Schedule (slight changements)
>From vincenzo@dxcalc.lnf.infn.it Fri Oct 31 13:38:47 2003
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 02:15:50 +0100 (MET)
From: Vincenzo Lucherini <vincenzo@dxcalc.lnf.infn.it>
To: finudagroup@lnf.infn.it
Subject: Shift update & news
Dear colleagues,
this is the schedule update
0-8 8-16 16-24
Tue. 28 Lucherini Benussi Pace
Wed. 29 Palomba Filippi Pompili
Thu. 30 Tomassini Agnello Palomba
Fri. 31 DiSanto Agnello Dalena
Sat. 01 Agnello Benussi 1/2 DiSanto
Lucherini 1/2
Sun. 02 Dalena Agnello DiSanto
Mon. 03 Krasnoperov Shut-down Shut-down
Tue. 04 Shut-down Shut-down Shut-down
Wed. 05 Shut-down Shut-down Shut-down
Thu. 06 Shut-down Shut-down Shut-down
Fri. 07 Shut-down
During the shut-down the FINUDA solenoid will be OFF.
So, if needed, cosmic rays data daking with field OFF could be arranged,
probably during the nights if during the days some groups will perform
detector maintenances.
During the shut-down, the D.A. team will operate on machine elements (in
order to adjust alignment and quadrupole rotations in the interaction
regions), since the actual Luminosities are too much low respect to the
ciclulating currents. These meams that beam tuning will be needed again...
Also the energy will probably be moved respect to how now is settled,
which means that it is after the shut down that a final energy check
should be done.