/03/2004
*::> VERSION 5.10/00 25/03/2004 12.32.01
* - TBAR cmz flag documented starting panel in CMZLOGON.
*CMZ : 5.09/01 11/03/2004 16.20.13 by zenoni
*CMZ : 5.09/00 08/03/2004 18.43.57 by aldo zenoni
*-- Author : aldo zenoni 08/03/2004
*::> VERSION 5.09/01 11/03/2004 16.20.13
* - Original geometry of ISIM/OSIM target recovered, for test purposes.
* Apparently it behaves better than the present aligned geometry.
* To be confirmed or substituted in the production version of the code.
*::> VERSION 5.09/00 08/03/2004 18.43.57
* - New geometry of Vertex detector ISIM/OSIM and target geometrical position
*CMZ : 1.00/00 20/05/94 15.54.35 by Unknown
*CMZ : 5.10/00 25/03/2004 12.37.27 by aldo zenoni
*-- Author : aldo zenoni 25/03/2004
*::> VERSION 5.10/00 25/03/2004 12.37.27
* - Tbar vs T0 timing option for straw tubes settled in the code.
* The option is selected by the cmz flag TBAR. Printout in GENINI.
* - new bit (7) in banks LOST/RIST/LEST: (0) T0's used; (1) Tbar's used for
* straw tube timing. Bit set in STRDEC.
* - T0's read in together with Tbar's from the data base. Tbar's are stored
* in location (L+13) and T0's in location (L+14) of LOST/RIST/LEST.
* Mods in READ_LIB.
* - External file reading avoided. Mods in USTRINIT, GENECDE common STTYPE,
* - Good T0/Tbar bit in LOST/RIST/LEST is now set in STRDEC, STRDECT0 and
* no longer in READ_LIB
* - Program version number added in the general CW n-tuple. Mods in
* - Out of time limits set in XTRSTRT0 for drift time relations for B=1.0T.
* - Bug Corrected in EEVERT routine.
*CMZ : 5.09/01 11/03/2004 16.25.45 by zenoni
*CMZ : 5.09/00 08/03/2004 18.47.22 by aldo zenoni
*-- Author : aldo zenoni 08/03/2004
*::> VERSION 5.09/01 11/03/2004 16.25.45
* - Internal version of the reconstruction, for testing different options
* - In this version the use of T0 time calibration for straws has been
* reinstalled in alternative to Tbar calibration.
* - T0 calibration is the default. Drift time cell used is the one at 1.1T.
* Tbar calibration (with the full procedure for drift time calculation)
* is selected by setting the flag TBAR before compiling the program.
* - New routines XTRSTRT0 and STRDECT0, changes in GUTREV, LONGTRK,
* BHALONGTRK, PATSTRW. T0's are read from the external file $INP/t0_hype.dat,
* mods in USTRINIT and common STTYPE. Routines TRAVINO_COS, TRAVONE_COS,
* - Mods in VTSCL and FILMS are inserted for particle evaluation and printout
* - In LONGTRK tubes in triplet are checked for good Tbar/T0. Tracks
* with bad Tbar/T0 in the triplet are skipped
*::> VERSION 5.09/00 08/03/2004 18.47.22
* - Routine FIN_OPEN writes the Unix time of the RUN in location IOUT(1)
* in common RUNINF
* - Routine FIN_EVENT writes in location IQ(JFGES+4) and IQ(JFGES+5)
* Unix time of the run and number of seconds of the event from the run start
* respectively. The same contents are transferred in banks FDST
* - Now TOF convertion constants are read from the data base. Mods in
* read_lib and in TOFDEC. Locations 9,10,11 of ISLB and ESLB banks
* now contain p-side,e-side, mean timer time in ns
* - Distance from the vertex of the extrapolated track is inserted in the
* general CW-ntuple. This is an estimator of the quality of the vertex
* reconstruction. de/dx in ISIM is inserted in the general CW-ntuple.
* Angles of the K+K- beam inserted in the general CW-ntuple.
* - CW-ntuple content fully documented in FILLGENHYP.
* - New drift-time tables for chambers (ITAB=9,10) for new configuration
* inserted in XTRCH. Consequent mods in XTRSTR. Not used tables are
* flagged in the routine XTRCH as IF=NOUSETAB to avoid unuseful compilation
* and link.
* - Now the choice of the chambers drift-time table is done in GENINI
* following the Unix run time, since voltages depend on run date
* - Chamber shifts in zeta, measured with cosmic rays, inserted in DCHDEC.
* - Track Pattern Recognition corrected in PRTRK to avoid bad connection of
* tofone slabs to long tracks. Distance limit triplet-tofone slab inserted.
* - Calculation of de/dx for ISIM and OSIM inserted. Mods in VEXTSI, VAMBI,
* FILMS, VTSCL, FILLCR2, COSMRECSI. Now particle type is set by the
* microstrip reconstruction code. Bug corrected in FILMS.
Prof. Aldo Zenoni tel. +39 030 3715729
Dipartimento di Meccanica 3715798
Facolta' di Ingegneria fax. +39 030 3702448
Universita' di Brescia e-mail: zenoni@bs.infn.it
Via Valotti, 9