read_lib/fidarc interface: TFndProcessRec (completed: April 2005)
Preanalysis manager: TFndPreanMan (completed: April 2005; updgraded: June 2005)
Histograms collection class: TFndPreanHistos (completed: April 2005)
Preanalysis implementation class: TFndPrean (completed: June 2005)
Inclusion of standard fROOT code to get raw events from socket or file (completed: June 2005)
read_lib wrapper: open raw-file, build zebra structure and read JFGES banks (completed: April 2005)
fidarc wrapper: run reconstruction and read JFDST banks (completed: April 2005)
Implementation of preanalysis methods: TFndPrean (completed)
Scalers reading from raw data (completed: July 2005)
Control Histograms filling and GUI browsing [Bhabha/Hype during data-taking] (completed: November 2006)
Luminosity evaluation from Bhabha trigger (completed: January 2007)
Statistics evaluation (completed: September 2007)
last update: April 11, 2007