FINUDA Tracking Note 92-01.
FINUDA Tracking Note 92-02.
FINUDA Tracking Note 92-03.
FINUDA Tracking Note 93-01.
Introduction. The construction details of the first straw tube prototype
of FINUDA experiment have been described elsewhere. In the beginning of May
this year, the prototype was tested with a 1 GeV/c pi-
beam at CERN. In this note we described the test beam setup and an evaluation
of space resolution of the prototype. The contributions to straw space
resolution due to electron diffusion, ionization statistics and jitter in time
measurements are considered.
Abstract A cylindrical tracking detector with an inner radius of one
meter employing straw tubes is being envisaged for the FINUDA experiment aimed
at hypernuclear physics at DAPHNE, the Frascati phi-factory. A prototype using several 10 mm and
20 mm diameter, two meter long aluminized mylar
straws has been assembled and tested with a one GeV/c
pion beam. While operating with dimethyl
ether gas gain, space resolution, and device systematics
have been studied. A simple method of correction for systematics
due to straw eccentricity has been developed and, once applied, a space
resolution better than 40 mu m can be reached.
03-LNF-ST-94 and LNF-94/047 (IR).
Abstract. In this work the electrical characteristics of FINUDA straws
and the influence of electrostatic and gravitational forces on wire positioning
is considered. Signal transmission parameters, electric field of eccentric
straws, and static position of the wire under the influence of electrical and
gravitational forces are all important aspects to be analytically estimated for
aiding many of the detector design issues. A simple and classical approach of
analysis can be used to treat these arguments and provides a number of insights
with valuable practical importance.
Abstract We have studied various gas mixture that can be used for the
high accuracy drift chambers at FINUDA, and found that a (70-30) gas mixture of
helium-isobutane is optmum.
The relative variations of spatial accuracies resulting from mechanical
positioning inaccuracies are also discussed.
Abstract. We describe the construction of a full scale prototype drift
chamber module of a high accuracy drift chamber for FINUDA at DAPHNE
FINUDA Note 06-TO-DC-94.
FINUDA, 1995.
FINUDA Note 80-, 1994.
Abstract A
cable routing system for the FINUDA experiment at DAPHNE is described. Signal
and supply cables, gas tubes, optical fibers, controls are routed from the
detector inside the magnet to patch-panels, and from here to front-end
electronics mounted on the magnet. From the magnet, cables travel to the
counting room via a telescopic overhead arm, trays attached to DAPHNE hall and
PVC ducts crossing the wall.
FINUDA note 09/LNF/OPR/1995.
FINUDA note 10/LNF/FEE/95.
FINUDA note 15/LNF/FEE/95
Abstract The
DAPHNE phi-factory and the FINUDA and KLOE experiments are reviewed, and their
status reported
FINUDA note 16/LNF/PUB/95
Abstract We
have measured with beam the performances of a large (115x57) cm2
planar drift chamber filled with a He-iC4H10 (70-30)
mixture. The spatial resolution is better than 100 um along the whole drift
cell. Local and integrated efficiencies are 99.3+-0.2 % and 98.1+-0.2 %
respectively. The coordinate along the wire is measured by the charge division
method and the resolution at the center is 0.61% of the length.
FINUDA note 17/TO/DC/95
Abstract The
present document contains an up-to-date overview of the status of the FINUDA
detector. The basic design and the main physics issues remain those ofthe Proposal. However, a considerable deal of
improvements and adaptation to the machine needs was performed and the detector
design is, at present, nearly frozen. Also the tests on prototypes are
practically completed, and all sub-detectors are passing to the phase of
tendering and mass producions, with the objective of
having the detector components ready for mid '96.
FINUDA note 19/LNF/ALL/95
FINUDA note 20/LNF/ST/95
FINUDA note 21/LNF/OPR/1995
FINUDA note 22/LNF/ST/95
FINUDA note 23/LNF/MGN/95
FINUDA note 24/LNF/ST/95
FINUDA note 25/LNF/PUB/95
FINUDA note 26/LNF/STR/1995
FINUDA note 28/LNF/ST/95
FINUDA note 29/LNF/ST/95
FINUDA note 30/LNF/FEE/95
FINUDA note 33/LNF/DAQ/1996
FINUDA note 34/LNF/OPR/1996
FINUDA note 35/LNF/OPR/1996
FINUDA note 36/LNF/OFF/1996
FINUDA note 38/LNF/DAQ/1996, preprint LNF-96/032(P)
FINUDA note 39/TO/DC/1996
FINUDA note 40/LNF/ST/1997
Finuda Note 50/LNF/OFL/98
Finuda Note 51/LNF/STB/99
Finuda Note 52/LNF/STB/99
Finuda Note . 01/TO/TRG/00.
Finuda Note ..
Finuda Note 02/LNF/TRG/07
Finuda Note 53/LNF/STB/07
dp 23 Jul 07