Learning POOL by examples

a mini tutorial

Purpose, scope and audience

Under these web pages you can find examples of usage of the POOL packages demonstrating the solutions to specific use case problems. They are complementary to the POOL User Guide. Like any other tutorial, concepts are introduced gradually and incrementally. The examples provide the reader with the full solution of a given problem and with proposals for possible extensions.

This tutorial is attempting to address both the individual beginners who develop simple applications requiring object persistency, and the experienced developers working on the integration of POOL into an experimental software framework.

Organization of an example

Every example is self-consistent, without requiring code or data from another one. It provides a short description of the current problem and the outline of its solution. In typical example one builds a user class library, a dictionary library, an application writing data, and another one reading them back.

Before compilation, building and running of the applications, Please make sure that the gcc v 3.2 compiler is used under RedHat Linux 7.3. Normally the default values for the paths to the various software components needed to build and run the applications can be done by using setenv command as following at your workspace directory.

setenv PATH /usr/local/gcc-alt-3.2/bin:$PATH

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/gcc-alt-3.2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

The examples

  1. Simple I/O
  2. Simple navigation
  3. Working with multiple data files
  4. Simple object collections
  5. Objects with transient data members

Contact : Zhang Yiheng, ATLAS, LNF-INFN.