Shift Schedule 1-15 February 2004 (fwd)
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Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:24:21 +0100 (MET)
From: Paola Gianotti <Paola.Gianotti@lnf.infn.it>
To: bertani@lnf.infn.it
Subject: Shift Schedule 1-15 February 2004 (fwd)
Dear Colleagues,
Here the SHIFT SCHEDULE from 1 to 15 February, to be attached to the
already scheduled one up to 31 January 2004.
Day 00-08 08-16 16-24
01 Sun Lucherini-Pompili Bertani-Fujioka Filippi-So
02 Mon Dalena-Fujoka Bertani-Maruta De-Mori-Sekimoto
03 Tue Filippi-So Camerini-Fujoka DeMori-Maruta
04 Wed Camerini-Sekimoto Filippi-So DeMori-Outa
05 Thu Simonetti-Maruta Camerini-Sekimoto Filippi-So
06 Fri Lucherini-Morra Simonetti-Fujioka Bregant-Sekimoto
07 Sat Filippi-So Busso-Bregant Simonetti-Fujoka
08 Sun Bregant-Maruta Simonetti-So Bregant-Sekimoto
09 Mon Lucherini-Fujioka Benussi-Maruta Dalena-So
10 Tue Benussi-Sekimoto Fini-Fujoka Lenti-Maruta
11 Wed Dalena-So Gianotti-Sekimoto Fini-Fujoka
12 Thu Lenti-Maruta Dalena-So Zenoni-Sekimoto
13 Fri Fini-Fujoka Lenti-Maruta Fiore-Zenoni
14 Sat Dalena-Sekimoto Fini-So Lenti-Zenoni
15 Sun Fiore-So Dalena-Fujoka Fini-Sekimoto
Please, check for any inconsistency and eventually feed back a.s.a.p.
The strategy of data taking is unchanged: Trigger HYP, runs with
20000 events each. One run (20000 events) per shift with trigger
In case of no beams in DAFNE for several hours, data taking goes on with
cosmic rays, magnetic field ON, trigger ORfino*ORfone, 20000 events each
FINUDA is foreseen to prolong her data taking well inside march 2004:
Any one not having yet sent his/her (un)availabilities, should
provide them in short time (cc:donatella.pierluigi).