Generation and Simulation Group

Tutorials and documentation

The ATLAS Workbook: Software documentation/training for beginners.
Setting up your account to use the ATLAS software

UserAnalysisTest  Quick reference for the production ESD, AOD, Tag and Event Collections, for customizing the AOD production, and for running the AnalysisSkeleton
Producing AOD
Starting AOD Analysis   Simplified guide for AOD Analysis
Muon AOD Tutorial  by Kevin Black (specific to U.S. ATLAS)
Skeleton of a Module for AOD Analysis: AnalysisSkeletonPhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/.../AnalysisSkeleton.cxx
Several examples for AOD Analysis:
PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/AnalysisExample package

CBNT_Athena Module

Rome Samples
Rome Dataset Overview  (list of samples and status)
Where to find and how to retrieve AOD (Wiki)
Reading AOD on the Grid (Wiki)

Rome Data Samples locations