Bhabha Event, fit momentum = 518 MeV/c; one hit on both chamber layers for both tracks, two triplets on Straw Tubes detector, two hits on outer scintillator hodoscope. Inset: vertex region with pattern recognition tracks.

Same event, vertex zoom: two hits back to back on inner scintillator hodoscope, one hit on osim, one hit on isim. Track passing almost through geometric center. In this run only a subset of microstip detectors had been switched on.

Same event, side view

Bhabha Event, fit momentum = 490 MeV/c; 3 hits on chambers, two triplets in Straw Tubes detector, two hits on outer scintillator hodoscope. Inset: vertex region with pattern recognition tracks.

Same event, vertex zoom: two hits back to back on inner scintillator hodoscope, one hit on osim, In this run only a subset of microstrip detectors had been switched on.

Same event, side view

Candidate for K+ decay event, fit momentum = 237 MeV/c. Half the gren circle is physically meaningful: obtained from the fit of a hit on osim, two hits on drift chambers, a triplet on straw tubes, fired outer scintillator hodoscope. The curvature is compatible with a positive particle (mu+). Inset: vertex region with pattern recognition tracks.

Same event, vertex zoom: one hit on osim connected to the track found in the outer region, 2 hits back to back on tofino, one hit on osim. The hit on isim has a charge compatible with a K+ signal. In this run only a subset of the microstrip detectors had been switched on.