shift report 17/12/03 16-24
SHIFT REPORT december 17th 2003, 16.00-24.00
Pompili, Beer, Fujioka
ALL detectors ON , B oN
RUN Start Stop Trigger Events Comments
FINU903 18:25 18:25 HYP 15726
FINU904 19:09 20:10 HYP 20000 e+ beam
instability caused LMDs to trip
FINU905 20:10 21:02 HYP 20000 Bhabha event
counter was zero during run. Found a disconnected cable. Problem solved.
FINU906 21:02 21:18 HYP 3511 LMD trip during e+
FINU907 21:30 22:06 HYP 20000 TOFINO HV set to
12kV due to an incorrect trip-recover procedure (do not use autoset:
simply switch on after trip)
FINU908 22:13 23:15 HYP 20000 TOFINO HV set
again to 14 kV at 23:05
FINU909 23:26 23:43 HYP+BHA 15000