The buffer/monitor structure is closely related to the design of the
FINUDA detector, sitting around the beam crossing point, summarized in
the following:
An inner region, between the beam pipe and the cylindrical/octagonal
target, whose task is the identification of K+K- pairs, both for
triggering and for offline event selection:
a barrel of 12 thin scintillators, surrounding the beam pipe ("tof");
a layer of 8 double sided silicon strip detectors ("ism");
An outer region, surrounding the target, optimized to get the best
resolution for pions produced in the hypernuclear formation, and to
detect the neutrons coming from non-mesonic hypernuclear decays:
a layer of 10 double sided silicon strip detectors ("osm");
two layers of 8 Drift Chambers, filled with a Helium based mixture ("lmd");
a system of 6 layers of 404 Straw Tubes each ("stb");
a barrel of 72 thick scintillators ("tof");
The event buffer, coming from the DAQ system, also contains some
information concerning the trigger system configuration ("gts") and,
eventually, the slow controls ("slc").