Last shift report & Summary: COSM runs
COSM runs with trigger Or-fino*Or-fone, all detectors, m.field ON
Runs with a low current single beam circulating, and giving a
trigger rate not too much higher than the pure cosmic ray rate of <3 Hz>.
Runs date start stop events Comments & trigger rate
4614 17/03 08:46 09:39 20001 with e+ < 10 mA. < 7 Hz>
4618 17/03 10:31 11:03 20001 " " " " . <13 Hz>
4623 17/03 12:14 13:01 15396 " " " " " . <10 Hz>
4624 17/03 13:01 14:16 20001 " " " " . < 5 Hz>
4625 17/03 14:16 14:47 20001 " " " " . <13 Hz>
4626 17/03 14:47 15:16 20001 " " " " . <15 Hz>
4630 17/03 16:19 16:34 6603 " " " " . < 8 Hz>
4631 18/03 09:40 10:09 20001 " " " " . <14 Hz>
4632 18/03 10:09 10:44 20001 " " " " . <12 Hz>
4633 18/03 10:44 11:05 12958 " " " " . <13 Hz>
4636 18:03 13:28 14:53 17721 with e+ < 5 mA . < 4 Hz>
Runs with no beams, pure cosmic rays, same conditions as above.
4637 22/03 09:07 10:37 13819 In the last 5 minutes m. field was lowering
4652 22/03 15:16 17:26 20001
4653 22/03 17:28 19:34 20001
4654 22/03 19:34 21:39 20001
4655 22/03 21:40 22:05 4154
RUNs with cosmic rays, no mag. field, only TOF&STB, trigger OR-tofone
Run date start stop events Comments
4638 22/03 11:05 11:15 300000 1st (and only) of automatic runs
4639 22/03 11:26 11:36 300000
4640 22/03 11:36 11:42 88681
4641 22/03 11:42 11:52 300000
4642 22/03 11:52 12:02 300000
4643 22/03 12:02 12:12 300000
4644 22/03 12:12 12:22 300000
4645 22/03 12:23 12:33 300000
4646 22/03 12:33 12:43 300000
4647 22/03 12:44 12:54 300000
4648 22/03 12:55 13:05 300000 1st of automatic run
4649 22/03 13:05 13:15 300000 2nd of automatic run
4650 22/03 13:15 13:24 297000 3rd of automatic run
4661 23/03 01:50 02:00 300000
4662 23/03 02:00 02:15 107277 DAQ blocked
4663 23/03 02:16 02:26 300000
4664 23/03 02:26 02:36 300000
RUNs with cosmic rays, m. field OFF, all detetectors, trigger ORfino*ORfone
4651 22/03 13:27 14:24 9060 Drift 4o off in this run
4656 22/03 22:59 01:04 20001
4665 23/03 02:40 04:45 20001
4666 23/03 04:45 06:48 20001
4667 23/03 06:48 08:53 20001
4668 23/03 08:53 10:57 20001