to join to the fROOT development group
first operations (as new developer)
development rules
CVS tutorials
log documentation
List available tags
The official FINUDA online software CVS repository can be
accessed in read mode by all members of the FINUDA
Access to the CVS repository in write mode is
controlled through ssh public key and must be authorized by
the system administrator of the server.
Just follow this procedure:
Check if your network allows you to connect directly (via ssh) to remote hosts.
Generate your private key and the relative public key as follows:
# cd ~/.ssh/
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
In this way
you have generated these two files: "id_rsa" and
Send a request mail to the Server System Administrator, attaching the file "". IMPORTANT NOTE: The "id_rsa" file contains your private key: don't send, don't copy and don't move it !
If your request will be accepted, you will receive a confirmation mail and you will be enabled to modify projects contained into the online repository.
Once you have been enabled to write the repository, you have to set properly the CVS environment on your machine:
bash shell:
# export
export CVS_RSH=ssh
csh or tcsh shell:
# setenv CVSROOT
setenv CVS_RSH ssh
These environmental variables can be set directly into the fROOT configuration file (
First of all you need to check the possibility to perform
checkout, update and commit operations.
July 2005 on, you find (in the top directory of the official
distribution) a text file dedicated to CVS tests and permission
checks: this file is named "CheckCVS_Commit.txt".
If you
need to check the possibility of committing your changes to fROOT
just add a line to this file (write name, surname and date),
and then try to commit this file by sending the following command:
cvs ci -m 'commit test: Name Surname' CheckCVS_Commit.txt
operations will be registered in the CVS-ChangeLog.
Here you can find a short summary of the most important terms
and commands used in CVS:
repository ...: server copy of the code (shared, containing all development versions).
sendbox ......: local copy of the code (property of the user/developer).
checkout .....: copy from the repository to the local sendbox (download).
commit .......: copy from the local sendbox to the repository (upload).
update .......: update the content of your sendbox to the repository content.
Important commands:
checkout of the
fROOT head version:
# cvs co fROOT
Check if your sendbox is
updated to the head version:
# cd fROOT
# cvs -nq update
(Always perform this step before starting to modify the
commit of your
# cd fROOT
# cvs ci
(The commit operation can be
performed also on a single file - default is recursive)
remove you local sendbox (here "fROOT"
is supposed to be a regular directory and not a symbolic link):
cd .. (from $FROOTSYS)
# cvs
release fROOT (answer "yes")
rm -rf fROOT (if your checkout directory was
If you need to download (checkout) a specific (tagged)
fROOT version:
# cvs co -r v8-00-00 fROOT
Remember that
you can not perform cvs update and cvs commit commands
directly from a tagged version, due to the presence of sticky
tags in your sendbox.
No rule for now...enjoy it ;)
You can find a summary of the most used CVS commands at:
(Page maintained by Diego Faso)
Last update: