End Shifts 2003. Shifts January 2004
Dear Colleagues,
here the January 2004 FINUDA shifts. Please check urgently for any
inconsistencies or mistakes and feed back as soon as possible in order
to make adjustements. In the same time start to organize your
availabilities for February 2004.
In principle, we should continue to take data as usual: trigger HYP, with
one measurement per shift of about 20000 events and trigger HYP.or.Bhabha.
In case there are non beams circulating, data must be collected with
cosmic rays and trigger: Orfino.AND.ORfone, m.field ON.
The LNF will open from January 07 2004. DAFNE will not start however at
that date, and also FINUDA had to reswitch ON its detectors and gas flows.
Moreover electricians will work on January 7 in control room FINUDA to fix
some bugs in our UPS power supply distribution network.
So, tentatively (and optimistically), the shifts are planned from January
8 from 4 p.m.. A realistic date for DAFNE restart could be any hour of
Friday January 9.
The straws, since require several days to reach steady gas flux condition,
will be restared to be fluxed with the operative mixture from January 2nd.
Drift chambers and He bags are faster and will be fluxed (filled) starting
from January 7. On January 7 all electronics in the pit and in control
room will also be switched ON.
In the morning of December 2003 Dafne will stop. We will switch the flux
of FINUDA gas detectors from operative mixture to inert gas.
Moreover, the electronic crates in pit and control room will be
switched-off in order to avoid overcurrents in case of abrupt lack of
electric power in case of thunderstorms.
The PCs in control room will also be swiched off, even if they are under
UPS and, in principle, protected by the above events. This means they will
be not accessible during the period from 23/12/2003 to 07/01/2004.
In any one as different proposals for such PCs, please speaks now.
At 9:00 a.m. of December 23 2003, there will be a refreshment in FINUDA
Control room: all who have endured up to that time, are kindly invited
to attend
00-08 08-16 16-24
Wed. 07 Gas flux for Drifts, He filling, Switch ON electronics
Thu. 08 Detectors Activation Bianco-Botta
Fri. 09 Pompili-So Benussi Botta-Tomassini
Sat. 10 Bianco-Simonetti Gianotti-So Piano-Benussi
Sun. 11 Pompili-So Bianco-Tomassini Simonetti-DeMori
Mon. 12 Piano-So Benussi-Pompili Bianco-Dalena
Tue. 13 DeMori-Simonetti Piano-DiSanto Botta-So
Wed. 14 Bianco-Dalena Simonetti-DeMori Marcello-DiSanto
Thu. 15 Pompili-So Botta-Tomassini Calvo-Marcello
Fri. 16 Dalena-DiSanto Pompili-So Botta-Fiore
Sat. 17 Calvo-Tomassini DiSanto-Dalena Piano-So
Sun. 18 Fiore-Pompili Calvo-Dalena DeMori-DiSanto
Mon. 19 Piano-So Fiore-Gianotti Feliciello
Tue. 20 DeMori-Benussi Pompili-So Lucherini-Fiore
Wed. 21 Feliciello-So DeMori-Benussi Gianotti-Palomba
Thu. 22 Lucherini-Fiore Feliciello DeMori-So
Fri. 23 Palomba-Pompili Lucherini-Fiore Feliciello-Faso
Sat. 24 Gianotti-Tomassini Palomba-So Lucherini-Paticchio
Sun. 25 Felicello-Faso Bertani-Palomba Pompili-Dalena
Mon. 26 Lucherini-Paticchio Palomba-Faso Benussi-Dalena
Tue. 27 Bertani-Tomassini Lucherini-Paticchio Faso-So
Wed. 28 Dalena-Pompili Gianotti-Bertani Paticchio-Lucherini
Thu. 29 Faso-So Benussi-Dalena Bertani-Pompili
Fri. 30 Paticchio-Lucherini Pompili-So Dalena-Tomassini
Sat. 31 Bertani-Pompili Lucherini-So Dalena-Benussi
P.S. The first name act as Shift Leader.