Updating the e-LogTo add or modify an entry to the LAC e-logbook you need to log into pcaiace2.cebaf.gov. For security reasons telnetting into this machine is forbidden, and you MUST use the secure substitute of telnet: secure shell. Usually it is available on any unix machine.So, from any other account just give the following command ssh pcaiace2.cebaf.gov -l web You are supposed to be the user "web". Then, you will see this prompt [web@pcaiace2 ~]$ [] just give
and you will see something like -rw-rw-r-- 1 web web 419 Feb 17 09:47 feb99.txt Now you can modify an existing file or create a new one using an editor like emacs (if you have an X connection) or pico if you have a simple VT100 terminal) NOTE: Do not create large files by appending too many entries, |