
News and shifts

Dear Colleagues,

DAFNE restart is foreseen as scheduled from Friday, November 7 in the
morning (from 9 o'clock). The machine team will have to retune the
beams to take into account the performed changments in the ring optics.
This means that some time will pass before we will have useful collisions.
In the mean time the person on shift had to monitor the beams
(and operators...) beaviour to avoid dangerous hits on detectors,
in particular the microstrips.
Once the steady condition is reached, the normal data daking should
be starded, using the trigger: BHABHA.AND.HYP


November	0-8		8-16		16-24
Frid.7				DeMori		Botta	

Sat.08		Piano		Lucherini	DeMori	

Sun.09		Krasnoperov	Botta		Piano

Mon.10		Calvo		Benussi		Bertani

Tue.11		Krasnoperov	Calvo		Pompili	

Wed.12		Bertani		Gianotti	Calvo

Thu.13		Tomassini	Bertani		Calvo

Fri.14		Lucherini	Pompili		Bertani

Sat.15 		Krasnoperov	Paticchio	Piano

Sun.16		Bertani		Bregant		Paticchio

Mon.17		Piano		Calvo		Pompili

Tue.18		Bregant		Benussi		Botta		

Wed.19		Paticchio	Calvo		Gianotti

		The RUN