Re: New version of the FINUDA code (5.05/00)
To: "Prof. Aldo Zenoni" <zenoni@fiaba1.ing.unibs.it>
Subject: Re: New version of the FINUDA code (5.05/00)
From: Monica Bertani <bertani@axcalc.lnf.infn.it>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 15:20:58 +0200 (METDST)
cc: Finuda Offline Group <atoyoda@post.kek.jp>, benussi@lnf.infn.it, bhang@phya.snu.ac.kr, botta@to.infn.it, demori@bs.infn.it, alessandro feliciello <feliciello@to.infn.it>, filippini@pv.infn.it, filippi@to.infn.it, palomba@ba.infn.it, panzarasa@pv.infn.it, piano@ts.infn.it, tmaruta@post.kek.jp, aldo zenoni <zenoni@bs.infn.it>, bressani@to.infn.it
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0309221420350.20828-102000@fiaba1.ing.unibs.it>
Dear Colleagues,
the new version of the Finuda code are available in the FINUDA ewb page.
best regards,
Dr. Monica Bertani
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati phone : +39 06 94032760
dell'INFN - Alte Energie fax : +39 06 94032427
Via Enrico Fermi, 40 e-mail: monica.bertani@lnf.infn.it
00044 Frascati (Italy)
On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Prof. Aldo Zenoni wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> a new version of the FINUDA code has been released, version 5.05/00.
> The major improvementes incuded in the two .cmz files are listed below.
> The .cmz files are annexed to the present message.
> To be remarked in particular:
> - Correction for beam boost in KBSTOP
> - Routine NEWFILL for the analysis of cosmic rays with B>0 extended
> (Flag COSM)
> - New routine COSMFILB0 for the analysis of cosmic rays with B=0
> (alignement of detectors flag COSM)
> Please report me for any problems or inconvenience.
> M. Bertani is asked to put the new versions of the .cmz files on the
> FINUDA web page.
> Best regards Aldo
> C----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *________________________________________________________________________
> *
> *::> FIDAMC VERSION 5.05/00 20/09/2003 15.31.44
> *
> * - GENECDE: New n-tuples COSM(124) routine NEWFILL cosmic rays with B>0
> * COSMB0(125), routine COSMFILB0 cosmic rays with B=0
> *
> * - UGINTG: Possibility of rotation of vertex OSIM/ISIM/TARG introduced
> * actual rotation 1.7 degrees
> *
> * - GUHADR,HYPDEC,BACKGR2: New INTMOD=-1 value in HYPDEC. K- interacting
> * in the target produces a pi- on a background spectrum from 0 MeV/c until
> * 325 MeV/c. Up to 150 MeV/c the spectrum is very roughly is very roughly
> * reproduced. K- interacting outside the target always produces a pi- on
> * the background spectrum. New routine BACKGR2
> *
> * STRDIG: time conversion to digit for straws performed by NINT function
> * instead of INT to avoid systematics. Time precision is 1 TDC channel
> * 0.5 ns.
> *
> * TRIGHYP: K+K- and HYPE trigger defined.
> *
> * Mods in REBUILD, FIDAMC (definition of boost direction), BIND
> *
> C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *________________________________________________________________________
> *
> *::> FIDARC VERSION 5.05/00 20/09/2003 15.37.25
> *
> * * RECCDE: New common PHIKIN containing kinematics of phi generation.
> * GENINI: values of PHIKIN variables inizialized.
> *
> * * UHINIT: New n-tuples COSM(124), cosmic rays with B>0, and COSMB0(125),
> * cosmic rays with B=0. Filling routines NEWFILL and COSMFILB0 (new)
> *
> * * GUTREV: routine structure revised.
> * RDTUPK: routine structure revised, decoding of trigger pattern units
> * prepared. Code to be written.
> *
> * * KBSTOP: beam boost accounted for in defining kaon momentum for
> * stop point (vertex) calculation. New routine KRECBST. To be improved.
> *
> * * READ_LIB: decoding of trigger pattern units inserted.
> * LUMIN_LIB: bug corrected.
> *
> * * LRAMBIG: L/R ambiguity solved using only LOST tubes. New routine LINDIS
> * CANSELSTR obsoleted.
> *
> * * COSM bank increased. Chi2 of zeta fitting with MINUIT inserted.
> *
> * * COSMREC: OSIM/ISIM connected with the cosmic ray structure.
> *
> * * COSMFIT,COSFITXY,COSFIZ: routine structures revised
> *
> * * COSMFITB: routine structure revised.
> *
> * * NEWFILL: analysis routine for cosmic rays with B>0 improved. n-tuple 124
> * New routine COSMCROSS for calculation of intersection of a cosmic ray
> * with the chamber wire plane in 2 dimensions (xy plane)
> *
> * * COSMFILB0: New routine for analysis of cosmic rays with B=0. n-tuple 125
> * New routine SIMICROSS for calculation of intersection of a cosmic ray
> * with the chamber wire plane or ISIM/OSIM plane in 3 dimension (xyz).
> *
> * * FILLBABA2: routine improved. n-tuple 122.
> *
> --
> ===============================================================================
> Prof. Aldo Zenoni tel. +39 030 3715729
> Dipartimento di Meccanica 3715798
> Facolta' di Ingegneria fax. +39 030 3702448
> Universita' di Brescia e-mail: zenoni@bs.infn.it
> Via Valotti, 9
> 25123 BRESCIA
> ===============================================================================