
shift report 8-16.00 4 febbraio 2004

Operators De Mori So

RUN 1560
start 8:04
stop  08:58
collected ev. 20001
trigger hyp

RUN 1561
start 8:58
stop  09:56
collected ev. 20001
trigger hyp
RUN 1562
start 9:56
stop  10:22
trigger hyp
comments stopped to allow killing the beams
RUN 1563
 Start time:  4- 2-2004  11:23:55
         Stop time:   4- 2-2004  12:12: 5
collected          20211
trigger hyp
 comments We started to write the raw-files in local disk .
   Run n. 1564         Operators:_______________

         Start time:  4- 2-2004  12:12:26
         Stop time:   4- 2-2004  12:15:16 File name: /data/FINU01564.raw

         Number of asked events: 20000
 Number of collected events: 0

comments No data in this run
   Run n. 1565         Operators:_______________

         Start time:  4- 2-2004  12:23:26
         Stop time:   4- 2-2004  13: 7:10
 File name: /data/FINU01565.raw

         Number of asked events: 20000

         Number of collected events: 20001
  Active Detectors: GTS TOF ISIM OSIM LMD STB

         Trigger Type: Hypernuclei 1
 Run n. 1566         Operators:_______________

         Start time:  4- 2-2004  13:07:59
         Stop time:   4- 2-2004  13:55:10

         Number of asked events: 20000

         Number of collected events: 20001
    Active Detectors: GTS TOF ISIM OSIM LMD STB

         Trigger Type: Hypernuclei 1
comments :
problems of the machine.We start to clean the He-bag increasing the

  Francesca De Mori
  Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale
  Universita' degli Studi di Torino
  via Pietro Giuria 1
  10125 Torino
  tel 0039 0116707323
  fax 0039 0116707324