New version 5.06 of the FINUDA cmz files
Dear all,
I have released new versions 5.06/00 of the fidamc506.cmz and
fidarc506.cmz files containing the bulk of the FINUDA code.
The new versions will be soon installed on the web by Bertani.
Main improvements are the following:
- the program now selects the correct analysis process by decoding
P.U. bits
- new standard ntuple for hypernuclear events
- tuning of P.R. and fit parameters for real events
- improvements in P.R. and fitting for Bhabha and hype events.
- improvements in decoding tofino/tofone signals.
- Pick info function extended to all procedures.
Details are reported below.
WARNING: the present version is affected by different bugs giving
FATAL errors on UNIX and no unrecoverable effects on LINUX.
These bugs will be corrected in the next version, refer
to A.Filippi for questions.
Please report me for any problems or inconvenience.
Regards Aldo Zenoni
*::> VERSION 5.06/00 20/11/2003 14.27.51
* - Small correction in GUPHAD for neutron interactions
* - New standard n-tuple for hypernuclear event introduced HYPE(NV126)
* Mods in GENECDE
* - Mods in fidamc.dat:
* SRCE card : vertex spot z coordinate r.m.s. = 1.0 cm
* FIELD card: default value of the magnetic field 11.0 KG
* BEAM card : crossing angle modified to 0.0125 rad to invert the boost
* direction to positive x
* - Routine FLDCALC for magnetic field map flagged with REALFLD flag
*::> VERSION 5.06/00 20/11/2003 14.45.02
* - TOFDEC routine re-written. Time conversion constants for each TOFONE
* slab inserted. Printout inserted for dropped slabs.
* - New TOFHIT routine inserted.
* - TOFINF routine modified.
* - GENREC modified, volume number recorded also for other volumes
* than targets. Bug corrected.
* - UGINIT and GENINI modified to printout the current value of the
* magnetic field.
* - Estimated error on straw radius changed to 150 microns in GENINI
* - n-tuple 124 for cosmic rays with magnetic field enlarged. UHINIT and
* NEWFILL modified.
* - n-tuple 125 for cosmic rays without magnetic field enlarged. UHINIT and
* COSMFILB0 modified.
* - New n-tuple 126 created. Standard hypernuclear n-tuple defined
* in UHINIT and filled in FILLHYPE.
* - P.U. bits interpreted in RDTUPK to choose the appropriate reconstruction
* process for the current event. Flag BABA,BHABHA,HYPE,COSM selected.
* - Possibility to write out a DST is introduced. Mods in IOFINI and GUOUT.
* - Run number, event number and type of trigger written in FDST bank.
* - Mods in LOOKIS to reconstruct real events. Provisional mods for ISIM
* signal selection.
* - Printout inserted in DCHDEC for dropped hits.
* - Actual value of the magnetic field used is taken from FIDA_GEO.DAT file
* generated by Monte Carlo program and set by the FIELD card.
* - Mods in KKREC procedure to improve recostruction of real data.
* - Parameters of track pattern recognition modified in PRTRK to improve
* reconstruction of real data.
* - n-tuple 123 for K+K- beam recostruction modified, routine FILLKK
* - Bugs corrected in TRKFIT.
* - Track fitting procedure improved in LONGTRK and bugs correctred.
* Mods in SHORTRK.
* - COSM bank contents improved. COSMREC, COSMFIT, COSMRECB, COSMFITB
* procedure improved. OSIM and ISIM inserted in the P.R. Fitting of
* chambers alone is now permitted.
* - ERRCOSM routine for simulation errors in MC events improved.
* - Bhabha reconstruction procedure BHABHA modified, accuracy of momenta
* recostruction at beam pipe improved, parameters modified for real data.
* - n-tuple 116 (BHABHA) modified in routine FILLCRBHA.
* - n-tuple 121 (BABA) modified in routine FILLBABA.
* - Mods in graphics. Routines F_VERT, UZHIZY, UDHIZY, UZHIZX, UDHIZX, UDTEMP,
* affected.
* - Pick info function introduced also for BABA, BHABHA and HYPE procedures.
* Routine UDPIXY,UZPIXY improved.
Prof. Aldo Zenoni tel. +39 030 3715729
Dipartimento di Meccanica 3715798
Facolta' di Ingegneria fax. +39 030 3702448
Universita' di Brescia e-mail: zenoni@bs.infn.it
Via Valotti, 9