RejCode |
RejMess |
-1 |
Missing value (only used by Rome) |
0 |
OK |
1 |
Recovered after conditioning |
100 |
Illegal identifier |
110 |
Fails visual inspection |
120 |
Tube length out of range |
130 |
Used for destructive test |
131 |
Tube sent to other Site for test |
140 |
Dropped or damaged during handling |
150 |
Tube missing for unknown reason |
200 |
Damaged during wiring |
201 |
Plugs cannot be inserted |
202 |
Bad plug automatic insertion |
203 |
Wrong crimping side A Side A nearest barcode |
204 |
Wrong crimping side B |
205 |
Wire broken in tensioning |
300 |
Fails overpressure test immediately |
310 |
Fails wire tension test after wiring |
311 |
Fails tension before assembly-Overtension |
320 |
Fails wire tension test before assembly |
330 |
Fails wire location test |
331 |
Fails wire location test - side Ay |
332 |
Fails wire location test - Side Az |
333 |
Fails wire location test - Side By |
334 |
Fails wire location test - Side Bz |
335 |
Fails wire location test - Side B |
336 |
Fails wire location test - Side A |
337 |
Fails wire location test - Side A and B |
340 |
Fails gas leak test |
341 |
Gasleak over background |
350 |
Fails leak current test |
351 |
Fails dark current: erratic currents during testing |
352 |
Fails dark current: wire found broken at dark current station |
353 |
Fails dark current: tube dropped or damaged at dark current station |
360 |
Fails cosmic test |
370 |
Fails length test during Qc |
800 |
Tube rejected at chamber assembly level |
806 |
Wrong plug clocking |
820 |
Wrong tube length |
860 |
Fails planarity check |
900 |
Tube disconnected after chamber assembly |
901 |
Tube disconnected for: broken wire |
902 |
Tube disconnected for: high current |