
00001 // @(#)fROOT/preanalysis:$Name:  $:$Id: preanlogon.C,v 1.13 2007/09/05 10:25:02 Diego_Faso Exp $
00002 // Author: Diego Faso <>, 2006/08/04
00004 #include "Riostream.h"
00005 void preanlogon(){
00007   // --- default include paths
00008   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/ANALYSIS"));
00009   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/GRAPH"));
00010   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/GTS"));
00011   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/GUI"));
00012   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/LMD"));
00013   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/PREAN"));
00014   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/REC"));
00015   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/SCC"));
00016   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/SIL"));
00017   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/STB"));
00018   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/STEER"));
00019   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/TOF"));
00020   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FND_WRK/include"));
00021   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$MSQLDIR/include"));
00022   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$MYSQL_DIR_INC"));
00023   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$PWD"));
00024   gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(FROOT::ExpandPathName("$FROOTSYS/mcr_included"));
00026   // --- expert only
00027   gEnv->SetValue("Root.MemCheck","0");
00028   gEnv->SetValue("Root.MemCheckFile","froot_memcheck.out");
00030   gEnv->SetValue("Root.Debug",0);
00031   gEnv->SetValue("Root.Stacktrace","yes");
00033   gEnv->SetValue("Unix.*.Root.UseThreads","true");
00034   gEnv->SetValue("Canvas.ShowEventStatus","true");
00036   // ---
00037   MemInfo_t *infom = new MemInfo_t();
00038   gSystem->GetMemInfo(infom);
00039   SysInfo_t *infos = new SysInfo_t();
00040   gSystem->GetSysInfo(infos);
00041   // default froot prompt
00042   cout << endl << endl;
00043   cout << "_______________________________________" << endl;
00044   cout << "  WELCOME to the FINUDA pre-analysis" << endl;
00045   cout << "   - froot release  : " << FROOT::GetFrootVersion() << endl;
00046   cout << "   - fidarc release : " << FIN_PHYS::FidaVer_Name() << endl;
00047   cout << "   - root version   : " << gROOT->GetVersion() << endl << endl;
00048   cout << "_______________________________________" << endl;
00049   cout << "   - HOSTNAME     : " <<  gSystem->HostName() << endl;
00050   cout << "   - Cpu type     : " <<  infos->fModel << endl;
00051   cout << "   - Num. of CPUs : " <<  infos->fCpus << endl;
00052   cout << "   - CPU cache    : " <<  infos->fL2Cache << " KB" << endl;
00053   cout << "   - RAM (total)  : " <<  infom->fMemTotal  << " MB" << endl;
00054   cout << "   - SWAP (total) : " <<  infom->fSwapTotal << " MB" << endl;
00055   cout << "_______________________________________" << endl;
00056   TDatime mynow = TDatime();
00057   mynow.Print();
00058   if(gClient){
00059     cout << "_______________________________________" << endl << endl;
00060     cout << "       screen resolution: " << gClient->GetDisplayWidth() << " x " << gClient->GetDisplayHeight() << endl;
00061     cout << " (screen-adjust factors: " << FROOT::Gui::GetTGadj(0) << " ; " << FROOT::Gui::GetTGadj(1) << ")." << endl;
00062     cout << "_______________________________________" << endl << endl;
00063   }
00064   else cout << "Warning: you will not be able to use GUI within this session (\"gClient\" not defined)." << endl << endl;
00066   delete infom;
00067   delete infos;
00068 }

Generated on Tue Oct 16 15:40:47 2007 by  doxygen 1.5.2