new intermediate version of fidamc507 fidarc507
I have released an intermediate version of the reconstruction program
fidamc507 and fidarc507. This version is now compatible with the
new structure of the data base, but several corrections are still
lacking. The results with hype data will be likely worse than before.
Next week, I plan to implement the missing parts and start some
test of the code/calibration/data/base.
Below you may find the list of the several improvements present in the
new code.
Monica Bertani is asked to make the new versions available on the web.
Best regards Aldo Zenoni
*CMZ : 5.07/00 20/02/2004 12.18.25 by zenoni
*-- Author : zenoni 20/02/2004
*::> VERSION 5.07/00 20/02/2004 12.18.25
* - Input card file fidamc.dat, sigma x of phi vertex position updated
* to experimental value 0.145 cm
* - Input card file fidarc.dat, ITAB selection took away. Now ITAB
* is automatically set by the value of the magnetic field read from
* - Input card file fidarc.dat VNTU set to 0 by default. No ISIM/OSIM
* n-tuple produced.
*CMZ : 5.07/00 20/02/2004 12.21.13 by zenoni
*-- Author : zenoni 20/02/2004
*::> VERSION 5.07/00 20/02/2004 12.21.13
* - New straw tubes calibration by Tbar and Rbar method. The new code
* is incompatible with the old Data Base containing T0; the old code
* is incompatible with the new Data Base content. Irreversible change in
* Straw time calibration method.
* - Changes in the LOST/RIST/LEST banks: new bits added, Tbar replaces T0,
* location 14 (old Rmed) is now void. Mods in STRDECMC.
* - Changes in common STTYPE, RBAR and TBAR_(6) shifts added
* - Initialisation of TBAR_B and RBAR made in USTRINIT.
* - Corrections in STRDEC for Tbar decoding and tdrift calculation.
* - Correction for signal time along the wire made in routine STDCORZ
* called by PATSTRW. Correction for track travel from trigger to wires
* made in routines STTRAVEL* called by GUTREV. Correction for hypernuclear
* tracks still to be inserted.
* - Check on TBAR introduced in COSMFIT.
* - In graphics routines UDRDXY, UDHIZY, UDHDZX, UDTFXY mods introduced
* to allow bad straw hits to be visualised by color code.
* - Corrections made in LOOKIS for tofino threshold and errors in the
* logic of selection of back to back slabs.
* - Mods in read_lib for selection different t0's for cosmic rays and
* hypernuclear events.
* - Mods in TRKFIT to allow more than one p-ve or n-ve track to be preocessed.
* Provisional process of mass recognition.
* - Errors in LONGTRK procedure corrected. FZSTRW routine introduced to
* evaluate starting zeta value at straws. The same in routine BHALONGTRK.
* - Precise BHABHA or approximate BABA procedure for Bhabha analysis is now
* steered by a new CARD BABA. Default is BHABHA, full analysis.
* New flag SBABA in common EVTYPE. Mods in UVINIT, UGFFGO.
* - New general CW n-tuple for hypernuclear event analysis, common EVENTU
* in GENECDE. Definitions in UHINIT, new routine FILLGENHYP called by GUOUT.
* - Microstrip n-tuples are not written out by default to limit the
* dimension of the RZfile. Mods in UHINIT and VTSCL.
* - Particle type used for backtracking is added to NEGT/POST banks. Mods
* - ITAB flag for selection of drift time cells is now set automatically
* checking the value of the magnetic field from FIDA_GEO.DAT file.
* Mods in GENINI, data card ITAB took away. Value ITAB=3 (B=1.0 T) added.
* - Straw drift cells for B=1.1 T, B=1.0 T and B=0.0T inserted or updated in
* XTRSTR routine. The drift-time tables defined now for Tbar. Consequent
* modifications in XTRSTR and XTRCH have been applied.
* - The value of the actual magnetic field, and the bean crossing agle
* are now printed in INTER mode. Mods in GENINI.
* - Bug corrected in UGLAST. Trigger supervisor bank linked to DST.
Prof. Aldo Zenoni tel. +39 030 3715729
Dipartimento di Meccanica 3715798
Facolta' di Ingegneria fax. +39 030 3702448
Universita' di Brescia e-mail: zenoni@bs.infn.it
Via Valotti, 9