Basic Steps for HV controls
- On CLAS10 login as user aiaces
user: aiaces
- Give the following commands:
clas10>cd hvtk
- 3 windows will pop on your terminal screen:
CAEN HV crate operations
- Select the sector to operate on:
- menu FILES --> load sector1( or 2)
- Read the HV values stored on the hardstatnewsec1(or 2) file
- Monitor the actual HV values
- menu FUNCTIONS --> monitor operations
- --> detector all channels
- --> CAEN monitoring
- then from the FUNCTIONS menu
- --> monitor operations
- --> view results
- --> Vmon/Imon
- Finally, from the FILE menu --> save
Change software variables
This operation affects only the values in the hardstatnewsec1( or 2) file
- Choose the variables to change from the EDIT menu
- EDIT --> V0/Imax/Vmax/Trip
- Click into the PMT cell to be modified
- Enter the new value
- Click somewhere out the modified cell to set the new value
- Save the changes in the hardstatnewsec1(or 2) file
Change hardware variables
This operation affect the actual values loaded into the CAEN crate
- From the FUNCTIONS menu --> set operations
- At this point there are two possible alternatives
- to select detector all channels or,
- to select individual channel
The detector all channels option
- FUNCTIONS menu --> set operations
- --> detector all channels
- --> V0/On/Off/Pon/Poff
To monitor the actual status of the detector
- From the FUNCTIONS menu --> monitor operations
- --> detector all channels
- --> CAEN monitoring, then
- again, FUNCTIONS menu --> monitor operations
- --> view results
- --> Vmon/Imon status
The individual channel option
- From the FUNCTIONS menu --> set operations
- --> individual channel
- --> V0/On/Off/Pon/Poff
To monitor the actual status of a single channel click on its cell an wait for the
Notice #1: If you can't run the program try this action:
from clonxx:
telnet croc17
-> reboot
This takes some time.
At the end, the system will close automatically the connection.
So if , after typing reboot and waiting some time, you have the message: Connection
close by foreign host
This is normal!
To check if the rebooting action is still in progress give, from another window, the
following command:
get_roc_status croc17
You HAVE TO do this step every time after a serial connection (via LAT) is
to monitor the HV.
Notice #2:
The files hardstanewsec1.dat and hardstanewsec2.dat
are in the clas10 machine and in the directory /home/aiaces/hvtk
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