
Shift update & news

Dear colleagues,

this is the shift schedule update

		  0-8		 8-16		16-24
Tue. 28		Lucherini	Benussi		Pace

Wed. 29		Palomba		Filippi		Pompili

Thu. 30		Tomassini	Agnello		Palomba

Fri. 31		DiSanto		Agnello		Dalena
Sat. 01		Agnello		Benussi		DiSanto

Sun. 02		Dalena		Agnello		DiSanto

Mon. 03		Krasnoperov	Shut-down	Shut-down

Tue. 04		Shut-down	Shut-down	Shut-down
Wed. 05		Shut-down	Shut-down	Shut-down
Thu. 06		Shut-down

The news:
	In the FINUDA private LNF WEB page (access with usual username and
password), a table has been created briefly summarizing the collected runs
from October 20: FINUDA RUN SUMMARY.
This table will be continously updated
by Maurizio Palomba according to the following procedure.
At the end of each shift, the shifter(s) will send an e.mail to
maurizio.palomba@ba.infn.it contaning the information of the relevant runs
recorded in his/her/their shift, written as:

Object: S.R. dd/mm/yy h1h1:m1m1-h2h2:m2m2

  Run 	   date    start stop trigger events Tof Isim& LMD STB B Comments
FINUXXXXX dd/mm/yy hh:mm hh:mm	HYP   nnnnn  ON    ON  ON  ON ON Any
 ..... .......... ............ ............. ............. .............

Please note that this table is just a useful tool and it is NOT a
substitute or copy of the log book, to which any serious data analysis
must refer. For this reason the Comments, if any,  should be short,
concise and reporting only essential information.	

			The RUN