New CMZ version 4.07/01
Dear colleagues:
as of today, 8-Feb-2001, you'll find in the usual FINUDA page
http://fidabs.ing.unibs.it/finuda/ --> Monte Carlo and Reconstruction
or directly in
a new version of the CMZ code, version 4.07/01.
The changes to the Reconstruction program are all minor error corrections,
and the changes to the Monte Carlo program have been documented in the new
version in //FIDAMC407/$VERSION/v4_07;2 as follows:
*::> VERSION 4.07/01 08/02/2001 12.09.30
*::> VERSION 4.07/00 08/02/2001 11.55.38
* New data card option BABA for BHABHA trigger
* Added bhabha trigger to TRIGGER deck
* (contact Gervasio Gomez for comments)
* Spectrum for He(5)-Lambda (intmod=15)
* Rare He(4)-lambda decay implemented (idecay=3,4; 5 to be completed)
* (contact A. Feliciello for comments)
* Sigma decay implemented in HYPDEC (intmod=16)
* (several new decks)
* (contact Stefano Piano for comments)
* Minor modifications
We forgot to add that a GEANT deck has been replaced, namely
after a bug was detected and corrected.
Please try out the new code and keep us informed of any problems you might
find, especially if you have inserted new decks or implemented any
Gervasio Gomez, software coordinator.