1. Define the
SCRAM varialbles in order to build and develop
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/afs/lnf/project/atlas/soft/pool_1_7_0/sw/lcg/app/spi/scram
setenv SCRAM_ARCH rh73_gcc32
2. Configure your working area
mkdir workspace
cd workspace
scram project POOL POOL_1_7_0
Getting release area....
Checking SCRAM version....
Creating satellite area....
Creating directories....
Installation procedure complete.
Installation Located at:
cd POOL_1_7_0
config logs rh73_gcc32 src tmp
cd src
cp -r /afs/lnf/project/atlas/soft/pool_1_7_0/sw/lcg/app/releases/POOL/POOL_1_7_0/src/AttributeList/ .
scram tool list
Tool list for location /afs/lnf.infn.it/user/y/yzhang/workspace/POOL_1_7_0
gcc3 |
3.2 |
[Versions: 3.2.3 3.3] |
uuid |
1.32 |
(default=1.32) |
gccxml |
0.6.0_patch1 |
(default=0.6.0_patch1) |
boost |
1.31.0 |
(default=1.31.0) |
otl |
4.0.67 |
(default=4.0.67) |
unixodbc |
2.2.6 |
(default=2.2.6) |
mysqlpp |
1.7.9_mysql.4.0.18 |
(default=1.7.9_mysql.4.0.18) |
mysql |
4.0.18 |
(default=4.0.18) |
myodbc |
3.51.06 |
(default=3.51.06_mysql.4.0.18) |
oracle | |
(default= |
sqlite | 2.8.13 | (default=2.8.13) |
python |
2.3.4 |
(default=2.3.4) |
root |
3.10.02 |
(default=3.10.02) |
xerces-c |
2.3.0 |
(default=2.3.0) |
edg-rls-client |
2.3.3 |
(default=2.3.3) |
cppunit |
1.8.0 |
(default=1.8.0) |
oval |
3_5_0 |
(default=3_5_0) |
valgrind |
2.0.0 |
(default=2.0.0) |
qmtest |
2.0.3 |
(default=2.0.3) |
pcre |
4.4 |
(default=4.4) |
seal |
SEAL_1_4_0 |
(default=SEAL_1_4_0) |
sockets |
1.0 |
(default=1.0) |
scram build
cd AttributeList/tests
scram build
About to process : FCEntry assert exceptions friends1 root_type_map rwtest sharedptr_constructor token
------- Building ---- FCEntry -----------
Built unit test FCEntry for package AttributeList
------- Building ---- assert -----------
Built unit test assert for package AttributeList
------- Building ---- exceptions -----------
Built unit test exceptions for package AttributeList
------- Building ---- friends1 -----------
Built unit test friends1 for package AttributeList
------- Building ---- root_type_map -----------
Built unit test root_type_map for package AttributeList
------- Building ---- rwtest -----------
Built unit test rwtest for package AttributeList
------- Building ---- sharedptr_constructor -----------
Built unit test sharedptr_constructor for package AttributeList
------- Building ---- token -----------
Built unit test token for package AttributeList
Built the subsystems
eval `scram runtime -csh`
A = 10 B = 20 X = xxx Y = 1
A:int, B:int, X:string, Y:bool
attribute list: size = 4 [ 10 as A:int, 20 as B:int, xxx as X:string, 1 as Y:bool ]
testing: basic_spec() passed OK
testing: spec_list_order_ignored() passed OK
testing: spec_list_not_equal() passed OK
testing: spec_list_includes() passed OK
testing: basic_attr_list()
A:int, B:int, X:string -- attribute list: size = 3 [ 0 as A:int, 0 as B:int, as X:string ]
B:int, A:int, X:string -- attribute list: size = 3 [ 0 as B:int, 0 as A:int, as X:string ]
attribute list: size = 3 [ 10 as A:int, 20 as B:int, xxx as X:string ]
attribute list: size = 3 [ 20 as B:int, 10 as A:int, xxx as X:string ]
attribute list: size = 3 [ 11 as A:int, 20 as B:int, xxx as X:string ]
attribute list: size = 3 [ 20 as B:int, 10 as A:int, xxx as X:string ]
passed OK
testing: spec_append_merge()
B:int, A:int, X:string
attribute_duplicate - OK
passed OK