Minutes of the Software meeting on April 1-2, 2004
The first part of the analysis meeting was devoted to a presentation of
the first results achieved in the analysis of the ntuples produced in the
first production campaign ended on Sunday March 28, 2004
(elapsed duration of the total data processing: 4 full days).
Presentations were given on:
- general aspects of recent software progress and present status (A. Zenoni).
Some preliminary results concerning boost evaluation on Bhabha events by
H. So were shown, indicating a reduced boost, 9.8 MeV/c, as compared to the
nominal value 12.5 MeV/c)
- final results on chamber alignment (F. De Mori)
- spectroscopy (L. Benussi and S. Piano, using respectively fortran/paw and
c/root based software)
- rare decays (A. Filippi)
- neutron-rich hypernuclei (M. Palomba)
- Montecarlo study of lambda lifetimes (M. Palomba)
- illustration of the basic ideas for the new K+K- beam reconstruction procedure
accounting for boost (A. Filippi)
Speakers are requested to post on the web as much as possible of their
TOFINO : - Rough time calibration inserted in the Data Base
- Kaon recognition improved
ISIM/OSIM : - dE/dX and particle recognition inserted
CHAMBERS : - T0's for hype trigger inserted in the Data Base
- T0's for cosmic rays inserted in the Data Base
- Drift cells for B=1.0T optimized
- Relative chamber alignement performed and tested
STRAW TUBES : - T0's for hype trigger inserted in the Data Base
- Tbar calibration procedure inserted (in progress)
- Drift cells for B=1.0T inserted (to be tested extensively)
TOFONE : - Calibration constants inserted in the Data Base
Global Timing : - Global Time shifts from the trigger evaluated and
inserted in the data Base
P.R. & fitting : - Track fitting procedure improved
- Tofone connection improved
Data output : - New general CW n-tuple for hype events
The first physics results appears encouraging, nevertheless stress the
need for further improvements of the reconstruction procedures. These
improvements should be implemented by the beginning of May, when a new
data production is planned.
A special care must be devoted to the detector alignemnt, which appears to
be the most relevant source of lack of resolution at present.
A call for new code developments is made on the following topics, in 10-15
days from now: (in parentheses people which are going to provide/take care
of the tasks)
- new code for K+K- beam reconstruction with boost and double helix
(A. Filippi)
- pre-fit procedure, with use of dE/dx and tof information for PID (M.
Palomba, A. Zenoni). This is needed to use the correct mass hypothesis for
backtracking, necessary for instance on neutron-rich hypernucleus searches
and He4Lambda->d+d events, where the positive emitted particle is not a
- realistic target description/geometry (insertion of multitarget and
solution of the bug for which events outside target are assigned to target
#1) (A. Filippi)
- Vertex (S. Piano) and vertex-chamber-straw alignment. The chambers are now
consistently aligned.
- ISIM/OSIM bank change, to provide information on dE/dx on both module sides,
and possibly, impinging angles of tracks on the detector (S. Piano)
- implementation of control histograms for online check of data quality
during the production phase
The following subjects of general policy have moreover been discussed:
- identification of a responsible for each detector to be addressed for
calibration related problems. In a short time a list of reference people
must be provided.
- new software release. Once some new parts of software or analysis procedures
have been developed and fully tested, they must be written in general form,
released officially by the author and made available for the use of the
A. Filippi
A. Zenoni
Prof. Aldo Zenoni tel. +39 030 3715729
Dipartimento di Meccanica 3715798
Facolta' di Ingegneria fax. +39 030 3702448
Universita' di Brescia e-mail: zenoni@bs.infn.it
Via Valotti, 9