Tasks for the offline
Dear friends of the FINUDA offline group, after the meeting of the
last LNF Scientific Committee, I would like to point out which, in my
opinion, are the most urgent tasks to be pursued in the next months.
1) Analysis of the cosmic ray data. The groups of straw tubes, drift chambers
and microstrips should exploit at best the available cosmic ray data trying
to extract from the data information on intrinsic resolution, efficiency
and alignment of the detectors and to test on the data or at least
to design the procedures for geometrical alignment. In particular, one
desirable goal could be to couple in a global fit (for the first time)
the tracking information coming from both straw tubes and drift chambers
in the last data collected. I invite people working on these analyses
to produce internal reports as a documentation on the procedures adopted
and on the results obtained. The Brescia group, which takes care of the
simulation and global reconstruction, can give all the needed support.
2) On line reconstruction and monitoring. I think it is time
to give priority to the implementation of a procedure for online monitoring
of the event reconstruction. As an example, with a monitoring system able to
make a reconstruction of the triplets in the straw tubes, the problem of
the dramatic step down in reconstruction efficiency seen in the last
straw tube + drift chamber data could have been detected during the data
taking and not after it.
3) Luminosity monitor, Bhabha event reconstruction for alignment and beam
spot determination (vertex), procedures for monitoring of global resolution
of the apparatus (fitting of cosmic rays with magnetic field, fitting of
muons from K+). At present we have no procedures at all to account for the
mentioned tasks, which are of great importance for the commissioning of the
apparatus. The Brescia group, with the help of colleagues from other
groups, will take care of these tasks with high priority.
I would like to receive comments and suggestions concerning the outlined
program of work in order to eventually reach a common agreement and to fix a
time table.
I look forward to receiving your reactions.
Aldo Zenoni
Prof. Aldo Zenoni tel. 0039-030-3715700
Dipartimento di Chimica e Fisica fax 0039-030-2091271
per l'Ingegneria e per i Materiali
Universita' di Brescia e-mail: zenoni@fidabs.ing.unibs.it
Via Valotti, 9