#include "TFndFeeMap.h"

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


  cout << "Dummy Database Constructor: no link to mSQL" << endl;
  isthere = 0;

 TFndFeeMap::TFndFeeMap(char *host){

  Int_t ierr = 0;
  Int_t sd = -1;
  isthere = 1;

//*********** Connect to mSQL */

  sd = msqlConnect(host);

  if(sd == -1) {
    isthere = 0; 
    cout << ierr << "Exit: no connection to database (msqlConnect)" << endl;
    cout << " Socket to msql opened with identifier " << sd << endl;

/*                   inquire    msql   for   tof                  */

  char *dbName;
  char *query;

//*********** Select database within the available from mSQL */

  dbName = "tofdb";
  ierr = msqlSelectDB(sd,dbName);

  if (ierr != 0) {
    isthere = 0; 
    cout << ierr << "Exit: no database selection (msqlSelectDB)" << endl;
    cout << " *** Database " << dbName << " selected " << endl;

//*********** Send a query to mSQL */

  query = "SELECT slab,f_r,chadc,chtdc from fee";
  ierr = msqlQuery(sd,query);

  if (ierr < 0) {
    cout << ierr << "Bad result from Tof query (msqlQuery)" << endl;
  } else { 

//*********** Store the result */

    tof_res_ptr = msqlStoreResult();
    tof_n_rows = msqlNumRows(tof_res_ptr);
    tof_n_fields = msqlNumFields(tof_res_ptr);
    cout << tof_n_rows << " rows and " << tof_n_fields << " fields in the TOF table " << endl;

/*                   inquire    msql   for   sil                  */

//*********** Select database within the available from mSQL */

  dbName = "sildb";
  ierr = msqlSelectDB(sd,dbName);

  if (ierr != 0) {
    isthere = 0; 
    cout << ierr << "Exit: no database selection (msqlSelectDB)" << endl;
    cout << " *** Database " << dbName << " selected " << endl;

//*********** Send a query to mSQL */

  query = "SELECT hybrid,module,section from fee";
  ierr = msqlQuery(sd,query);

  if (ierr < 0) {
    cout << ierr << "Bad result from Sil query (msqlQuery)" << endl;
  } else { 

//*********** Store the result */

    sil_res_ptr = msqlStoreResult();
    sil_n_rows = msqlNumRows(sil_res_ptr);
    sil_n_fields = msqlNumFields(sil_res_ptr);
    cout << sil_n_rows << " rows and " << sil_n_fields << " fields in the SIL table " << endl;

//*********** Send a query to mSQL */

  query = "SELECT hybrid,strip,spy from stst";
  ierr = msqlQuery(sd,query);

  if (ierr < 0) {
    cout << ierr << "Bad result from Sil Spy query (msqlQuery)" << endl;
  } else { 

//*********** Store the result */

    sil_spy_ptr = msqlStoreResult();
    sil_spy_n_rows = msqlNumRows(sil_spy_ptr);
    sil_spy_n_fields = msqlNumFields(sil_spy_ptr);
    cout << sil_spy_n_rows << " rows and " << sil_spy_n_fields << " fields in the SIL SPY table " << endl;

/*                   inquire    msql   for   lmd                  */

//*********** Select database within the available from mSQL */

  dbName = "lmddb";
  ierr = msqlSelectDB(sd,dbName);

  if (ierr != 0) {
    isthere = 0; 
    cout << ierr << "Exit: no database selection (msqlSelectDB)" << endl;
    cout << " *** Database " << dbName << " selected " << endl;

//*********** Send a query to mSQL */

  query = "SELECT chamber,wire,f_r,chadc,chtdc from fee";
  ierr = msqlQuery(sd,query);

  if (ierr < 0) {
    cout << ierr << " error from msqlQuery" << endl;
  } else { 

//*********** Store the result */

    lmd_res_ptr = msqlStoreResult();
    lmd_n_rows = msqlNumRows(lmd_res_ptr);
    lmd_n_fields = msqlNumFields(lmd_res_ptr);
    cout << lmd_n_rows << " rows and " << lmd_n_fields << " fields in the LMD table " << endl;

//*                   inquire    msql   for   stb                  */

//*********** Select database within the available from mSQL */

  dbName = "stbdb";
  ierr = msqlSelectDB(sd,dbName);

  if (ierr != 0) {
    isthere = 0; 
    cout << ierr << "Exit: no database selection (msqlSelectDB)" << endl;
    cout << " *** Database " << dbName << " selected" << endl;

//*********** Send a query to mSQL */

  query = "SELECT straw,patchpanel,chtdc from fee";
  ierr = msqlQuery(sd,query);

  if (ierr < 0) {
    cout << ierr << " error from msqlQuery" << endl;
  } else { 

//*********** Store the result */

    stb_res_ptr = msqlStoreResult();
    stb_n_rows = msqlNumRows(stb_res_ptr);
    stb_n_fields = msqlNumFields(stb_res_ptr);
    cout << stb_n_rows << " rows and " << stb_n_fields << " fields in the STB table " << endl;

//*********** Close the connection to mSQL */


//*********** Set the ADC and TDC mappers for TOF */

  Int_t imodule = 0;
  Int_t ichannel = 0;

  for(Int_t ij=0;ij<tof_n_rows;ij++) {
    tof_row = msqlFetchRow(tof_res_ptr);
    Int_t itof_adc = ::atoi(*(tof_row+2));
    imodule = itof_adc/100;
    ichannel = (itof_adc-100*imodule);

    for(Int_t k=0; k<2; k++)
      tof_adc_tab[k][imodule][ichannel] = ::atoi(*(tof_row+k));

    Int_t itof_tdc = ::atoi(*(tof_row+3));
    imodule = (itof_tdc)/100;
    ichannel = (itof_tdc-100*imodule);

    for(Int_t ik=0; ik<2; ik++)
      tof_tdc_tab[ik][imodule][ichannel] = ::atoi(*(tof_row+ik));

//*********** Set the Module and Section mappers for SIL */

  for(Int_t jj=0;jj<sil_n_rows;jj++) {
    sil_row = msqlFetchRow(sil_res_ptr);

    Int_t hybrid_number = ::atoi(*(sil_row));
    if(hybrid_number < 0 || hybrid_number >= SIL_NCRAMS) {
      cout << "Wrong hybrid number: " << hybrid_number << endl;
      hybrid_number = 1;
    sil_mod_tab[hybrid_number] = ::atoi(*(sil_row+1));
    sil_sec_tab[hybrid_number] = ::atoi(*(sil_row+2));

//*********** Set the Spy  mappers for SIL */

  for(Int_t jf=0;jf<sil_spy_n_rows;jf++) {
    sil_spy_row = msqlFetchRow(sil_spy_ptr);

    Int_t hybrid_number = ::atoi(*(sil_spy_row));
    if(hybrid_number < 0 || hybrid_number >= SIL_NCRAMS) {
      cout << "Wrong hybrid number: " << hybrid_number << endl;
      hybrid_number = 1;
    Int_t strip = ::atoi(*(sil_spy_row+1));
    sil_spy_tab[hybrid_number][strip-1] = ::atoi(*(sil_spy_row+2));

//*********** Set the ADC and TDC mappers for LMD */

  for(Int_t j=0;j<lmd_n_rows;j++) {
    lmd_row = msqlFetchRow(lmd_res_ptr);
    Int_t ilmd_adc = ::atoi(*(lmd_row+3));

    imodule = ilmd_adc/100;
    ichannel = (ilmd_adc-100*imodule);
    for(Int_t k=0; k<3; k++)
      lmd_adc_tab[k][imodule-1][ichannel] = ::atoi(*(lmd_row+k));

    Int_t ilmd_tdc = ::atoi(*(lmd_row+4));
    imodule = (ilmd_tdc)/100;
    ichannel = (ilmd_tdc-100*imodule);
    for(Int_t jk=0; jk<3; jk++)
      lmd_tdc_tab[jk][imodule-1][ichannel] = ::atoi(*(lmd_row+jk));

//*********** Set the TDC mapper for STB */

  Int_t icrate = 0;
  for(Int_t ja=0;ja<stb_n_rows;ja++) {
    stb_row = msqlFetchRow(stb_res_ptr);
    Int_t istb_tdc = ::atoi(*(stb_row+2));
    icrate = istb_tdc/10000-10;
    if(icrate < 0 || icrate >=STB_NCRATE) { 
      cout << "Warning: Stb crate number " << icrate << endl;
    imodule = (istb_tdc-10000*(icrate+10))/100;
    if(imodule<1 || imodule>STB_NMODULE)  {
      cout << "Warning: Stb module number " << imodule << endl;
    ichannel = (istb_tdc-10000*(icrate+10)-100*imodule)-1;
    if(ichannel<0 || ichannel >=STB_NCHANNEL)  { 
      cout << "Warning: Stb channel number " << ichannel << endl;
    stb_tdc_tab[0][icrate][imodule-1][ichannel] = ::atoi(*stb_row);
    stb_tdc_tab[1][icrate][imodule-1][ichannel] = ::atoi(*(stb_row+1));

 TFndFeeMap::~TFndFeeMap() { }

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetTofAdcSlb(Int_t chan) {

  Int_t islb = -1;
  Int_t imodule = chan/100;
  Int_t ichannel = chan-100*imodule;
  islb = tof_adc_tab[0][imodule][ichannel];
  return islb;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetTofAdcSide(Int_t chan) {

  Int_t rflag = -1;
  Int_t imodule = chan/100;
  Int_t ichannel = chan-100*imodule;
  rflag = tof_adc_tab[1][imodule][ichannel];
  return rflag;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetTofTdcSlb(Int_t chan) {

  Int_t islb = -1;
  Int_t imodule = chan/100;
  Int_t ichannel = chan-100*imodule;
  islb = tof_tdc_tab[0][imodule][ichannel];
  return islb;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetTofTdcSide(Int_t chan) {

  Int_t rflag = -1;
  Int_t imodule = chan/100;
  Int_t ichannel = chan-100*imodule;
  rflag = tof_tdc_tab[1][imodule][ichannel];
  return rflag;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetSilModule(Int_t chan) {
  return sil_mod_tab[chan];

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetSilSection(Int_t chan) {
  return sil_sec_tab[chan];

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetLmdAdcDch(Int_t imodule, Int_t ichannel) {

  Int_t idch = -1; 
  idch = lmd_adc_tab[0][imodule-1][ichannel];
  return idch;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetLmdAdcWire(Int_t imodule, Int_t ichannel) {

  Int_t wire=-1;
  wire = lmd_adc_tab[1][imodule-1][ichannel];
  return wire;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetLmdTdcDch(Int_t imodule, Int_t ichannel) {

  Int_t idch=-1;
  idch = lmd_tdc_tab[0][imodule-1][ichannel];
  return idch;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetLmdTdcWire(Int_t imodule, Int_t ichannel) {

  Int_t wire=-1;
  wire = lmd_tdc_tab[1][imodule-1][ichannel];
  return wire;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetLmdAdcSide(Int_t imodule, Int_t ichannel) {

  Int_t rflag=-1;
  rflag = lmd_adc_tab[2][imodule-1][ichannel];
  return rflag;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetLmdTdcSide(Int_t imodule, Int_t ichannel) {

  Int_t rflag=-1;
  rflag = lmd_tdc_tab[2][imodule-1][ichannel];
  return rflag;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetStbWire(Int_t icrate, Int_t imodule, Int_t ichannel) {

  Int_t stbwir=0;
  stbwir = stb_tdc_tab[0][icrate-10][imodule-1][ichannel];
  return stbwir;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::GetStbPatchPanel(Int_t icrate, Int_t imodule, Int_t ichannel) {

  Int_t stbpat=0;
  stbpat = stb_tdc_tab[1][icrate-10][imodule-1][ichannel];
  return stbpat;

 void TFndFeeMap::Print() {

  cout << "*********************************" << endl;
  cout << "TOF database: ";
  cout << tof_n_rows << " rows, " << tof_n_fields << " fields" << endl;
  cout << "*********************************" << endl;

  for(Int_t j=0;j<tof_n_rows;j++) {
    tof_row = msqlFetchRow(tof_res_ptr);
    for(Int_t i=0;i<tof_n_fields;i++) cout << "tof_row[" << j << "," << i << "] = " << ::atoi(*tof_row++) << endl;

  cout << "*********************************" << endl;
  cout << "SIL database: ";
  cout << sil_n_rows << " rows, " << sil_n_fields << " fields" << endl;
  cout << "*********************************" << endl;

  for(Int_t ij=0;ij<sil_n_rows;ij++) {
    sil_row = msqlFetchRow(sil_res_ptr);
    for(Int_t ii=0;ii<sil_n_fields;ii++) cout << "sil_row[" << ij << "," << ii << "] = " << ::atoi(*sil_row++) << endl;

  cout << "*********************************" << endl;
  cout << "LMD database: ";
  cout << lmd_n_rows << " rows, " << lmd_n_fields << " fields" << endl;
  cout << "*********************************" << endl;

  for(Int_t jj=0;jj<lmd_n_rows;jj++) {
    lmd_row = msqlFetchRow(lmd_res_ptr);
    for(Int_t i=0;i<lmd_n_fields;i++) cout << "lmd_row[" << jj << "," << i << "] = " << ::atoi(*lmd_row++) << endl;
  cout << "*********************************" << endl;
  cout << "STB database: ";
  cout << stb_n_rows << " rows, " << stb_n_fields << " fields" << endl;
  cout << "*********************************" << endl;

  for(Int_t jb=0;jb<stb_n_rows;jb++) {
    stb_row = msqlFetchRow(stb_res_ptr);
    for(Int_t i=0;i<stb_n_fields;i++) cout << "stb_row[" << jb << "," << i << "] = " << ::atoi(*stb_row++) << endl;
  cout << "*********************************" << endl;

 Int_t TFndFeeMap::IsSilSpy(Int_t hybrid, Int_t strip) {
  if(hybrid < 0 || hybrid >= SIL_NCRAMS) {
    cout << "Wrong Hybrid Number: " << hybrid << endl;
    return -1;
  if(strip <= 0 || hybrid > SIL_NSTRPS) {
    cout << "Wrong Strip Number: " << strip << endl;
    return -1;
  return sil_spy_tab[hybrid][strip-1];

 void TFndFeeMap::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) {
   // Stream an object of class TFndFeeMap.
   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { }
      R__b >> isthere;

      R__b >> tof_n_rows;
      R__b >> tof_n_fields;

      if(R__v > 1) {
	R__b >> sil_n_rows;
	R__b >> sil_n_fields;

      R__b >> lmd_n_rows;
      R__b >> lmd_n_fields;

      R__b >> stb_n_rows;
      R__b >> stb_n_fields;
   } else {
      R__b << isthere;

      R__b << tof_n_rows;
      R__b << tof_n_fields;
      R__b.WriteArray((int*)tof_adc_tab, 1152);
      R__b.WriteArray((int*)tof_tdc_tab, 1152);

      R__b << sil_n_rows;
      R__b << sil_n_fields;
      R__b.WriteArray((int*)sil_mod_tab, SIL_NCRAMS);
      R__b.WriteArray((int*)sil_sec_tab, SIL_NCRAMS);

      R__b << lmd_n_rows;
      R__b << lmd_n_fields;
      R__b.WriteArray((int*)lmd_adc_tab, 1728);
      R__b.WriteArray((int*)lmd_tdc_tab, 1728);

      R__b << stb_n_rows;
      R__b << stb_n_fields;
      R__b.WriteArray((int*)stb_tdc_tab, 6912);

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