The ROOT System in a few words

The ROOT System

ROOT, freely available from the Web, is written in C++ and works on many platforms, including PC's with the Linux operating system. It is conceived as a tool providing support for the full analysis chain since, through the concepts of objects and hierarchies, the complex structures handling is optimized. Moreover, it provides a C++ interpreter, allowing the use of the same language for the batch and interactive modes. From the user's point of view, ROOT can be either a stand-alone application to process the data (via command line interpreter or a Graphic User Interface), or a class library customizable to build an extended application, by adding new classes according to the user's need.

The ROOT Software Package was presented by one of the authors ( Fons Rademakers ) to the FINUDA Collaboration, in a Seminar held at the LNF in May 1997.

A copy of the slides is available in postscript format:

The ROOT Training Course - Lecture 1

The ROOT Training Course - Lecture 2

The ROOT Training Course - Lecture 3

For a detailed description of ROOT , follow the link to its homepage!

PC (update 12 Feb 98)