

Dear Colleagues,

after the final tuning of the experiment, we are running in 
almost optimal conditions, having also good luminosity from
DAFNE. We will continue to record data using typically 
the trigger HYP, with one measurement in each shift with
about 15.000 events, trigger HYP.OR.BHABHA (not prescaled),
possibly starting at half the maximum luminosity.
The prescaling of BHABHA is now implemented, but the
saturation of DAQ at the actual HYP rate does not allow us
to include any other trigger a part the main one.

On December 23 there will be the shut down of DAFNE and of
FINUDA, including stop of flamable gas flux
On Jan 2, 2004, the safety system will be restarted and flammable
gas feed again inside the straw, in order to have them ready when
beams will collide again: presumably Jan 8 2004.

People should provide a soon as possible their availability
for the shifts in Jan. 2004, that will restart from Jan. 8, 2004
4 p.m.

		The RUN