
00001 // @(#)fROOT/STEER:$Name:  $:$Id: TFndGeometry.cxx,v 1.28 2007/09/24 07:32:41 Diego_Faso Exp $
00002 // Author: Diego Faso <>, 2006/07/05
00005 //                                                                                //
00006 //                             TFndGeometry                                       //
00007 //                                                                                //
00008 //                                                                                //
00009 //  This class provides a completre support for the FINUDA spectrometer geometry  //
00010 //
00011 //  If you want to import the geometry from the FORTRAN Montecarlo code:
00012 //   1: (within the fidarc/mc environment)
00013 //     # $SCI/fidamc
00014 //      (select workstation type = 1)
00015 //     # rz/file 21 fin_spec.geom on
00016 //     # exit
00017 //     # mv fin_spec.geom <path to root-geometry file>/.
00018 //
00019 //   2: (within the froot environment)
00020 //     # cd <path to root-geometry file>
00021 //     # g2root fin_spec.geom fin_spec_geom.C
00022 //
00023 //   3: (within a root-shell)
00024 //       root [0] gROOT->ProcessLine(".x fin_spec_geom.C");
00025 //       root [1] TFile *f = new TFile(filename,"RECREATE");
00026 //       root [2] gGeoManager->Write();
00027 //       root [3] f->Close();
00028 //       root [4] delete f;
00029 //   Step "2" and step "3" are automatically performed by the
00030 //    "TFndGeometry::ConvertFromGeant3()" method
00031 //
00032 //   see the "ImportGeometry.C" macro
00033 //   last imported geometry: fidamc-603 (Sept 05, 2007)
00034 //                                                                                //
00037 #include "Riostream.h"
00039 #include "TSystem.h"
00040 #include "TRandom.h"
00041 #include "TGeoTube.h"
00043 #include "TFile.h"
00044 #include "TThread.h"
00045 #include <TView3D.h>
00047 #include "TFndDB.h"
00048 #include "TFndGeometry.h"
00050 TFndGeometry *gFndGeom;
00052 ClassImp(TFndGeometry)
00054 //_______________________________________
00055 TFndGeometry::TFndGeometry():
00056   fVerboseLevel(),fSetup(),
00057   fPromptNode(),fPromptVolume(),fCurDetNode(),fTgtNodes(),
00058   fMainCanvas()
00059 {
00060   gFndGeom = this;
00062 }
00064 //_______________________________________
00065 TFndGeometry::~TFndGeometry(){
00067   delete fMainCanvas;
00068   gFndGeom = 0;
00069 }
00071 //_______________________________________
00072 Double_t TFndGeometry::GetTofinoRotAngles(Int_t slab){
00074   if(slab < 0 || slab > K_N_TOFINO_SLABS){
00075     gROOT->Error("TFndGeometry::GetTofinoRotAngles","Slab out of range (%d)",slab);
00076     return 0;
00077   }
00079   Double_t res = (Double_t)(slab-1) * GetTofinoSlabAngle();
00080   res +=  GetTofinoSlabAngle() / 2;
00081   return res;
00082 }
00084 //_______________________________________
00085 Double_t TFndGeometry::GetTofoneRotAngles(Int_t slab){
00087   if(slab < 0 || slab > K_N_TOFONE_SLABS){
00088     gROOT->Error("TFndGeometry::GetTofoneRotAngles","Slab out of range (%d)",slab);
00089     return 0;
00090   }
00092   Double_t res = (Double_t)(slab-1) * GetTofoneSlabAngle();
00093   // The first TOFONE slab crosses x-axis (different from TOFINO!!!)
00094   return res;
00095 }
00097 //_______________________________________
00098 Int_t TFndGeometry::ConvertFromGeant3(TString root_geom_filename, TString geant3_geom_path,Bool_t CleanTmp){
00099   // if you use the default parameters you get the "fin_spec.geom" file from $PWD
00100   // and save a ROOT-geometry-file (gGeoManager) in $PWD
00101   // The temporary fin_spec_geom.C file is deleted if CleanTmp is set to kTRUE (default)
00102   //
00103   // the "fin_spec.geom" can be generated within the GEANT3 prompt in this way:
00104   //     # rz/file 21 fin_spec.geom on
00105   //     # exit
00106   //
00107   // return value:
00108   //              0: ok
00109   //             -1: error
00111   TString TempFileName = root_geom_filename;
00112   Int_t dot_id = TempFileName.Index(".");
00113   if(dot_id == -1){
00114     gROOT->Warning("ConvertFromGeant3","no \".\" found into the geom_filename: not converting");
00115     return -1;
00116   }
00117   TempFileName.Resize(dot_id);
00118   TempFileName+=".C";
00120   TString cmd_conv;
00121   cmd_conv.Form("%s %s %s","g2root",geant3_geom_path.Data(),TempFileName.Data());
00123   Printf(" ---> sending command \"%s\"",cmd_conv.Data());
00124   gSystem->Exec(cmd_conv.Data());
00125   Printf("TFndGeometry::ConvertFromGeant3 ---> Root GEOMETRY macro created.");
00127   TString cmd_x = ".x ";
00128   cmd_x += TempFileName;
00129   Printf("sending root-command \"%s\"",cmd_x.Data());
00130   gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd_x.Data());
00132   TFile f(root_geom_filename,"RECREATE");
00133   gGeoManager->SetName("TheFinudaGeometry");
00134   gGeoManager->Write();
00135   f.Close();
00137   if(CleanTmp){
00138     TString cmd_rm = "rm -i "; cmd_rm += TempFileName;
00139     gSystem->Exec(cmd_rm.Data());
00140   }
00141   return 0;
00142 }
00144 //_______________________________________
00145 Int_t TFndGeometry::LoadGeometry(TString filename){
00146   // return value:
00147   //               0: ok
00148   //              -1: File not found
00149   //              -2: Can not get the gGeoManager pointer
00151   if(gSystem->AccessPathName(ExpandPathName(filename))){
00152     Warning("LoadGeometry","File \"%s\"not found",filename.Data());  
00153     return -1;
00154   }
00156   //  TString man_name = filename;
00157   //  Int_t dot_id = man_name.Index(".");
00158   //   if(dot_id == -1){
00159   //     gROOT->Warning("LoadGeometry","no \".\" found into the \"%s\"file: not converting",filename.Data());
00160   //     return -2;
00161   //   }
00162   //  man_name.Resize(dot_id);
00164   TFile f(filename,"OPEN");
00165   if(fVerboseLevel>1);
00166   if(fVerboseLevel>0) Printf("Geometry manager new address: %x",f.Get("TheFinudaGeometry"));
00167   //  new TGeoManager();
00168   if(gGeoManager) delete gGeoManager;
00169   gGeoManager = (TGeoManager *)(f.Get("TheFinudaGeometry"));
00171   if(!gGeoManager){
00172     Warning("LoadGeometry","No geometry loaded");  
00173     return -2;
00174   }
00175   f.Close();
00176   // 
00177   Init();
00180   return 0;
00181 }
00183 //_______________________________________
00184 void TFndGeometry::Init(){
00185   // called after loading geometry from file
00186   // the setup is selected looking at the targets
00187   // target nodes are also loaded
00189   fPromptNode = gGeoManager->GetNode(0);
00190   fPromptVolume = fPromptNode->GetVolume();
00192   // find setup and set target nodes
00193   if(fPromptVolume->FindNode("TAR1_1")){
00194     fSetup = (Int_t) FGEO_2003;    
00195     fTgtNodes[0] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("TAR1_1");
00196     fTgtNodes[1] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM2_1");
00197     fTgtNodes[2] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM3_1");
00198     fTgtNodes[3] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM4_1");
00199     fTgtNodes[4] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("TAR5_1");
00200     fTgtNodes[5] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("TAR6_1");
00201     fTgtNodes[6] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("TAR7_1");
00202     fTgtNodes[7] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("TAR8_1");
00203   }
00204   else if(fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM1_1")){
00205     fSetup = (Int_t) FGEO_2006;
00206     fTgtNodes[0] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM1_1");
00207     fTgtNodes[1] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("TAR2_1");
00208     fTgtNodes[2] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM3_1");
00209     fTgtNodes[3] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM4_1");
00210     fTgtNodes[4] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM5_1"); // DEG5 for 2006 only (degrader)
00211     fTgtNodes[5] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM6_1");
00212     fTgtNodes[6] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("TAR7_1");
00213     fTgtNodes[7] = fPromptVolume->FindNode("LIM8_1");    
00214   }
00215   else{
00216     Error("Init","Can not identify current setup!");
00217     gApplication->Terminate();
00218   }
00219   if(fVerboseLevel>0) Info("Init","Loaded setup is \"%s\" (id: %d)",GetCurrentSetup().Data(),fSetup);
00220   // following line could be used for debugging purposes (useful here)
00221   //  PrintStructure(6); 
00222   LoadGeoMatrices();
00223   if(fVerboseLevel>0)  Info("Init","All matrices succesfully loaded");
00224 }
00226 //_______________________________________
00227 void TFndGeometry::LoadGeoMatrices(){
00228   // TGeoHMatrix is used in order to combine every roto-translation
00230   Int_t channel; // used by all detectors (standard DB numbering)
00233   for(Int_t lay=1;lay<=2;lay++){
00234     for(Int_t sl=1;sl<=K_N_TOFONE_SLABS;sl++){
00235       if(lay ==1 && sl>K_N_TOFINO_SLABS){ 
00236         fGeoMatr_Top_Tof[lay-1][sl-1] = 0;
00237         continue;
00238       }
00239       channel = TFndDB::Tof_ChannelToDBNumbering(lay,sl);
00240       SelectDetectorNode(FIN_TOF,channel);
00241       if(fVerboseLevel>1)  Printf("LoadGeoMatrices ===> node TOF: channel \"%d\": \"%s\"",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00242       //       fGeoMatr_Top_Tof[lay-1][sl-1] = fCurDetNode->GetMatrix();
00243       fGeoMatr_Top_Tof[lay-1][sl-1] = new TGeoHMatrix();
00244       Double_t trasl_tof[3] = { 0. , 0. , 0. };
00245       TGeoTube *tgtub = (TGeoTube *) ( fCurDetNode->GetDaughter(0)->GetVolume()->GetShape() );
00246       trasl_tof[0] =  tgtub->GetRmin();
00247       trasl_tof[0] += ( (tgtub->GetRmax() - tgtub->GetRmin()) / 2 );
00248       //      Printf("===========> ch %d ; rad: %f",channel,trasl_tof[0] );
00249       fGeoMatr_Top_Tof[lay-1][sl-1]->SetTranslation(trasl_tof);
00250       // add traslation from center of FINUDA to center of slabs
00251       fGeoMatr_Top_Tof[lay-1][sl-1]->RotateZ( (lay==1) ? GetTofinoRotAngles(sl) : GetTofoneRotAngles(sl) );
00252     }
00253   }
00255   //   fGeoMatr_Top_Sil[2][10]
00257   for(Int_t lay=1;lay<=2;lay++){
00258     for(Int_t mod=1;mod<=K_N_Sil_Modules;mod++){
00259       if(lay==1){ // case of ISIM
00260         if(mod>8) continue;
00261         SelectDetectorNode(FIN_ISM,mod);
00262       }
00263       else SelectDetectorNode(FIN_OSM,mod);
00264       //
00265       fGeoMatr_Top_Sil[lay-1][mod-1] = fCurDetNode->GetMatrix();
00266     }
00267   }
00271   for(Int_t lay=1;lay<=K_N_LMD_LAYERS;lay++){  // layer values: 1,2
00272     for(Int_t ch=1;ch<=K_N_LMD_CHAMS_PER_LAYER;ch++){ // ch values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
00273       for(Int_t wire=0;wire<=K_N_LMD_OUTER_WIRES;wire++){ // wire 0: chamber node ; wire [1;max]: wire node
00274         if(lay==1 && wire > K_N_LMD_INNER_WIRES) continue;
00276         channel = TFndDB::Lmd_ChannelToDBNumbering(lay,ch,wire);
00277         SelectDetectorNode(FIN_LMD,channel);
00279         if(wire==0){ // external node
00280           if(fVerboseLevel>1) Printf("LoadGeoMatrices ===> external node LMD: channel \"%d\": \"%s\"",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00281           fGeoMatr_Top_Lmd[lay-1][ch-1] = fCurDetNode->GetMatrix();
00282           continue;
00283         }
00284         // ---
00285         if(fVerboseLevel>1) Printf("LoadGeoMatrices ---> LMD: channel \"%d\": \"%s\"",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00286         if(lay ==1) fGeoMatr_InnerLmd_Wire [ch-1][wire-1] = fCurDetNode->GetMatrix();
00287         else if(lay ==2) fGeoMatr_OuterLmd_Wire [ch-1][wire-1] = fCurDetNode->GetMatrix();
00288         else{ Error("LoadGeoMatrices","layer out of range (%d)",lay); gApplication->Terminate(); }
00289       }
00290     }
00291   }
00292   // Combine LMD roto-translations
00293   for(Int_t l_id=0;l_id<K_N_LMD_LAYERS;l_id++){  // indices
00294     for(Int_t ch_id=0;ch_id<K_N_LMD_CHAMS_PER_LAYER;ch_id++){ // ch_id values: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
00295       for(Int_t wire_id=0;wire_id<K_N_LMD_OUTER_WIRES;wire_id++){ // wire_id [0;max-1]
00296         if(l_id==0 && wire_id >= K_N_LMD_INNER_WIRES) continue;
00297         if(l_id ==0){
00298           fGeoMatr_Top_InnerLmdWire[ch_id][wire_id] = new TGeoHMatrix(*fGeoMatr_Top_Lmd[l_id][ch_id]);
00299           fGeoMatr_Top_InnerLmdWire[ch_id][wire_id]->Multiply(fGeoMatr_InnerLmd_Wire[ch_id][wire_id]);
00300         }
00301         else if(l_id==1){
00302           fGeoMatr_Top_OuterLmdWire[ch_id][wire_id] = new TGeoHMatrix(*fGeoMatr_Top_Lmd[l_id][ch_id]);
00303           fGeoMatr_Top_OuterLmdWire[ch_id][wire_id]->Multiply(fGeoMatr_OuterLmd_Wire[ch_id][wire_id]);
00304         }
00305         else{
00306           Error("LoadGeoMatrices","layer ID out of range (%d)",l_id); gApplication->Terminate(); 
00307         }
00308       } 
00309     }
00310   }
00311   // ---
00313   for(Int_t crown=1;crown<=K_N_STB_CROWNS;crown++){  // crown values: 1-6
00314     for(Int_t tube=0;tube<=K_N_STB_TUBES;tube++){ // tube 0: main node ; tube [1-404]: tube node
00315       channel = TFndDB::Stb_ChannelToDBNumbering(crown,tube);
00316       SelectDetectorNode(FIN_STB,channel);
00317       if(tube == 0){
00318         if(fVerboseLevel>1) printf("LoadGeoMatrices ===> STB (outer volume): \"%d\": \"%s\"\n",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00319         continue; // no need to load container matrix: it is an identity
00320       }
00321       if(fVerboseLevel>1) printf("LoadGeoMatrices ---> STB: channel \"%d\": \"%s\"\n",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00322       fGeoMatr_Top_StbWire[crown-1][tube-1] = fCurDetNode->GetMatrix();; // MRF->Wire.RF
00323     }
00324   }  
00325 }
00327 //____________________________________
00328 Double_t TFndGeometry::SilPositionStrip(const Int_t &side, const Double_t &barcha) {
00329   //
00330   // Convert the strip number, which is fractional due to center of
00331   // mass calculation, into the position in the local frame [cm]
00332   //
00333   // Strip pitch for p+ and n+ side
00334   const Double_t pitchp = 0.0025;
00335   const Double_t pitchn = 0.0050; 
00336   //
00337   // MicroStrip Geometrical constants
00338   //
00339   const Double_t pgeo[18]={0.0000,0.0740,6.3920,0.0740,
00340                            0.0000,0.0740,6.3920,0.0740,
00341                            0.0000,0.0740,6.3920,0.0740,
00342                            0.0000,
00343                            0.0000,0.0800,5.1000,0.0800,0.0000};
00344   const Double_t qgeo[18]={0.0000,0.0750,6.3900,0.0750,
00345                            0.0000,0.0750,6.3900,0.0750,
00346                            0.0000,0.0750,6.3900,0.0750,
00347                            0.0000,
00348                            0.0000,0.1462,4.9676,0.1462,0.0000};
00349   // Number of p+ side strips
00350   const Double_t nstrp=2041.0;
00351   const Double_t maxchp=1021.0;
00352   // Number of n+ side strips         
00353   const Double_t nstrn=3837.0;          
00354   const Double_t maxchn=1920.0;
00355   //
00356   Double_t idncha = floor(barcha);
00357   Double_t difcha = barcha - idncha;
00358   Double_t idnstr = 0.;
00359   Double_t pitch  = 0.;
00360   Double_t helle  = 0.;
00361   Double_t dely0  = 0.;
00362   Double_t numstr = 0.;
00363   Double_t nfrac  = 0.;
00364   Double_t nikstr = 0.;
00365   Double_t strpos = 0.;
00366   if (side == 0) {
00367     //
00368     //  p+ side
00369     //
00370     idnstr = 2*idncha-1;          
00371     pitch  = pitchp;
00372     helle  = 0.5*(pgeo[14]+pgeo[15]+pgeo[16]);
00373     dely0  = pgeo[16];         
00374     numstr = nstrp;
00375     strpos = pitch*(idnstr-1)-helle+dely0;
00376   } else {
00377     //
00378     //  n+ side
00379     //
00380     if (idncha <= maxchn/3.) {
00381       nfrac = 1.;
00382     } else if (idncha <= maxchn/3.*2.) {
00383       nfrac = 2.;
00384     } else {
00385       nfrac = 3.;
00386     }
00387     idnstr = 2*idncha-nfrac;        
00388     numstr = nstrn/3;
00389     pitch  = pitchn;
00390     if (idnstr > numstr*2) {
00391       //
00392       //      Lateral detector with positive Z-coordinate
00393       //
00394       nikstr = 2.;
00395       helle  = 0.5*(qgeo[1]+qgeo[2]+qgeo[3]);
00396       dely0  = qgeo[3];        
00397       strpos = pitch*(idnstr-nikstr*numstr-1.)+dely0+(0.5*qgeo[6]+qgeo[5]+qgeo[4]);
00398     } else if (idnstr <= numstr) {
00399       //
00400       //      Lateral detector with negative Z-coordinate
00401       //
00402       nikstr = 0.;
00403       helle  = 0.5*(qgeo[9]+qgeo[10]+qgeo[11]);
00404       dely0  = qgeo[11];       
00405       strpos = pitch*(idnstr-nikstr*numstr-1)+dely0-(0.5*qgeo[6]+qgeo[7]+qgeo[8])-2.*helle;
00406     } else {
00407       //
00408       //      Central detector
00409       //
00410       nikstr = 1.;
00411       helle  = 0.5*(qgeo[5]+qgeo[6]+qgeo[7]);
00412       dely0  = qgeo[7];        
00413       strpos = pitch*(idnstr-nikstr*numstr-1)-helle+dely0;
00414     }
00415   }
00416   strpos += difcha*2.0*pitch;
00417   return strpos;
00418 }
00420 //_______________________________________
00421 void TFndGeometry::RefSys_TofSlabToMRS(const Int_t &channel,const Double_t* local, Double_t* master) {
00423   Int_t lay = -1;
00424   Int_t sla = -1;
00425   TFndDB::Tof_ChNum_To_DetChan(channel,lay,sla);
00427   if(
00428      (channel > K_N_TOFINO_SLABS && channel <= 100) ||
00429      (channel > 172 && channel <= 300) ||
00430      (channel > 312)
00431      ) {
00432     Error("RefSys_TofSlabToMRS","Wrong channel number (%d)",channel);
00433     for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) master[i] = 0.;
00434     return;
00435   }
00437   //  cout << "channel: " << channel << "; lay: " << lay << "; sla: " << sla << endl; 
00438   fGeoMatr_Top_Tof[lay-1][sla-1]->LocalToMaster(local,master);
00440 }
00442 //_______________________________________
00443 void TFndGeometry::RefSys_SilModToMRS(const Int_t &layer,const Int_t &module,const Double_t* local, Double_t* master){
00445   fGeoMatr_Top_Sil[layer-1][module-1]->LocalToMaster(local,master);
00446 }
00448 //_______________________________________
00449 void TFndGeometry::RefSys_LmdWireToMRS(const Int_t &channel,const Double_t* local, Double_t* master) {
00451   Int_t lay = -1;
00452   Int_t dch = -1;
00453   Int_t wire = -1;
00454   Int_t wire_node = -1; // not used but needed to call the following method
00455   TFndDB::Lmd_ChNum_To_DetChan(channel,lay,dch,wire,wire_node);
00457   if(lay ==1) fGeoMatr_Top_InnerLmdWire[dch-1][wire-1]->LocalToMaster(local,master); 
00458   else if(lay ==2) fGeoMatr_Top_OuterLmdWire[dch-1][wire-1]->LocalToMaster(local,master);
00459   else{
00460     Error("RefSys_LmdWireToMRS","layer value out of range (%d)",lay); gApplication->Terminate(); 
00461   } 
00462 }
00464 //_______________________________________
00465 void TFndGeometry::RefSys_StbWireToMRS(const Int_t &channel,const Double_t* local, Double_t* master) {
00467   Int_t crown = -1;
00468   Int_t tube = -1;
00469   Int_t wire_node = -1; // not used but needed to call the following method
00470   TFndDB::Stb_ChNum_To_DetChan(channel,crown,tube,wire_node);
00471   fGeoMatr_Top_StbWire[crown-1][tube-1]->LocalToMaster(local,master);
00472 }
00474 //_______________________________________
00475 void TFndGeometry::PrintGeoMatrices(Int_t det,Int_t verbose_lev){
00476   // print matrices on standard output
00477   // the verbose level is local
00479   Int_t channel; // used by all detectors (standard DB numbering)
00481   switch(det){
00482   case (Int_t) FIN_GTS:
00483     // no geometry for GTS
00484     break;
00485   case (Int_t) FIN_TOF:  
00486     for(Int_t lay=1;lay<=2;lay++){
00487       for(Int_t sl=1;sl<=K_N_TOFONE_SLABS;sl++){
00488         if(lay ==1 && sl>K_N_TOFINO_SLABS) continue;
00489         channel = TFndDB::Tof_ChannelToDBNumbering(lay,sl);
00490         SelectDetectorNode(FIN_TOF,channel);
00491         Printf("PrintGeoMatrices ===> node TOF: channel \"%d\": \"%s\"",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00492         fGeoMatr_Top_Tof[lay-1][sl-1]->Print();
00493       }
00494     }
00495     break;
00496   case (Int_t) FIN_ISM:
00497     for(Int_t mod=1;mod<=8;mod++){
00498       SelectDetectorNode(FIN_ISM,mod);
00499       Printf("PrintGeoMatrices ===> node ISIM: module \"%d\": \"%s\"",mod,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00500       fGeoMatr_Top_Sil[0][mod-1]->Print();
00501     }
00502     break;
00503   case (Int_t) FIN_OSM:
00504     for(Int_t mod=1;mod<=K_N_Sil_Modules;mod++){
00505       SelectDetectorNode(FIN_OSM,mod);
00506       Printf("PrintGeoMatrices ===> node OSIM: module \"%d\": \"%s\"",mod,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00507       fGeoMatr_Top_Sil[1][mod-1]->Print();
00508     }
00509     break;
00510   case (Int_t) FIN_LMD:
00511     for(Int_t lay=1;lay<=K_N_LMD_LAYERS;lay++){  // layer values: 1,2
00512       for(Int_t ch=1;ch<=K_N_LMD_CHAMS_PER_LAYER;ch++){ // ch values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
00513         for(Int_t wire=0;wire<=K_N_LMD_OUTER_WIRES;wire++){ // wire 0: chamber node ; wire [1;max]: wire node
00514           if(lay==1 && wire > K_N_LMD_INNER_WIRES) continue;
00516           channel = TFndDB::Lmd_ChannelToDBNumbering(lay,ch,wire);
00517           SelectDetectorNode(det,channel);
00518           if(wire==0){ // external node
00519             Printf("PrintGeoMatrices ===> external node LMD: channel \"%d\": \"%s\"",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00520             fGeoMatr_Top_Lmd[lay-1][ch-1]->Print();
00521             continue;
00522           }
00523           Printf("PrintGeoMatrices -> LMD: channel \"%d\": \"%s\"",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00524           if(lay ==1) fGeoMatr_InnerLmd_Wire [ch-1][wire-1]->Print();
00525           else if(lay==2) fGeoMatr_OuterLmd_Wire [ch-1][wire-1]->Print();
00526           else{ Error("PrintGeoMatrices","layer out of range (%d)",lay); gApplication->Terminate(); }
00527         }
00528       }
00529     }
00530     break;
00531   case (Int_t) FIN_STB:
00532     for(Int_t crown=1;crown<=K_N_STB_CROWNS;crown++){  // crown values: 1-6
00533       for(Int_t tube=0;tube<=K_N_STB_TUBES;tube++){ // tube 0: main node ; tube [1-404]: tube node
00534         channel = TFndDB::Stb_ChannelToDBNumbering(crown,tube);
00535         SelectDetectorNode(FIN_STB,channel);
00536         if(tube == 0){
00537           Printf("PrintGeoMatrices ===> STB (outer volume): \"%d\": \"%s\"",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00538           continue;
00539         }
00540         Printf("PrintGeoMatrices ---> STB: channel \"%d\": \"%s\"",channel,fCurDetNode->GetName());
00541         fGeoMatr_Top_StbWire[crown-1][tube-1]->Print();
00542       }
00543     }  
00544     break;
00545   default:
00546     Warning("PrintGeoMatrices","detector id \"%d\" not available",det);
00547     return;
00548   }
00550 }
00552 //_______________________________________
00553 Int_t TFndGeometry::ShowGeometry(Option_t *option,Int_t vis_level){
00554   // return value:
00555   //              0: ok
00556   //             -1: error
00558   if(!fPromptNode){
00559     Warning("ShowGeometry","No geometry available");
00560     return -1;
00561   }
00563   delete fMainCanvas;
00564   fMainCanvas = new TCanvas("FinGeomCanvas","FINUDA Geometry",100,100,400,400);
00565   fMainCanvas->SetFillColor(0);
00566   gGeoManager->SetVisLevel(vis_level);
00567   SetDefaultColors();
00568   SetDefaultVisibility();
00570   gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->Draw(option);
00572   //  TView *view = new TView(1); // up to root-version 5.13
00573   TView3D *view = new TView3D();
00574   Double_t k=150.;
00575   view->SetRange( -k, -k, -k, k, k, k);
00576   Int_t iret;
00577   view->SetView(5, 5, 0, iret);
00578   view->SetViewChanged();
00580   fMainCanvas->SetView(view);  
00581   fMainCanvas->Modified();
00582   fMainCanvas->Update();
00584   return 0;
00585 }
00587 //_______________________________________
00588 Int_t TFndGeometry::PrintNode(TGeoNode *node,Int_t id_subnum,const Int_t level){
00589   // returns the number of daughters
00591   if(!node){
00592     Warning("PrintNode","node not defined!");
00593     return 0;
00594   }
00596   TString sp_str = "";
00597   sp_str.Resize(level * 5);
00599   Printf("%s      -> Sub-Node number %d: \"%s\" (level %d)",sp_str.Data(),id_subnum,node->GetName(),level);
00600   Int_t ndau = node->GetNdaughters();
00601   if(!ndau) return 0;
00603   Printf("%s         Number of daughters: %d",sp_str.Data(),ndau);
00604   return ndau;
00606 }
00608 //_______________________________________
00609 void TFndGeometry::PrintStructure(const Int_t levels){
00610   // a maximum of 7 levels (default) is allowed
00611   // direct daughters of the fPromptNode belong to level "0"
00612   //
00613   // NOTE: level 6 should be the deepest one
00614   //       according to the current geometry (Aug 2006)
00616   if(!gGeoManager){
00617     Warning("PrintStructure","No geometry loaded");  
00618     return;
00619   }
00622   Int_t Nmany      = gGeoManager->GetNmany();
00623   Int_t Nsegments  = gGeoManager->GetNsegments();
00624   Int_t NAlignable = gGeoManager->GetNAlignable();
00625   Int_t Ntracks    = gGeoManager->GetNtracks();
00626   Int_t NNodes     = gGeoManager->GetNNodes();
00629   Printf("");
00630   Printf(" --------- the FINUDA SPECTROMETER geometry structure: ---------");
00631   Printf(" -> Top volume: \"%s\"",gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetName());
00632   Printf("    Number of many =======> %d",Nmany);
00633   Printf("    Number of segments ===> %d",Nsegments);
00634   Printf("    Number of Alignable ==> %d",NAlignable);
00635   Printf("    Number of tracks =====> %d",Ntracks);
00636   Printf("    Number of nodes ======> %d",NNodes);
00637   Printf("    --- --- --- ---");
00639   // from this line on everything will be referred to the prompt node
00640   // in order to browse the hyerarchical structure of the geometry
00641   Printf(" --------- Inspecting the geometry structure: ---------");
00643   Int_t NDaughters = fPromptNode->GetNdaughters();
00645   Printf(" -> Prompt node: \"%s\"",fPromptNode->GetName());
00646   Printf("    Number of daughters ======> %d",NDaughters);
00648   // ---
00649   TGeoNode *daughts[levels];
00650   Int_t ndau[levels];
00651   Int_t next_dau_num[levels];   
00652   for(Int_t i=0;i<levels;i++){
00653     daughts[i] = 0;
00654     ndau[i] = 0;
00655     next_dau_num[i] = 0;
00656   }
00657   // ---
00658   for(ndau[0]=0;ndau[0]<NDaughters;ndau[0]++){ // level 0
00659     daughts[0] = fPromptNode->GetDaughter(ndau[0]);
00660     next_dau_num[0] = PrintNode(daughts[0],ndau[0],0);
00661     if(levels <1) continue;
00662     for(ndau[1]=0;ndau[1]<next_dau_num[0];ndau[1]++){ // level 1
00663       daughts[1] =  daughts[0]->GetDaughter(ndau[1]);
00664       next_dau_num[1] = PrintNode(daughts[1],ndau[1],1);
00665       if(levels <2) continue;
00666       for(ndau[2]=0;ndau[2]<next_dau_num[1];ndau[2]++){ // level 2
00667         daughts[2] =  daughts[1]->GetDaughter(ndau[2]);
00668         next_dau_num[2] = PrintNode(daughts[2],ndau[2],2);
00669         if(levels <3) continue;
00670         for(ndau[3]=0;ndau[3]<next_dau_num[2];ndau[3]++){ // level 3
00671           daughts[3] =  daughts[2]->GetDaughter(ndau[3]);
00672           next_dau_num[3] = PrintNode(daughts[3],ndau[3],3);
00673           if(levels <4) continue;
00674           for(ndau[4]=0;ndau[4]<next_dau_num[3];ndau[4]++){ // level 4
00675             daughts[4] =  daughts[3]->GetDaughter(ndau[4]);
00676             next_dau_num[4] = PrintNode(daughts[4],ndau[4],4);
00677             if(levels <5) continue;
00678             for(ndau[5]=0;ndau[5]<next_dau_num[4];ndau[5]++){ // level 5
00679               daughts[5] =  daughts[4]->GetDaughter(ndau[5]);
00680               next_dau_num[5] = PrintNode(daughts[5],ndau[5],5);
00681               if(levels <6) continue;
00682               for(ndau[6]=0;ndau[6]<next_dau_num[5];ndau[6]++){ // level 6
00683                 daughts[6] =  daughts[5]->GetDaughter(ndau[6]);
00684                 next_dau_num[6] = PrintNode(daughts[6],ndau[6],6);
00685                 if(levels <7) continue;
00686                 for(ndau[7]=0;ndau[7]<next_dau_num[6];ndau[7]++){ // level 7
00687                   daughts[7] =  daughts[6]->GetDaughter(ndau[7]);
00688                   next_dau_num[7] = PrintNode(daughts[7],ndau[7],7);
00689                 }    
00690               }    
00691             }    
00692           }    
00693         }    
00694       } 
00695     }
00696   }
00697   // ---  
00698 }
00700 //_______________________________________
00701 TGeoNode *TFndGeometry::SelectDetectorNode(const Int_t &det, const Int_t &ch){
00702   // the current node is set and then returned:
00703   // do not delete the returned node
00704   //
00705   // if you need to get the index of the selected node use:
00706   //   gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->GetIndex(fCurDetNode) 
00707   //
00708   // TO BE FIXED FOR SIL
00710   if(det == (Int_t) FIN_GTS){
00711     Warning("SelectDetectorNode","No geometry has been provided for GTS",det);
00712     return 0;
00713   }
00715   fCurDetNode = 0;
00717   Int_t lay = -1;   // used by LMD/STB
00718   Int_t dch_num = -1; // used by LMD
00719   Int_t wire_num = -1; //  used by LMD
00720   Int_t wirenode = -1; // needed to select the anode volume
00722   TString nnam;     // used by STB
00723   //  Int_t offset = 0; // used by STB
00725   switch(det){
00726   case (Int_t) FIN_GTS:
00727     // no geometry for GTS
00728     break;
00729   case (Int_t) FIN_TOF:  
00730     if(ch >= 1   &&   ch <= K_N_TOFINO_SLABS)    fCurDetNode = fPromptVolume->FindNode("ITOF_1");
00731     else if(ch>=101 && ch<=100+K_N_TOFONE_SLABS) fCurDetNode = fPromptVolume->FindNode("ETOF_1");
00732     else{
00733       Error("SelectDetectorNode","Wrong cannel number for TOF (%d)",ch);
00734       return 0;
00735     }
00736     break;
00737   case (Int_t) FIN_ISM:
00738     nnam.Form("ISIM_%d",ch);
00739     fCurDetNode = fPromptVolume->FindNode(nnam);
00740     break;
00741   case (Int_t) FIN_OSM:
00742     nnam.Form("OSIM_%d",ch);
00743     fCurDetNode = fPromptVolume->FindNode(nnam);
00744     break;
00745   case (Int_t) FIN_LMD: // to be completed
00746     // wire(ch) numbering:
00747     //   xyzk:
00748     //         x: layer    [1;2]
00749     //         y: chamber  [1-8]
00750     //        zk: wire   [1-12](inner) ; [1-22] (outer)
00751     //        zk == 00 means -> chamber external node
00753     if(ch<=0 || ch > 2822){
00754       Error("SelectDetectorNode","Channel out of range (LMD): %d",ch);
00755       gApplication->Terminate();
00756     }
00757     TFndDB::Lmd_ChNum_To_DetChan(ch,lay,dch_num,wire_num,wirenode);
00758     if(wire_num == 0){
00759       fCurDetNode = fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetDaughter((lay-1)*8 + (dch_num-1)); 
00760       break;
00761     }
00762     if(fVerboseLevel>1) Printf("Selecting node for LMD: ch: %d ===> layer: %d; dch_num: %d; wire_num: %d; wirenode: %d.",ch,lay,dch_num,wire_num,wirenode);
00763     //    fCurDetNode = gGeoManager->GetVolume("BAG2")->GetNode(0)->GetDaughter(0)->GetDaughter(0);
00764     //fCurDetNode = gGeoManager->GetVolume("BAG2")->GetNode(8)->GetDaughter(0)->GetDaughter(0); // outer
00765     //
00766     fCurDetNode = fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")
00767       ->GetDaughter((lay-1)*8 + (dch_num-1))->GetDaughter(0)->GetDaughter(0)
00768       ->GetDaughter(4)->GetDaughter(wirenode);
00770     //    cout << "============> " << fCurDetNode->GetName() << endl;
00771     //    fCurDetNode = fPromptNode->GetVolume()->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetDaughter(0)->GetDaughter(0); // outer
00772     break;
00773   case (Int_t) FIN_STB: // to be completed
00774     // "lay" used for "crown-1"
00775     // "wire_num" used for "tube" [1-404]
00776     // "wire_node" used for "tube_node"
00777     // wire number "0" used for STB crown
00779     TFndDB::Stb_ChNum_To_DetChan(ch,lay,wire_num,wirenode);
00780     if(lay<1 || lay > K_N_STB_CROWNS || wire_num<0 || wire_num >K_N_STB_TUBES){
00781       Error("SelectDetectorNode","Channel out of range (STB): %d",ch);
00782       gApplication->Terminate();
00783     }
00784     if(lay<=2){
00785       nnam = "SSTR_1";
00786     }
00787     else if(lay<=6){
00788       nnam = "TSTR_1";
00789     }
00790     //     else if(lay<=6){
00791     //       nnam = "TSTR_1";
00792     //       //      offset = 810;
00793     //     }
00794     else{
00795       Error("SelectDetectorNode","BUG! (stb)");
00796       gApplication->Terminate();
00797     }
00798     if(fVerboseLevel>1) Printf("Selecting node for STB: ch: %d ===> crown: %d; tube: %d; wirenode: %d.",ch,lay,wire_num,wirenode);
00799     if(wire_num==0) fCurDetNode = fPromptVolume->FindNode(nnam);
00800     else fCurDetNode = fPromptVolume->FindNode(nnam)->GetDaughter(wirenode);
00801     if(!fCurDetNode){
00802       Error("SelectDetectorNode","BUG!");
00803       gApplication->Terminate();
00804     }
00805     break;
00806   default:
00807     Warning("SelectDetectorNode","detector id \"%d\" not available",det);
00808     return 0;
00809   }
00811   if(fVerboseLevel>0) Info("SelectDetectorNode","Current node set to \"%s\"",fCurDetNode->GetName());
00812   return fCurDetNode;
00813 }
00819 //_______________________________________
00820 Int_t TFndGeometry::SetDefaultColors(){
00821   // in some cases a quick access to common volumes is used
00823   // beam-pipe
00824   fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(35);
00825   for(Int_t i=0;i<fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetNdaughters();i++){
00826     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetDaughter(i)->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(95);
00827   }
00829   SelectDetectorNode(FIN_TOF,1); // tofino
00830   fCurDetNode->GetDaughter(0)->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(7);
00832   SelectDetectorNode(FIN_ISM,1); // isim
00833   fCurDetNode->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00835   // targets
00836   for(Int_t i=0;i<8;i++) fTgtNodes[i]->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(28);
00838   SelectDetectorNode(FIN_OSM,1); // osim
00839   fCurDetNode->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(19);
00841   // lmd (inner and outer)
00842   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetDaughter(0)->GetDaughter(0)->GetDaughter(0)->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(38);
00843   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetDaughter(8)->GetDaughter(0)->GetDaughter(0)->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(9);
00845   // straw  
00846   fPromptVolume->FindNode("SSTR_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(29);
00847   fPromptVolume->FindNode("TSTR_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(30);
00849   SelectDetectorNode(FIN_TOF,101); // tofone
00850   fCurDetNode->GetDaughter(0)->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(7);
00852   // --------------------
00853   //    --- STRUCTURE ---
00854   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MCRA_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00855   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MCRA_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00857   fPromptVolume->FindNode("FLCN_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00858   fPromptVolume->FindNode("FLCN_2")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00860   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN1_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00861   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN1_2")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00862   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN2_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00863   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN2_2")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00864   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN3_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00865   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN3_2")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00867   fPromptVolume->FindNode("RIN5_1")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00868   fPromptVolume->FindNode("RIN5_2")->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00870   TString mdcstr = "";
00871   TString beastr = "";
00872   for(Int_t l=1;l<=2;l++){
00873     for(Int_t c=1;c<=16;c++){
00874       mdcstr.Form("MDC%d_%d",l,c); // side borders (lmd)
00875       beastr.Form("BEA%d_%d",l,c); // front/rear borders (lmd)
00876       fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode(mdcstr.Data())->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00877       fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode(beastr.Data())->GetVolume()->SetLineColor(18);
00878     }
00879   }
00880   // ---
00881   gGeoManager->ModifiedPad();
00883 }
00885 //_______________________________________
00886 Int_t TFndGeometry::SetDefaultVisibility(){
00887   // the default visibility includes all detector layers
00888   // with a low-memory usage: it is useful as base visualization
00889   // for the event-display.
00891   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_TOFINO,      1,1);
00892   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_BEAM_PIPE,   1,0);
00893   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_ISIM,        1,0);
00894   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_TARGETS,     1,0);
00895   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_OSIM,        1,0);
00896   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_INNER_LMD,   1,0);
00897   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_OUTER_LMD,   1,0);
00898   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_STRAW_TUBES, 1,0);
00899   SetLayerVisibility(FGEO_TOFONE,      1,1);
00900   SetStructureVisibility(0,0);
00901 }
00903 //_______________________________________
00904 void TFndGeometry::SetLayerVisibility(Int_t layer,Bool_t visible,Bool_t detailed){
00905   // the "layer" must be chosen from TFndGeometry::EFndGeoLayers:
00906   //  see TFndGeometry.h for available values
00907   //
00908   //     enum EFndGeoLayers {
00909   //     FGEO_BEAM_PIPE = 0,                
00910   //     FGEO_TOFINO,                       
00912   //     FGEO_INNER_LMD, FGEO_OUTER_LMD,    
00913   //     FGEO_STRAW_TUBES,                  
00914   //     FGEO_TOFONE,                       
00915   //     };                  
00917   switch(layer){
00918   case (Int_t)FGEO_BEAM_PIPE:
00919     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("BERI_1")->SetVisibility(visible);
00920     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("PSTR_1")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
00921     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("PSTR_2")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
00922     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("PTAI_1")->SetVisibility(detailed);
00923     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("PTAI_2")->SetVisibility(detailed);
00924     //     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->SetVisibility(!visible);
00925     //     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(detailed);
00926     //     fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetVolume()->VisibleDaughters(visible);
00927       //    for(Int_t i=0;i<fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetNdaughters();i++){
00928       //      fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetDaughter(i)->SetVisibility(visible);
00929       //      fPromptVolume->FindNode("PIPE_1")->GetDaughter(i)->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(detailed);
00930       //    }
00931     return;
00932   case (Int_t)FGEO_TOFINO:
00933     fPromptVolume->FindNode("ITOF_1")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible);
00934     fPromptVolume->FindNode("ITOF_1")->GetVolume()->VisibleDaughters(visible && detailed);
00935     return;
00936   case (Int_t)FGEO_ISIM:
00937     fPromptVolume->FindNode("ISIM_1")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible);
00938     fPromptVolume->FindNode("IGLA_1")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(detailed);
00939     fPromptVolume->FindNode("IUPL_4")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(detailed);
00940     return;
00941   case (Int_t)FGEO_TARGETS:
00942     for(Int_t i=0;i<8;i++){
00943       fTgtNodes[i]->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible);
00944       fTgtNodes[i]->GetVolume()->VisibleDaughters(detailed);
00945     }
00946     if(fSetup==(Int_t)FGEO_2006) fPromptVolume->FindNode("DEG5_1")->SetVisibility(visible && detailed);
00947     return;
00948   case (Int_t)FGEO_OSIM:
00949     fPromptVolume->FindNode("OSIM_1")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible);
00950     fPromptVolume->FindNode("OGLA_1")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(detailed);
00951     fPromptVolume->FindNode("OUPL_6")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(detailed);
00952     return;
00953   case (Int_t)FGEO_INNER_LMD:
00954     SetLmdLayVis(0,visible,detailed);
00955     return;
00956   case (Int_t)FGEO_OUTER_LMD:
00957     SetLmdLayVis(1,visible,detailed);
00958     return;
00959   case (Int_t)FGEO_STRAW_TUBES:
00960     for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++) SetStbLayVis(i,visible,detailed);
00961     return;
00962   case (Int_t)FGEO_STRAW_TUBES_1:
00963     SetStbLayVis(0,visible,detailed);
00964     return;
00965   case (Int_t)FGEO_STRAW_TUBES_2:
00966     SetStbLayVis(1,visible,detailed);
00967     return;
00968   case (Int_t)FGEO_STRAW_TUBES_3:
00969     SetStbLayVis(2,visible,detailed);
00970     return;
00971   case (Int_t)FGEO_STRAW_TUBES_4:
00972     SetStbLayVis(3,visible,detailed);
00973     return;
00974   case (Int_t)FGEO_STRAW_TUBES_5:
00975     SetStbLayVis(4,visible,detailed);
00976     return;
00977   case (Int_t)FGEO_STRAW_TUBES_6:
00978     SetStbLayVis(5,visible,detailed);
00979     return;
00980     //
00981   case (Int_t)FGEO_TOFONE:
00982     fPromptVolume->FindNode("ETOF_1")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible);
00983     fPromptVolume->FindNode("ETOF_1")->GetVolume()->VisibleDaughters(visible && detailed);
00984     return;
00985   default:
00986     Warning("SetLayerVisibility","The selected layer was not accepted (id = %d)",layer);
00987     return;
00988   }
00990 }
00992 //_______________________________________
00993 void TFndGeometry::SetStructureVisibility(Bool_t visible,Int_t detail_lev){
00997   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MCRA_1")->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible);
00998   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MCRA_1")->GetVolume()->VisibleDaughters((Bool_t)detail_lev);
01000   // --- after fROOT-9.0 (gcc-4/gfortran used for re-rceating geometry from fidarc 603)
01001   Bool_t flcvis  = (detail_lev >= 4) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01002   Bool_t rin5vis = (detail_lev >= 5) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01003   Bool_t flavis  = (detail_lev >= 6) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01004   Bool_t magvis3 = (detail_lev >= 7) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01005   Bool_t magvis2 = (detail_lev >= 8) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01006   Bool_t magvis1 = (detail_lev >= 9) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01008   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MAG1_1")->SetVisibility(magvis1);
01009   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MAG1_2")->SetVisibility(magvis1);
01010   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MAG2_1")->SetVisibility(magvis2);
01011   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MAG2_2")->SetVisibility(magvis2);
01012   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MAG3_1")->SetVisibility(magvis3);
01014   fPromptVolume->FindNode("FLCN_1")->SetVisibility(flcvis);
01015   fPromptVolume->FindNode("FLCN_2")->SetVisibility(flcvis);
01017   fPromptVolume->FindNode("COIL_1")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01019   fPromptVolume->FindNode("CCOM_1")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01020   fPromptVolume->FindNode("CCOM_2")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01021   fPromptVolume->FindNode("PBEL_1")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01022   fPromptVolume->FindNode("PBEL_2")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01024   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MCP1_1")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01025   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MCP1_2")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01026   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MCP2_1")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01027   fPromptVolume->FindNode("MCP2_2")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01029   fPromptVolume->FindNode("FLA1_1")->SetVisibility(flavis);
01030   fPromptVolume->FindNode("FLA1_2")->SetVisibility(flavis);
01031   fPromptVolume->FindNode("FLA2_1")->SetVisibility(flavis);
01032   fPromptVolume->FindNode("FLA2_2")->SetVisibility(flavis);
01034   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG1_1")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01035   fPromptVolume->FindNode("STST_1")->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
01037   fPromptVolume->FindNode("RIN5_1")->SetVisibility(rin5vis);
01038   fPromptVolume->FindNode("RIN5_2")->SetVisibility(rin5vis);
01040   Bool_t rinvis = (detail_lev >= 3) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01041   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN1_1")->SetVisibility(rinvis);
01042   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN1_2")->SetVisibility(rinvis);
01043   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN2_1")->SetVisibility(rinvis);
01044   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN2_2")->SetVisibility(rinvis);
01045   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN3_1")->SetVisibility(rinvis);
01046   fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode("RIN3_2")->SetVisibility(rinvis);
01049   TString mdcstr = "";
01050   TString beastr = "";
01051   Bool_t mdcvis = (detail_lev >= 1) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01052   Bool_t beavis = (detail_lev >= 2) ? kTRUE: kFALSE;
01054   for(Int_t l=1;l<=2;l++){
01055     for(Int_t c=1;c<=16;c++){
01056       mdcstr.Form("MDC%d_%d",l,c); // side borders (lmd)
01057       beastr.Form("BEA%d_%d",l,c); // front/rear borders (lmd)
01058       fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode(mdcstr.Data())->SetVisibility(mdcvis);
01059       fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetVolume()->FindNode(beastr.Data())->SetVisibility(beavis);
01060     }
01061   }
01062   //
01063 }
01065 //_______________________________________
01066 void TFndGeometry::SetLmdLayVis(Int_t lay,Bool_t visible,Bool_t detailed){
01068   Int_t offset = (Int_t)(lay * 8);
01069   TGeoNode *cnod = fPromptVolume->FindNode("BAG2_1")->GetDaughter(offset)->GetDaughter(0)->GetDaughter(0);
01070   gGeoManager->SetVisOption(0);
01071   cnod->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible);
01072   cnod->GetVolume()->VisibleDaughters(detailed && visible);
01073   cnod->GetDaughter(0)->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible && detailed);
01074 }
01076 //_______________________________________
01077 void TFndGeometry::SetStbLayVis(Int_t lay,Bool_t visible,Bool_t detailed){
01079   TString nnam;
01080   Int_t offset = 0;
01082   if(lay<2){
01083     nnam = "SSTR_1";
01084   }
01085   else if(lay<4){
01086     nnam = "TSTR_1";
01087   }
01088   else if(lay<6){
01089     nnam = "TSTR_1";
01090     offset = 810;
01091   }
01092   else{
01093     Error("SetStbLayVis","BUG!");
01094     gApplication->Terminate();
01095   }
01097   TGeoNode *cnod = fPromptVolume->FindNode(nnam);
01098   if(!cnod){
01099     Error("SetStbLayVis","BUG!");
01100     gApplication->Terminate();
01101   }
01103   gGeoManager->SetVisOption(0);
01104   //  cnod->GetVolume()->SetVisLeaves(!detailed);
01105   cnod->GetVolume()->VisibleDaughters(visible && detailed);
01106   cnod->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible && !detailed);
01107   cnod->GetDaughter(offset+lay)->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(visible && detailed);
01109 }
01110 //  set drawing mode :
01111 //  option=0 (default) all nodes drawn down to vislevel
01112 //  option=1           leaves and nodes at vislevel drawn
01113 //  option=2           path is drawn
01114 //  option=4           visibility changed

Generated on Tue Oct 16 15:40:48 2007 by  doxygen 1.5.2