// TFndConst                                                        
// The FINUDA Constants:  this class contains all the general     
// constants concerning the experiment configuration used in the
// Raw Data Tape processing                   

#include "TFndConst.h"


const Int_t TFndConst::kN_DET = 5;        // Number of detectors
const Int_t TFndConst::kN_SLOW = 1;
const Int_t TFndConst::kN_EQUIP = 30;
const Int_t TFndConst::kN_CRAMS = 36;

const Double_t TFndConst::kRADTOF = 5.9;
const Double_t TFndConst::kLENTOF = 14.;
const Double_t TFndConst::kVLIGHT = 1.4;  // light in scintillators (cm/100ps)
const Double_t TFndConst::kRADSTB[6] = { 112.2, 113.7, 115.4, 116.9, 118.6, 120.1 };
const Double_t TFndConst::kRADLMD[2] = { 46.9, 78.6 };
const Double_t TFndConst::kX0[2] = { 45.9, 77.9 };
const Double_t TFndConst::kY0[2] = { -9.6, -9.8 };
const Double_t TFndConst::kROTANGLE = 35.5;

const Int_t TFndConst::kCHECK = 250;

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