Near future: new code release
Dear colleagues:
Since the release of version 4.00/00 there have been many changes and
additions to the Monte Carlo and Reconstruction off-line software.
We therefore plan to release a new version within the next few days that
will include:
1) New MC code regarding non-mesonic decays (A. Olin)
2) Reconstruction code for the drift chambers (A. Panzarasa, A. Zenoni)
(see our "work in progress page" for details)
3) Reconstruction code for the silicon microstrip detectors (L.
Venturelli, S. Piano, G. Gomez)
4) Reconstruction code for the Straw Tubes (G. Gomez, A. Zenoni)
5) A new read_lib.C adapted to the latest Data Base (V. Filippini)
6) A new ZEBRA storage structure (G. Gomez, A. Zenoni, F. Filippini)
7) MC code regarding Bhabha simulation, and reconstruction code
concerning interaction point reconstruction (P. Salvini, A. Zenoni)
If there are any further requests, please let us know soon.
We will announce the release of the new version once it has been
completed and tested.
Best regards,
Gervasio Gomez, software coordinator
Aldo Zenoni, software master